Re: EU competition rules
C. Wait a second, this has nothing to do with foreigners and all governments including the EU are all as bent as each other so taking one out of the equation saves us money that can be better spent by our own corrupt government.
Yes, but having them fighting each other had them leaving us in relative peace. You think corruption was bad between 1979 and now? You ain't seen nothin' yet. The relevant noises are already audible in the background. Once they can remove the ECHR from the equation and get total control, you'll see exactly what the agenda was. If you're a large enterprise (not the 1701 kind) you're fine, if you're an individual with few assets and any expectation of privacy, freedom or rights, you're fucked.
The only slight saving grace is that they haven't scrapped/remodelled/fucked up the House of Lords yet. It gets a little strange when the upper house is the only one possessed of any common sense, although I fully expect that to change once that vipers' nest in the other house and their unelected parasites get free of any scrutiny.
The whole referendum was toxic. If it had gone the other way, the EU would be negotiating the removal of the UK's exemptions from the single currency and Shengen, demanding more and more of the pie and generally making as much of a nuisance of itself as it is now. I saw it coming and have nothing at all to do with the fallout because I made a conscious choice not to legitimise this farce.
Paris. Well, it was fair warning for the shafting we're all going to get.