Nice one. Will there be an app for this?
Boffins craft perfect 'head generator' to beat facial recognition
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics have defeated facial recognition on big social media platforms – by removing faces from photos and replacing them with automatically-painted replicas. As the team of six researchers explained in their arXiv paper this month, people who want to stay private often blur …
Tuesday 28th November 2017 13:17 GMT Jason Bloomberg
Re: Great for Passport Photos
I am not sure how you think this would be "great for passport photos" or what could be achieved through manipulating a passport photo.
Live image of passport holder matched to image from passport photo. No match and they aren't getting through. There's no need for prosecution when people are punishing themselves.
Tuesday 28th November 2017 13:06 GMT Anonymous Coward
Head Generator
Hold the glass at 45 degrees pour it up until the head reached the little 'Harp' logo on the side of the glass, or about two thirds of the way up for a non Guinness branded glass. You then let it settle for at least two minutes. Then top it up, so you have an nice dome of head on the top of the pint. One extra tip is, for the last third 'topping up' phase, to push the tap away from you, rather than pulling it towards you. That'll put less nitrogen into the pint, and therefore make sure you get more beer, and less head.