Re: Login and payment sessions? “Use these and you should be fine”
RequestPolicy and Noscript are all far better handled all in one addon, "ublock origin". It isnt instantly obvious how to use it but once you get the hang of it, it is an almost perfect solution for the picky individual.
Does it let you temporarily allow certain scripts on a page without allowing others? Eg El Reg wants to load google analtics, google tagservices (flagged as "untrusted" and thus not even in the "temporarily allow" options), (no idea so not allowed), (not needed so not allowed), and (makes the pages look better so allowed).
All those I can change with a simple menu, 1 click to bring up the list and one for each item I wish to load/ban.
I can't see that functionality quite so simply in Ublock, which means I might need several more clicks per option. As I only load scripts needed to display the page/get certain functionality IF I am desperate enough to use the page to load those things, I'd really not want to do 10-clicks to load 1 script, see I need more, another 10 clicks to load another script, see more still needed, another 10 clicks....
There is the picker mode which I've used to block certain elements, but that requires the page loading fully first (something I am NOT willing to allow, EVER, if it has scripts I don't want - one load of google analtics is a COMPLETE FAIL of the blocker!), and the item has to be visible and obvious (analtics wouldn't be "obvious" as it's not displayed). I have used the picker to block things eg the "spotlight" which kept showing stuff from many months back or that I'd already read, and that other thing El Reg had creeping into the left side of the main article. But not allowing scripts to load UNLESS I individually allow them, and then only on a temporary basis unless I choose otherwise? I don't see that in there in an obvious fashion. In that regard I am like most users with these types of things, if tool1 and tool2 do the same job, 1 is intuitive and easy to use while 2 is a trillion times better but takes 2 seconds to learn and a mircosecond longer each use, I'm going to use 1.