back to article Gemalto: Cheers for that 'unsolicited' €4.3bn bid, Atos. We'll think about it

Tech consultant (and UK public sector buddy) Atos has offered to buy mobile chip-smith Gemalto for €4.3bn (£3.79bn) in a deal announced yesterday. The proposition, made on 28 November, is described by an Atos statement as one which "is friendly, compelling, and which addresses the interests of all stakeholders". The French …

  1. batfink

    +1 for the photo

    I told zem we already got one!

  2. Mookster

    "mobile chip-smith Gemalto", says hack having read 2007 annual report. What about HSMs, biometrics, passports?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We are Borg. You will be assimilated.

  4. Ghabuzomeu

    Gemalto is as dutch as I am a martian

    Gemalto is the product of the merger of two french companies, Gemplus and Axalto. It is listed in the netherlands (and has probably less than 6 employees at its fiscal HQ). The official HQ is in Meudon, just next to Paris.

    BTW, Gemalto is known for its smart cards, but has a huge business in Security (they acquired Safenet) and in govt ID and passport controls (they acquired 3M identity business and deliver most of the equipment used by TSA or CBP in the US, or border control in France).

    Atos announced its offer the same day Gemalto employees were on strike in the south of France. Gemalto plans to get rid of 288 employees, most of them in its historical offices in Gémenos and La Ciotat (Telecoms and banking divisions). Let's say it was not welcome as expected.

    BTW the layoffs plan is justified by the fact that Gemalto S.A., the french operation, made a loss this year (-17 M€). But Gemalto did a few funny things in its books. The company acquired 19M€ of its own shares to give to its top managers. it also recorded a one time goodwill depreciation of 425 M€. that depreciation left a gaping hole in the bottom line.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Gemalto is as dutch as I am a martian

      Indeed.. although I counted at least 20 people, last time I was there.

      Anyhow - to Thales and beyond

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