Re: Accelerometer data
Several thoughts are streaming through my mind like rivulets
of cascading insights leading to a plethora of splendiferous
perceptions. . .
1) I always could tell whether it was Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, or Wagner who
were hitting the keys just so, same with KISS and Norah Jones, the Sex Beatles,
no, wait, the Beatles and the Sex Thistles, no Pistols, .... so I guess we'll all be famous.
Which is as useful as everyone winning the lottery at the same time.
2) W h a t i f I t y p e d r e a l l y s l o w l y
aaaa nnnnnn ddd m aa d e ma n n y m ee s t a k e ss
w o u l d "they" s t i l l f i g u u rr e o u t i t ' s m e?
What if I were rich and used a different secretary from the typist pool
each time? Oh wait, that was in the 50's. Forget it. End of story.
I got a "non-smart phone", I use "speed-dialing", and I don't text. Does that help?
3) I read somewhere that credit card companies can often determine who
is using a credit card by analyzing a mere three purchases. Pattern recognition, baby!
One particular credit card company needed only one (1) purchase to figure out my card info had been
snatched, because the hapless thief made a purchase at a "sports equipment store".
(Since "sport" costs money, is exhausting, can hurt you, can even kill you, such a
purchase was "so totally obviously not me", that this ID thief was busted on the first try. Ha!)
4) Isn't anything you do online already tied to some sort of global user id, in addition
to all sorts of IP address stuff? And aren't we already identified by the same old and tired
web-sites we visit each time? Plus, if I go online and check my e-mail, then MI6, the
NSA, Putin, Jong-Il, along with Google-Face-Apple-MSFT will know that it's me.
If they are interested in me. Which I bet they are not, because I know nothing, and
I got nothing.
5) I don't understand how VPN works, because if something is not encrypted from beginning to
end with a password that ONLY I and the FINAL RECIPIENT know, how can it be possibly safe?
Can anyone explain that to me?