This one should be on *everyone's* radar.
1) " Should not keep logs...." In any website - DDOS, hacking, etc - you *DO* need the logs. Keeping them for more than 90 days, or at least some variation of your billing cycle is imperative. Pretty much, once some legal entity has clubbed you with a warrant of any sort, you need to keep them until the case is done. (I do recall a case in reasonably recent history where 'the logs were deleted as part of our normal maintenance' resulting in a corporate type spending some time in jail for contempt).
2) DOJ 'chilling affect' 'witch hunts' 'captive populace'
Education has been slaughtered on the altar of the dollar for the last 40 years. "The Media" have always been tilted one way or another politically, but in the last 40 years, the number of and variety of tilts have been reduced and thinned and mergered down to about three. The basic principle of live and let live (forgive your fellow man) has been sacrificed on the altar of ego (ME! ME! ME!) and then buried by the legal profession itself (Think you've been slighted on the train to work? CALL ME NOW! I don't charge you till I WIN!).
The people in the US have no faith in one another any more, only faith in $$ and ${DEITY}, and good grief, if you don't agree with my politics then you must be a terrorist! There are too few that know *why* this is happening or that this polarization and stratification of groups is being enacted. There are too few that are cognizant of the *number* of tools being used to apply this. And far too few of them are resistant to these tools, AND willing to attempt to correct the direction the society is headed .
(when you are surrounded by enemies who are greater in number and power, feed them to one another, with gentle lies.)
3) DOJ hunting down users of website:
I don't know this judge. I've done no research or history ... This judge would have my vote to move up the chain, simply for providing a clear concise interpretation of 'privacy' in this case. And being willing to take on *THIS* much work (and it is a crapton) in this case to *PROTECT* that privacy. That said, there is more to come and we should keep an eye on it. Because, someone, somewhere will apply leverage to get this case out of this judges court, and or to someone with less foresight.