Me and Rudy were a superteam. I did the server config and ticket resolution, he did the site survey and equipment installation. His job involved heavy lifting and swearing at people. Mine involved looking at screens and using my scary spidey senses to figure out WTF was going on.
Ticket: "Server unresponsive between 8pm and 9:30pm"
Me: "Rudy, nip over to 10 Drowning St and fit a screw-secured power outlet/cord so the office cleaners quit unplugging the server to run their vacuum".
Ticket: "Server unresponsive between 11 am and 11:15 am."
Me: "Rudy, nip over to 666 Lucifer Avenue and fit a screw-secured power-outlet/cord so the office workers quit unplugging the server so they can plug-in their coffee maker."
Ticket: "Server unresponsive between 8:30 pm and 7:30 am"
Me: "Rudy, nip over to 69 Rue de Remarques and move the server power cord to a power outlet on a different circuit to the office lights."
Ticket: "All servers at 99 Wall St unresponsive"
Me: "WTF?"
Rudy: "The building manager had some work done. They took a sawzall to a non-supporting wall. The wall had the main optic fiber trunks running up and across it. You're gonna need a bigger engineering team."
Ticket: "All servers at 404 Nosuch St offline."
Me: "Can't be a sawzall. They have concrete walls ferfuggsake."
Rudy:" Electrician needed to drill hole in main power distribution box to add a circuit and saved some time by not throwing off the main breakers. His burning corpse set the building on fire. F*** this for a game of soldiers, I'm going to the Brewer's Elbow for lunch."