Let's have some empathy here
After a long, hard day of shoveling paperwork...
Two heroes had their seamen prepare their airplane...
Push the throttles' balls to the wall...
Pulsing engines shoot hot stuff out of tight nozzles...
As they recline in bliss...
But alas! Its a cockpit, not a box office. Nowhere in sight is any place for all this pent energy to be released! (Look at those balls-they are *blue* FFS!)...
So they resort to juvenile displays of dubious artistry...
(Part of the sad and wildly ineffective mating rituals of the adolescent male)
Now robbed of their afterburning vigor...
The engines spool back and the whole sad mess slowly sags towards earth...
On the tarmac our great jet is flaccid, with flaps drooping and safety pin flags hanging limp.
Still no box office, the aero machine is again surrounded by lonely seamean...
...who put it back into its hangar...
Pity these pilots!
Time for a stiff drink!