back to article French senator demands public inquiry into Microsoft military deal

A French senator has put down a parliamentary motion demanding an investigation into Microsoft's framework deal with France's defence ministry. Senator Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam tabled the motion, which calls for the creation of a 21-strong investigative committee, earlier in October. It is part of a long-running issue in France …

  1. John G Imrie


    Toutes vos bases appartiennent à Microsoft

    (All your bases are belong to Microsoft)

    1. HandleAlreadyTaken

      Re: Apparently

      > Toutes vos bases appartiennent à Microsoft

      Meuh non, meuh non.

      Toutes vos base sont appartiennent à Microsoft.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They should also look into how this fits into the EU data security.

    All your data belong to NSA.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "They should also look into how this fits into the EU data security."

      You mean like the UK as a member of Eschelon facilitating NSA spying on the EU? Good luck with anyone here in the UK giving a crap....

      1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        "Good luck with anyone here in the UK giving a crap..."

        Well post-Brexit we will face a review of our suitability for holding and processing data on EU members and won't have the national security get-out clause to defend it, so UK business might well give a monkeys. Whether on not that makes it through the clueless politicians and home office data-fetishists is another matter...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "and won't have the national security get-out clause to defend it"

          Of course we will. And the national security get out is that Eschelon doesn't exist of course.

  3. Lars Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    In the times of "cyber un-security" how could anybody rely on MS, the software, the lock-in, both economical and in the software. And that goes for any army including the US.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Good

      >>how could anybody rely on MS.

      Because MS costs less, is easier to use and is a lower risk than any other realistic option. If that wasn't the case then everyone would be buying the "better mousetrap". But there isn't one in the vast majority of use cases so pretty much no one is.

      1. Robert Moore

        Re: Good

        Because MS costs less, is easier to use and is a lower risk than any other realistic option.

        Stop. You're killing me. I have never laughed so hard in my life.

        Tell the one about Total Cost of Ownership next. It's a real knee slapper. Please...

      2. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

        Re: Good

        Hails of derisive laughter, Bruce!

        The real answer is that the Microsoft sales drones come in and do a full-court press about how the Microsoft suite will meet all needs at low cost while being fully supported and secure. The Open Source world has no answer in terms of effective salesforce (no, legions of rabid online fanboys do not cut it). Whether the Microsoft solution is technically better becomes rather moot at that point.

        1. Hans 1

          Re: Good

          The real answer is that the Microsoft sales drones come in and do a full-court press about how the Microsoft suite will meet all needs at low cost while being fully supported and secure.

          The real answer is that the Microsoft sales drones come in and do a full-court press about offshore bank accounts full of dosh, ala Lockheed Martin.


          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Good

            "The real answer is that the Microsoft sales drones come in and do a full-court press about offshore bank accounts full of dosh, ala Lockheed Martin"

            So your argument is that pretty much everyone uses Microsoft because all senior IT decision makers (who are generally pretty smart and very well paid) are corrupt and / or believe only what the Microsoft sales drones say?!

            That's like claiming anthropomorphic global warming is actually caused by Sun Spots. Not credible and there is no supporting evidence.

            1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

              Re: Good

              No, I'm saying that the Microsoft drones come in with a compelling and richly embroidered story, and the Open Source community has nothing as slick to counter it. I'm not saying that, contrary to popular opinion, Microsoft products are no good at all, but I am saying that Microsoft is infinitely better at sales and marketing than the Open Source competition. If anything, it's a testament to the quality of the competition that they do as well as they do under those circumstances.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Good

                I have worked at many places and was involved in many decisions that used Microsoft stuff and deployed new stuff - and I don't think I ever saw a Microsoft sales person. People use it because as it says above because it's cheap compared to other options - especially compared to switching to anything else, it's lower risk and it generally has more features than the competition.

      3. Captain DaFt

        Re: Good

        Because MS costs less, is easier to use and is a lower risk than any other realistic option.

        Thank you! I've had a miserable time the past couple of weeks.

        I really needed a good laugh, thanks again! ☺

  4. Anonymous Coward

    "Because MS costs less, is easier to use and is a lower risk than any other realistic option. If that wasn't the case then everyone would be buying the "better mousetrap". But there isn't one in the vast majority of use cases so pretty much no one is."

    Hi Mr. Gates! Any chance you can spare an hour's income? Christmas is coming and I'd like to get the family something special this year.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Any chance you can spare an hour's income?"

      Are you Bob Cratchit in disguise? Don't you already get a paid days holiday?

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