Memory Issues
I doubt that ServiceNow have a classification for UK Government staff incompetence but in my day we used to have quite a few, IIRC some were:
LUBE: Lacks Understanding of Basic English
BIOS: Basic Intelligence Operator Subnormal - Knows what a computer looks like: can't start it.
EULA: End User Lacks Ability - Knows what a computer looks like: gets as far as "Enter Password"
RAM: Read Ability Missing - this for users who classify an issue as "Critical: Department Dependent" (something nasty will happen to the whole department if this is not solved!) but fail to respond to IT requests that they answer their phone/email. This means that someone has to physically go to that office.
SCSI: "Can someone please Solve/Complete this Stupid Idiot's ticket?" - see RAM above
My favourite was always:
CAMEO: CAse Made for Extermination of Operator
Beer: It's Friday.