Humanity is doomed
Over a third of the men in attendance said they would purchase a plastic pal who's fun to be with.
Humanity is doomed. ®
At least we get to go out with a bang
In a public showing of Samantha, a sex doll with built-in computing power to make her more realistic, the love droid apparently suffered a terrible fate. The robot was displayed at the ARS Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria and proved a little too popular, it is claimed. The robot was mobbed by attendees who broke two of …
If only future world leaders' fathers had invested in them when they first came out they would've saved us a whole lot of trouble.
Not humanity is doomed, women are.
The fees for any divorce lawyer easily exceed $ 3,000. Why would we bother, engaging with any woman introduces high risks on legal fees and other obligations due to the systemic legal discrimination of men in most Western countries.
Once good looking and well behaving bots are around, my guess is only well educated females in countries like Saudi-Arabia will still be able to find a man.
"Not humanity is doomed, women are."
heh - robosexuality - for politically correct reasons, they MUST accept it.
I wonder how long the SJW's would defend robosexuals...?
This can easily descend into a 2D vs 3DPD rant, like on certain image boards
and don't forget THIS web site...
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So this is at an expo in Austria, and the sexbot gets ‘heavily soiled’? How come? Did they have a sexbot room complete wth tissues and running Weird Science for the little perverts? Were pundits being informed, “Sorry Mein Herr, you might have to wash the sexbot out first”?
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I am so getting one of these! I've been saving up for a while!
It beats needy women big time. I mean women just want sooo much attention, they want to go on dates, they want you to remember their birthday, they want you to tell them how pretty they are, they want you to do every little thing they say or they'll leave you, they require you to get on your knees and kiss their feet, they require you to meet certain anatomy sizes, they dump kids on you out of no where etc etc etc
It's far too much work for me, at least with this I can stop going to adult clubs and focus on work a lot more!
/Kidding ;-)
"Sorry Dave, not tonight...
"...I'm busy doing software updates"
"...my hair needs washing"
"...my batteries are low"
"...my clothes need washing"
"...my body needs cleaning"
"...the diagnostic says I must take things easier"
"...I must go home for annual maintenance - will be back in a few weeks"
I dont oft reply to ACs, and an upvote is normally enough to imply appreciation of a post, but that was one of my favorites of the week. I'm just recovering from a cold, and this post has shifted some phlegm. Thanks Sir / Madam.
compared to what some long term XX wetware require.
Married for 7 years, been paying alimony for 22 years; spent a fortune in the courts just to see the kids - one of who now lives with me, another I'm paying Uni fees (mature student).
At $3,000 it would have been cheaper to buy several a year - and less emotionally stressful.
Married for 7 years, been paying alimony for 22 years; spent a fortune in the courts just to see the kids - one of who now lives with me, another I'm paying Uni fees (mature student).At $3,000 it would have been cheaper to buy several a year - and less emotionally stressful.
So you didn't want the kids then?
You know the sexbot won't give you children, and even if it did, it wouldn't put them through university.
Unless, of course, you were to rent out the sexbot...
"/Kidding ;-)"
heh, nice recovery. did your 'significant other' see you posting that? "Nyeth, Dear..." [the sound of the ultra-nagged kitty-whipped milquetoast hen-pecked hubby]
at least, if a robot were to start nagging, you could be like Harcourt Fenton Mudd, and just say "Shut up, Stella..." (yeah obligatory Star Trek reference - they recently played an Original Star Trek marathon on BBC America channel, worthy of mention)
The number one pollutant in this world is people. Ideally the world population should be around 1bn - at this level our CO2 emissions would drop to sustainable levels, there’d be enough beef to go round, and our infrastructure wouldn’t be straining at the seams.
All of which is a long way of saying bring on the sexbots. Make them in male and female versions. Make them fat, thin, youthful, elderly, passive, aggressive, intelligent enough for a little conversation. Make them so desirable that most people won’t want the company of another human.
There’ll still be enough real shagging that we won’t die out. A few perverts like me will still desire the company of a genuine human partner. But a reduced population will also mean reduced pressure for a dwindling supply of jobs, and also reduced crime.
Oh dear. I seem to have built sexbots into a panacea for the human condition. And I’m sure that that’s one abuse they can’t take.
That children thing's not a problem. You could gamify the whole situation.
You have to achieve certain objectives in your fumblings with the sex-bot Shaggadelic 2000TM. When you manage to engage the sensors in just the right way, then you get a LovelyBaby3000 through the post. Perhaps delivered by a driver dressed as a stork... You get a new bigger sized one each year, making clothes purchases far more predictable.
Then pay a vast sum of money to send it off to AI University.
> Try dating to find someone that definitely doesn't want kids, you'll find it slim pickings.
Just date career women. My past girlfriends don't want kids. Both were super smart lawyers, and very much in the "career woman" mindset. Their idea of a good life is to work hard, make loads of money, and spend it on a good time while traveling the world.
They primarily wanted company to do the above. I guess it depends on your social circles, or my luck (I actually want kids), but women who "just want fun" and don't want to be tied down with a family are a dime a dozen round here.
Actually finding a woman willing to sacrifice her career for motherhood, now that is rare here (London, UK).
All of which is a long way of saying bring on the sexbots. Make them in male and female versions. Make them fat, thin, youthful, elderly, passive, aggressive, intelligent enough for a little conversation. Make them so desirable that most people won’t want the company of another human.
Can they make a Megurine Luka version? It would come with a full catalogue of her own music already. Only problem is, she'd probably only want to shag the Hatsune Miku sexbot (yeah, negitoro shipper here)
"at this level our CO2 emissions would drop to sustainable levels"
but our METHANE levels would increase, as men continue to eat greasy foods like they're still 15, etc.. "Pull my finger - Muahahahaha!" No need to 'hold it in' or blame the dog, when your 'woman' is a robot. Farts become fun again.
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could Samantha be considered a RAPE victim? Will her software undergo PTSD? SJW's, what's YOUR call on this? [I say just erase her memory, like it NEVER happened, a few minor repairs, and "good to go"]
yeah I know THIS post will get the hate it deserves. heh.
troll icon, for obvious reasons.
Rise of the machines or rising because of the machine? If they can actually make these things good enough I wonder how large a shift in the balance of power there will be. I do find it interesting that guys seem ok with using something which is as close to real as possible compared to women who only seem to need a specific part.
Won't be long before you can hire identities that inhabit the machine, like some extension of the online porn stuff, have them be the voice and control of your local doll. Endless virtual promiscuity and broken barriers with little more than silicon chafe and mental decay to show for it.
"Samantha has to slip out now because she needs to go to the supermarket to buy something for dinner. She's very fond of Mr Sainsbury's steak-in-ale but this evening, by way of a change, she's looking forward to trying Mr Dewhurst's tongue in cider."
Humphrey Lyttelton* 1921-2008, and much missed.
*OK so he won't have written it, but it's all in the delivery.
For all those who've mentioned Humph's assistant:
"That Reminds Me"
The much-missed host of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue reminisces about his life, career and love of jazz. From October 2000.
The link is valid until 26th October 2017
"She has a number of preprogrammed phrases in multiple languages to use when touched in certain areas"
Yeah, I would certainly hope this, and also that it starts with "Oi you creepy perv just what exactly do you think you're doing?", followed by the other person quickly experiencing the other kind of #TakeAKnee.
But then again, it's a LOT easier to make a substitute phallus than a vagina. The Greeks and others had fake peckers sorted millennia ago, there was a city that got special mention in the play Lysistrata for their high-quality leather phalloi. Suitable insert-able passages are much more difficult. Hide the sheep.
Granted that a male bot with good thrusting technique is more challenging than a more passive female bot. However, once that's a bit sorted I believe women will begin to explore and enjoy the bots. Think about it from a woman's perspective, compared to casual Human Sex. No risk of STD's, no date rape or other violence, no shaming the next day among the bro crowd or on Farcebook. A bot won't rat her out for being a kinky wench in the bedroom (kitchen, garage, etc.), OR for being plain vanilla.
Research on whether women are amenable to a sexual encounter has boiled down to two major questions. Does she feel safe, and does she think she will have a good time? Getting a Yes to both usually leads to sexy time but can be tricky with humans. A good sex bot will handle both nicely, any time she wants and no ill consequences.
Some folks think sex bots degrade women. Au contraire, they will eventually empower them.
cake farts?
Note: it's probably best if you don't google that phrase. And definitely don't watch of the videos in the search results (the first one was broken when I tried it, but pornhub worked). Very not suitable for work. Probably not suitable for home, either.
Looks like rule 34 is true yet again.
see https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/containing/3304047
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Especially companies like Disney Pixar.
It seems there are a lot of adult obsessives, according to a Disney fan quite a few adults pay for advance tickets to hug people dressed up as characters.
They would pay a fortune for a doll like the Frozen princesses, or even the snowman (with snowballs).