back to article Stop us if you've heard this one: Russian hacker thrown in US slammer for $59m bank fraud

A Russian hacker already facing a lengthy prison stay in the US has been sent down for another 14 years for heading up an "organized cybercrime ring" that racked up $59m in damages across America. Roman Valeryevich Seleznev, aka Track2, the 33-year-old son of a Russian MP, was sentenced after being convicted of one count each …

  1. cb7

    Crime pays

    Til you get caught

    1. Tim99 Silver badge

      Re: Crime pays

      Until you steal from the rich.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Crime pays

        Until you steal from the rich.

        Or if you're in with them.

    2. macjules

      Re: Crime pays

      And keeps paying .. when daddy asks that nice Mr Putin to have a chat with his orange pal.

  2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Should have spent more on a good lawyer.

    First offense

    No guns.

    No drugs (directly) involved.

    White offender.

    And since when does the "CEO" of anything ever go to jail in America?

    1. Khaptain Silver badge

      Re: Should have spent more on a good lawyer.

      "And since when does the "CEO" of anything ever go to jail in America"

      When he disturbs the "dark side" of other CEOs'...

    2. Mark 85

      Re: Should have spent more on a good lawyer.

      And since when does the "CEO" of anything ever go to jail in America?

      When they're foreign and a member of a country who's the enemy of the month?

      Disclaimer: The way things are going though, we may need to change it to the "friendly country of the month" as we're pissing off just about everyone.

  3. ScarabMonkey

    Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

    Forgive me if I'm being over sensitive; but that title seems needlessly racist to me.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

      Assuming that the title when you posted was:- "Stop us if you've heard this one: Russian hacker thrown in US slammer for $59m bank fraud"

      Then it makes no mention of race* and your being over sensitive.

      *The only way it could make any mention of race is if you are using an extremely new version of newspeak that hasn't filtered out to us proles which redefines nationality as a race so you can call people "racist" when they actually aren't, because calling people "racist" used to work better than screaming "WRONGTHINK!" until people overused it so far beyond the point of absurdity that most people now just ignore the term. This extreme overuse of the term allows people who are genuinely (ie; pre-newspeak) racist to get away scot free, which is an inevitable result of playing "cry wolf" in etymological games with the entire population.

      So in short, stop it.

    2. bobbear

      Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

      Forgive me if I'm being overly suspicious, but it occurs to me that the only person likely to find the title "needlessly racist" would be a Russian troll factory employee..

      1. bobbear

        Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

        .. or a Guardian reader..

    3. macjules

      Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

      What is "casual racism"? Is it racism but wearing a cardigan, slippers and slacks?

    4. Khaptain Silver badge

      Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet


      Were you confusing El Reg and Reddit by some chance ?

    5. WolfFan

      Re: Stop me if you've heard this one: Casual racism is rife on the Internet

      1 you're oversensitive.

      2 'Russian' isn't a 'race'.

      3 you have made a total of 19 posts under this name since 3 Sept 2009. One wonders as to why you devoted over 5% of your output over eight years to this subject, one really does.

  4. bobbear

    I'm sure his father knew absolutely nothing about it...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Stay Clear Of America

    So this guy will serve 42 years for something which did not involve bodily harm ?

    In civilized nations they will release you after 15 years for murder, if you do no longer pose a threat.

    Land of the Inmates, I guess.

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