Ouch <--- sound of the new drop box.
Dropbox thinks outside the … we can't go there, not when a box becomes a 'collection of surfaces'
LogoWatch's formative computing experiences included using multiple fonts – nearly always Kawasaki and Chicago – sometimes with different shadings, in Aldus PageMaker on early Macs' nine-inch screens. This column mention that experience because Dropbox has contacted LogoWatch with news of a “new design system … communicated …
Wednesday 4th October 2017 14:32 GMT Swarthy
Re: was that a dare?
Oh, come on now, it wasn't that bad. The new font is a perfect counterpoint to the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the Vogonity of the marketeer's compassionate soul, which contrives through the medium of the logo structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other and one is left with a profound and vivid insight into ... into ... er... Whatever it was the press release was about.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 07:40 GMT A K Stiles
re: is the logo actually different?
It appears that they've straightened out the 'open box flaps' and removed the nice secure sides that help to keep the stuff you want in the box separate from the stuff you want outside the box (like dirty haXors!!)
Oh, and they might have fiddled with their nondescript sans-serif font a bit to make it a slightly different nondescript sans-serif font.
These sorts of things should definitely be announced by distribution of the new brand and its ethos printed on the side of a suitably waxed paper bag.
Saturday 13th January 2018 11:00 GMT Roland6
The new logo is basically 5 identical diamonds in a particular arrangement and as such can be reproduced by anyone with basic Powerpoint [Aside: other drawing packages can be used.] skills.
Previous versions of the logo required a level of artistic and design skill to get the 3D perspective right.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 07:36 GMT Pascal Monett
"juxtaposes colours in bold, unexpected ways"
Sorry, looks all blue to me. And I don't know their logo well enough to remember any difference with the previous version.
As for bold, unexpected ways, I would expect piss-yellow next to turd-brown, with some lime green on top. That would certainly be unexpected and quite bold. Maybe not very successful, though.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 08:40 GMT a well wisher
Remember once being in a <large Japanese corporate> local office. in reception hangs a big poster of their logo with about 20 or so arrows pointing at different sections, with a paragraph of text 'explaining' the meaning / reasoning behind that section.
Any logo which requires any level of explanation / interpretation , let alone on 20 points clearly is NOT WORKING !
Wednesday 4th October 2017 08:49 GMT Englishman_In_Cyprus
Actually I quite liked it. I thought that some of the metaphysical imagery was really particularly effective. Some interesting rhythmic devices which seemed to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the humanity of the creators compassionate soul, which contrives through the medium of the verse structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other, and one is left with a profound and vivid insight Into whatever it was the logo is representing!
Wednesday 4th October 2017 09:36 GMT imanidiot
Is it just me?
I don't even care about the exact look of the logo, I ascribe no "qualities" to any logo whatsoever at any time, but the accompanying drivel makes me want to find person that wrote it and hit them with a clue-by-four... I'm not a violent person, ever, but this sort of bullshit just angers me somehow.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 10:48 GMT Jim 59
I miss Lester
These articles remind me of Lester Haines (RIP), and his stout work on Logowatch over the years.
On Uber - "The norms of modern online journalism require that at this point we embed a few tweets from the unwashed masses* decrying Uber's descent into branding anarchy, as if anyone really gives a tinker's what people are gobbing off about in 140 characters or less."
TomTom - "A free whalesong CD (including the hit track The Ross Sea Minke posse versus the Japanese whaleburger crew) to sharp-eyed reader Mat Butterworth."
More on Google site:theregister.co.uk haines
Wednesday 4th October 2017 12:32 GMT handleoclast
They want your "dreamy energy"
The only time my dreams are energetic they involve naked women, baked beans and a tuning fork (you have your own fetishes, so don't knock mine). I usually have to change the sheets afterwards.
Are they asking for me to put my semen in their box? It appears so.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 15:21 GMT caffeine addict
Weren't you going to start including the old logo too, so we could
point and laughcompare and contrast?Anyway, that font is frankly horrific and flattening the two sides of the box means that it's now just an abstract shape instead of having any connection to the name. It's the sort of thing I'd expect from someone like Microsoft or Google just before they dropped / changed its name.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 21:10 GMT Anonymous Coward
So is it a drop in a box, or a box that’s to be dropped or a metaphor for every dropped box ever. Or maybe an athletic command; drop! box!
Or perhaps it refers to Doctor Opbox, the infamous LA plastic surgeon, well known for his work in the southern regions.
I like to think it’s both all of these things and nome of them, and the logo signifies that beautifullly.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 21:57 GMT Captain DaFt
The new logo tells me a story:
"Crap! That logo design's due tomorrow and I haven't even started!"
"OK, don't panic, lets look at the old one..." *fiddles with iPhone*
"OK, right. Just select a parallelogram, paste, mirror horizontally, paste, copy, mirror vertically, paste again, and back to the original, paste bottom center... This font looks good, add name, and done!"
"Wait... Need a good story... just type in a couple of paragraphs of 'art speak', and done! Waiter! Time for another round!" *Puts iPhone down*
Next day: "Woo-hoo, they bought it! I was sweating bullets when I noticed that I'd forgotten to color match the text, but they all thought it was 'fresh!' and 'dynamic!'... Suckers!"