Someone needs to re-write the title
So an article with "Simplivity" in the title links to a Stock-Marketing-Answer printout with close to sod all in there actually *about* Simplivity....
How does Hewlett Packard Enterprise view hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) now that it has bought and is digesting SimpliVity? In particular, how do its hyperconverged products, with aggregated components, fit in with its Synergy composable infrastructure ideas? Synergy uses disaggregated components which are composed into …
Stopped reading at that point - it's never worth asking a marketing droid about any tech, not unless you're looking for something to perk up your rosebushes. Always, always, always corner one of their techies, far from the protections of his/her sales team or marketing interference, and talk tech to them - you'll learn more in five minutes than you will from five weeks of marketing male bovine manure.