This is surprising why. I am among professionals, and it is surprising the way they think. Even the engineers I have to squint the proverbial eye and look hard at them, to see if they are right. I know three international engineers each with good reputation and while I would trust them to do a good job, but feel like their minds are sponge. So even among engineers there are great and otherwise engineers. The problem these days are there a lot of not so great people becoming computer programmers, games maybe to blame. Engineers a bit tougher, you do stuff wrong, people die etc. With application programmers you do stuff wrong, it can cause angst to millions of users and waste so much of their time, it is like lifetimes wasted. But as not many people die from the application bug, it slips people's attention of the absurdity of costing $100's millions dollers of peoples 'lives' on a ten million net profit application. By application I should just say consumer side stuff, including OS's, and not really mission critical stuff. Where are the good people getting sucked up to, higher paid not so productive jobs.
Now, you come along to these professionals, and they give you their 'opinion', based on their experiences and peer impression (a sort of peer pressure I am describing). So, why be surprised when it doesn't turn out right. Much like a doctor that thinks it shines out of his side of the profession, very incomplete competency, but enough to bamboozle other incompetents, and psychologically make the opinion giver feel good, with mistakes transfered to the patient as the source of issues rather than face up to them. But they lack real ability to look into things and think of better solutions. They have formalised memory structures (opinions based on etc) but are not so good at generating new information. It is not as they testify in court, that they did all they knew too, they should know to do more to achieve better (meaning, get off the backside to look into things and establish trurhful extent of certainty). Not being a raving skeptic instead, who just grabs onto things that bolsters his objective, from other people unable to properly analyse them (thinking the sun shines from their crowd and their ideology). (if you see fancy bow ties and suites in an interview, be..warned. There seems to be a certain low grade intellectual psychology at work in these people). Memory of knowledge is not everything, but knowing what to do with it, to also properly understand it. Called wisdom)...
So, you ask people, and you get in a mirror dully, a part answer that somewhat answers it.
Now, I've said this to forum moderators before. What is needed, is to start a wiki of structure knowledge and solutions. Rate the solutions and rate for correctness and issues. Then, when somebody looks up a problem, and then the solution, they have it not only clearly laid out, they have the weight of knowledge of how good and how bad it is, and wherever it just is outdated or should be left alone. Combined with a multiple level programming course, people can find their way around with minimal forum time wasted. It takes time, and people to systematically analyse things and old posts.