back to article Shiver me timbers! 67cm Playmobil pirate ship sets sail for Caribbean

A Playmobil pirate ship has been launched off the west coast of Africa after stowing away on a full-size Norwegian vessel. The toy ship, named Adventure, was launched in May by two Scottish brothers – Ollie Ferguson, 8, and Harry, 5 – and their family as an update to the tired message-in-a-bottle trope. Chilling evidence …

  1. Kevin Johnston


    Awesome community project and

    "another one for Curtis"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wow

      As a pastafarian I should also add hearty congratulations for this attempt to address global warming.

  2. caffeine addict

    It would only be right to demand a recreation. I suggest full size ElReg hacks dressed up as playmobil characters. Get to it lads.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Avast behind

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "Avast behind"

        ...but still well ahead of Norton!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Avast behind?

        You've met the wife then?

        Anon for personal security reasons.

    2. Paul Kunert

      Damn. Ok, will dust off my Captain Pugwash outfit. We're talking a pirate nativity scene? Cheers, Paul @ El Reg.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        On the good ship Venus,

        By Christ you should have seen us,

        The figure head,

        Was a ***** in bed,

        ****ing a dead man's *****

        By skilful navigation,

        We finally reached our station,

        Until the ship was sunk,

        Upon a wave of ****

        From too much ***********

      2. Pompous Git Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        "Damn. Ok, will dust off my Captain Pugwash outfit. We're talking a pirate nativity scene?"
        Butt who wants to play the part of Tom, the cabin boy?

        1. x 7

          I thought the cabin boy was Roger?

  3. tokamaktech

    Ah, just what our oceans need, more plastic... unless that was the point? To highlight plastic... no... anyone?

    Yeah, I'll just get my...

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      This half kilo boat of plastic has a sporting chance of being retrieved from the sea at some point, unlike the tens of thousands of tonnes of plastic that finds its way into the oceans through carelessness.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        > This half kilo boat of plastic has a sporting chance of being retrieved from the sea at some point

        That might be true but so far it's not looking good: everyone who has retrieved it has put it back in again.

      2. W4YBO

        "...tens of thousands of tonnes of plastic that finds its way into the oceans through carelessness."

        Hardly carelessness. Most of that comes from coastal cities that get rid of their garbage via barge.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nearly as good as the PARIS project...

    I am sure there is a nice backronym there too







    or something

    1. Velv

      Re: Nearly as good as the PARIS project...

      I think your backronym should probably be on the ships name:










  5. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    From a maritime safety perspective...

    I'm hoping the brave little chap is observing the ColRegs.

    1. agurney
      Thumb Up

      Re: From a maritime safety perspective...

      Power gives way to sail, and as it looks as though the ship's (marginally) on starboard tack they should be stand-on vessel to just about everyone until they near the shipping lanes.

      [For the 'lubbers amongst you, the stand-on vessel is obliged to maintain course and speed.]

      1. Kernel

        Re: From a maritime safety perspective...

        "Power gives way to sail,"

        Not quite that simple, unfortunately - I think there's some caveats that apply if the powered vessel is more than 500 tonnes and/or in a waterway with restricted manouvering options for large vessels.

        Or, as my son puts it, plastic gives way to steel, especially very large steel that could crush you and not leave a trace.

        1. A Nonny Moose

          To paraphrase slightly

          "Or, as my son puts it, plastic gives way to steel, especially very large steel that could crush you and not leave a trace."

          "Mr Dent. Have you any idea how much damage this container ship would suffer if I just let it sail over your yatch?"

          "No, how much?"

          "None at all"

        2. Stork

          Re: From a maritime safety perspective...

          Or rephrased: tons give right of way. Some drivers of large vehicles thinks it applies on the roads too.

  6. Wolfclaw

    I think the Vulture should create a full size version and sail off in to the sunset.

    1. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

      Not so much "Black Sails" as "Redtop Masthead" ;-)

      What a fine crew of pirating commentards that vessel would have.

    2. Haku

      They could use this picture I made for a flag:

      Which they kindly posted on their main site:

  7. Hollerithevo

    Aaaar, that's a grand voyage!

    God bless 'er and all who sail in 'er!

  8. fran 2


  9. Korev Silver badge

    Hopefully it won't sink...

    Or else it'd be toytanic

    1. Adam 1

      Re: Hopefully it won't sink...

      Icy; what you did there.

  10. Barry Rueger

    Prior Art

    The National Film Board of Canada's "Paddle to the Sea."

    1966. Thrill to the sight of a young child melting LEAD to use as ballast! And Niagara Falls beats a Swedish tree for excitement.

    1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      Re: Prior Art

      Oh ghod, we used to be forced to watch that at least once a year throughout elementary school - along with a number of Grimm fairy tales faithful (in every gory detail) to the original text. Oh yes, the Disney version of Sleepy Hollow, too, which still gives me nightmares.

  11. Bronek Kozicki

    oh well got my eyes a little wet here

    An ideal nice little project for Mr Lester that would be ...

    ... icon, because.

  12. John 104


    Wow, Reg. Way to regurgitate their entire synopsis for your article.

    Still, very fun idea and execution.

  13. Stoneshop

    Weather forecast

    Looking at the wind map and moving the date slider forwards it appears the Adventure is heading into the doldrums. Let's hope the crew won't succumb to scurvy.

    1. DNTP

      Re: Weather forecast

      "Arr, Cap'n, all our food be hard as plastic."

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Weather forecast

        hard tack needed.

        1. DNTP

          Re: Hardtack

          The one and only time I ever tried making the stuff was for a reenactment. I think mine came out slightly softer than the actual stuff. There was a little girl dressed as a pirate and I gave her a piece; I have seldom seen a more sorrowful look of betrayal ever aimed at my direction since.

  14. Cuddles


    "A Playmobil pirate ship has been launched off the west coast of Africa after stowing away on a full-size Norwegian vessel."

    Doesn't that technically make it a pirate boat?

  15. Daedalus

    They should have put it in a bottle.

    As a sailing ship this is a non-starter, although it's interesting that they didn't put a full load of sail on it. Scaling rules tell you that a proper scale model will carry far more sail area than is correct for the weight. You have to add ballast to stop the boat toppling over in the wind, or cut the sail area, or both.

    But they're also up against hull speed. That's less than one boat length per second at this size, so progress will be slow to say the least. If the vessel gets anywhere, it'll be because the ocean current carries it there.

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