My place has Blackberries, Winphones, iPhones and ruggedised Samsungs.
Guess which ones give us no problems, everyone can use, never break/smash/crack, are easy to manage and lockdown, are cheap, modern, able to run most things, and which almost everyone is immediately familiar with the interface of even if they've never used one before (hint: No, not the iPhone, by a LONG shot).
Guess which ones are in my bin of replacements? Guess which ones we're retiring as fast as we can? Guess which ones get no signal at all? Guess which ones I have a box of that we basically can't get rid of? Guess what overpriced-famous-brand-of-tablet/PC-hybrid they're sitting on top of that we also couldn't palm off on anyone once they actually started trying to use it?
I can't figure out what people ever saw in Winphones or Surfaces, I honestly could not use them and noticed so many problems with them on day one, let alone after a year of testing, and yet people still bought them. I'd be quite glad to just throw the lot in the bin and only keep the Samsungs.