back to article Sweet Liberty: Cable & Wireless CEO John Reid steps down

Head honcho at comms biz Cable & Wireless John Reid is to step down in early 2018. Reid oversaw the £3.5bn acquisition of the formerly British company by US Liberty Global, which was complete in 2016. He has held the role of chief exec since May 2016, having joined the company in 2015 as president of its consumer group. No …

  1. Gergmchairy

    Thats Cable & Wireless Communications, the international bit of the former C&W... Vodafone bought the UK bit back in 2012...

    1. Norman Nescio


      Actually, Cable & Wireless split into

      Cable & Wireless Worldwide (CWW), which went on to be acquired by Vodafone; and

      Cable & Wireless Communications(CWC), which went on to be acquired by Liberty Global

      CWW "had operations in Asia Pacific, Europe, India, the Middle East & Africa and North America."

      CWC ended up with the bits of the original Cable & Wireless not in CWW, which was mostly (if I remember correctly) Panama, some Caribbean islands, the Falklands, Ascension, St Helena, the Channel Islands and some Pacific islands - Fiji being one I think, and also Monaco. I've probably certainly missed a few bits.

      I had the misfortune to own shares in Cable & Wireless all through the telecomms bubble and the following value destruction period to the bitter end which is why I know this, gleaned from Annual Reports. I am bitter. Do not follow my investment advice. I have no good answer* as to why I did not sell a good chunk of my holding at the all-time high.

      *actually, I do. Rank 100% gold-plated, copper bottomed idiocy. I am older, and wiser more battle-weary now.

  2. AndrueC Silver badge

    I've always thought the alternative moniker 'Clueless & Witless' to be funny.


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