back to article Twitter reckons Trump's Nork-baiting tweet was 'newsworthy'

Twitter has defended its position of potentially providing a platform for triggering World War 3, describing President Donald Trump's infamous North Korea tweet as "newsworthy". It follows Trump's tweet on Sunday in which he appeared to directly threaten North Korea with annihilation. He wrote: "Just heard Foreign Minister of …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Calm down, Kat.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Just the everyday ravings of a white supremacist dotard. #TakeAKnee

    2. Bill M

      Well said Kat

  2. Jonathan Schwatrz

    Ah ha! What threat of violence?

    But, did Trump actually threaten violence? He could argue that he meant Kim and chums would be forced to abandon Norkland for China because UN sanctions are going to make the Norkies rise up in rebellion. Stop sniggering at the back! The UN is serious! They're just getting one of Hans Blix's old letters out to send to Kim.

    1. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

      Sadly whether this is a threat of violence or not depends on who issued it and whether Twitter like them and/or see them as important for their business.

      Transparency? Not a hope.

      1. Simon Harris

        Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

        When he tweets

        "I seem to have be having difficulty with my lifestyle"

        we'll know he's on a war footing as that phrase is considered the most dreadful insult imaginable.

        (with thanks to Douglas Adams)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

      He did. This is a very clear and open threat to remove them in the context of the discussion.

      From our perspective, it is business as usual - it is traditional for USA to try to kill foreign leaders, topple governments, screw financial systems, invest into "freedom fighters" around the country's borders. From their perspective, "country == leader". Threatening to remove the dear leader is a declaration of war.

      That, by the way, is one of the reasons why Trump tw*tting device should be removed and should be given to an adult in his press room.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

        an adult in his press room.

        Adult and press used in the same sentance? Shurely shome mishtake..

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

      Can I just say that if Trump ever kicks me in the nuts I am going to kick him in his.

      Not a threat. That's a promise.

    4. big_D Silver badge

      Re: Ah ha! What threat of violence?

      The question is, why is Trump making such idiotic statements? He is supposed to be the leader of the "free World", which means his statements should be seen as calm, contemplative and reasoned, not blasting out school-boy tantrum missives.

  3. Lord_Beavis


    Is still a thing?

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Twitter

      Yes, it's found its place in the world. 140 characters is just enough for a gratuitous insult, trolling, or threats against someone's wellbeing but not long enough for anything like a reasoned argument or the to-and-fro of civilised debate.

      1. Tom 38

        Re: Twitter

        Sometimes I think for Trump, 140 characters is too much. He seems to get to the end and forget what he was talking about at the start.

        1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

          Yup. The US has a goldfish for President. Let no one say that they don't innovate.

    2. MacroRodent

      Re: Twitter

      For some reason Twitter seems to be especially beloved of politicians, seriously lowering the level of political discussion. Harmful for democracy. Just ban it globally.

      1. Bernard M. Orwell

        Re: Twitter

        "Just ban it globally."

        Now, you didn't put a joke icon on that, or a trollface, so I am going to assume that you think this is a serious potential solution.

        So, if a platform doesn't raise the level of political discussion, no doubt measured by some arbitrary scale then it should be banned? You fancy making a list of things that might fall into that category? I bet you'll be making a very, very long list of things to be banned. Next, what organisation in the world do you think should have the power to globally ban something like Twitter? I'm glad you see such an organization as entirely trustworthy with all such issues of global governance (for our own good, no doubt!). What other things do you think they should ban? I know! Perhaps they should ban paper! After all, paper is often used to record and express things that someone, somewhere will think devalues the level of political discussion! Oh! let's ban Television too! and Radio! In fact, lets stop all forms of communication if it might, in the opinion of your unnamed global power, lower the level of political discussion.

        Twitter, like the rest of the internet, is a medium for thought. It is not the fault of the medium itself if some of the thoughts expressed are bloody stupid, and it would be deeply foolish to ban the medium on that basis. Yes, twitter can be used by morons like Trump or ISIS to peddle their absolute bull, but it was also instrumental in the Arab Spring movement, and in establishing rapid communications in the wake of several natural disasters.

        Gutenberg would be turning in his grave!

        1. MacroRodent

          Re: Twitter

          > Now, you didn't put a joke icon on that, or a trollface, so I am going to assume that you think this is a serious potential solution.

          I thought that was sufficiently outrageous and impractical idea not to be taken as anything but a joke. Obviously I was mistaken.

          Just to be clear, I do not actually advocate banning any website or application globally.

  4. Rich 11

    I can just see it now

    "Twitter is committed to transparency and keeping people informed about what's happening in the world."


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Should just resolve it the old fashioned way...

    Best of 3 Street Fighter II bout.

  6. DainB Bronze badge

    I'd pay to see what would happen if Twitter bans Trump.

    1. Alister

      I'd pay to see what would happen if Twitter bans Trump.

      He'll post a rant on his Bebo account which no-one will ever see...

    2. GrumpenKraut

      > I'd pay to see what would happen if Twitter bans Trump.

      Better yet: put him under moderation.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Their numbers are way WAAYY down, I'm telling you

      "I never used it, well possibly once, but never been near a keyboard so couldn't really, well let me tell you.... their numbers are WAAYY WAAYY down, by the way, they won't be around much longer....We're going to build a beautiful... and Mexico is going to pay...covfefe..."

      1. Alister
        Thumb Up

        Re: Their numbers are way WAAYY down, I'm telling you

        "I never used it, well possibly once, but never been near a keyboard so couldn't really, well let me tell you.... their numbers are WAAYY WAAYY down, by the way, they won't be around much longer....We're going to build a beautiful... and Mexico is going to pay...covfefe..."

        Spot on...

        Deserves one of these at least

    4. Anonymous Coward

      I'd pay to see what would happen if Trump bans Twitter.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Best Part?

    Rednecks will once again rule the world.

    I'd love to see an aristocrat trying to catch dinner in the wild. =P

    1. CustardGannet

      Re: The Best Part?

      Unless I'm very much mistaken : with Trump as POTUS, rednecks already rule the world.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nice to see twatter creating a new category for threats, I would never have seen that one coming, it's not like they can delete a tweet from the POTUS.

    I quite enjoy Trumps tweets as they are quite funny. It's all bluster, bullshit and bravado from a bell end.

    If anyone is worried about Nuclear war from America then I would like to point you in the direction of South Korea who would bear the brunt of any attack and China who wouldn't allow it. As for an attack the other way that's an unknown so it's probably best to have a nice cup of tea, some hobnobs and watch a nice relaxing film, If you fancy a cartoon I recommend "When the wind blows", if not then Dr Strangelove.

  9. tokamaktech

    At this point, we deserve nuclear annihilation. Bring it on, I say.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is saddest thing is

    that Trump is posting his comments for the benefit of US/world citizens where only Kim has twitter access in NK and is also posting for the same audience.

    Perhaps they COULD solve this whole problem by banning them both and making them actually talk to each other for a change.

    1. Alister

      Re: What is saddest thing is

      I'm waiting for one of them to start with "My dad's bigger than your dad!"

      The scariest thing is seeing supposedly adult world leaders acting like kids in a playground.

      1. Joe Werner Silver badge

        Re: What is saddest thing is

        Meh, lock them in a room with half a brick. #WWBOFHD?

        And that actually goes for the extremist warmongering idiots on both sides of most conflicts. Most people governed (using that term loosely) by them would rather just get on with their lives, thankyouverymuchSire...

        Why do we still elect these idiots? C'mon, we should be able to do better!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What is saddest thing is

      They have nothing to talk about I'm afraid.

      If anyone is in doubt, there is no way the Americans would allow another form of government that isn't about capitalism and borrowing money to succeed or even survive as to do so would give people something else to look to rather than the sorry sack of shit governments we have now.

      That's what I believe and I may be wrong but that's what it looks like to me.

    3. Down not across

      Re: What is saddest thing is

      Perhaps they COULD solve this whole problem by banning them both and making them actually talk to each other for a change.

      Dunno, I think they should follow Frankie Goes to Hollywood's Two Tribes. I'm sure you all remember the Reagan vs Chernenko match in the video.

  11. ukgnome

    Trumplethinskin is a douche - who needs 140 characters?

  12. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "We hold all accounts to the same Rules"

    Twitter, I think it is time you add a new rule :

    Presidents in office don't tweet

    And the sooner you add it, the better for everyone.

  13. Wokstation

    One day I'll find this message chain on a locked General Atomic terminal...

  14. Chemical Bob

    "little rocket man"... "mentally deranged US dotard"

    What's strange is they're both right.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Treat them like todlers, put em together in a room with a bowl of porridge...

    The one who comes out clean is the winner. My money's on the fat one.

  16. Captain DaFt

    Trump, Kim

    It's plain to the whole world what's going on between you two.

    Just step out of the closet and get a room already!

  17. VinceH

    Someone should remake the old Frankie Goes to Hollywood 'Two Tribes' video, with Trump and Kim Jong Un, rather than Reagan and (er... looks it up...) Chernenko.

    "It'll no doubt feel especially "newsworthy" when we're picking through a radioactive rubble in a post-apocalyptic hellscape, while fighting off deformed survivors trying to steal our shoes."

    I'll be okay. Nobody will want my boots because I have small feet.

  18. Lars

    Trump is unhappy

    He looks at Putin speaking to his people who adore him, they smile and laugh, he is the boss, he is rich and powerful. He will stay in power as president, prime minister, president, prime minister ... as long as he wants.

    And then there is that bloody fatman Kim, same story, for as long as he wants.

    Poor Donald, less than eight years left, max. People make fun of him on the telly, nobody obeys him, not getting richer fast enough, perhaps forced to use own money next time, what the fuck, I am the worlds strongest and most important man, what is going on here.

  19. Roj Blake Silver badge

    Double Standards

    Make a threat to kill someone on Twitter, get banned and reported to the police.

    Make a threat to wipe out an entire country on Twitter, get deemed newsworthy.

  20. Sanguma

    How could we have missed it?

    Somehow, instead of Donald Trump and someone else being switched at birth, their names were switched, and the man we name Trump was actually born Chump.

    Who would've ever mistaken this blowhard after just six or so months presidenting as a serious businessman?

    El Reg, in future please correct this oversight and refer correctly to said individual as President Donald Chump.

  21. Nimby

    At least now we get to see if nuclear waste makes zombies.

    Personally, I think this is exactly the correct behavior for world leaders who are looking to solve problems like global warming and overpopulation. A little nuclear winter will sort things right as rain.

    Yes, sometimes it does concern me that this is the best that a democratic super-power has to offer the world, but then I remember that he actually lost the election, by popular vote, and that at the rate things are going the whole flawed system will soon self-correct. Then I sleep much better.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I simply must scuttle off to my private under-mountain bunker...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: At least now we get to see if nuclear waste makes zombies.

      But in the US the popular vote is like the points given on 'Who's Line Is It Anyway?' - it doesn't matter. Everyone running for POTUS knows this and adjusts their campaigning appropriately. Hillary was going for the electoral votes just like everyone else. So the orange one did win, unfortunately.

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