To be fair, it was Google search all along ...
Bing was just a proxy with a very large cache.
Apple will drop Microsoft's Bing as the default web search provider for its iOS and macOS gear. The Cupertino Newton-slinger said on Monday it will use Google Search as the default for queries in Siri, the iOS search bar, and Spotlight on macOS. Google is already the default search engine for the Safari web browser on Macs, …
"I thought we weren't supposed to talk about them."
So they're like the entities of the Cthulhu Mythos, those that shall not be named? I started forewarned and repentant. Hopefully I haven't completed the summoning of that which lurks on the threshold (of mainstream computing).
It seems that Google is paying Apple billions to be the default search engine on Safari. I wonder how much the change is due to Google's superior search results, and how much to them bidding higher? Apple also knows how to monetize their users...
Though Bing is still the default for images, for some reason (is Bing good for images? Anybody knows?), so maybe there are complicated trade-offs.
Not sure why you got you go the down vote...oh yes.forgot, that one person.
Yes Google do pay a fortune to be search on big names (just look how much Mozilla gets), so wouldn't surprise me if cash or patents exchanged hands.
Bing I find is much better for visual search (Google ripped of MS on that one for a change), but can be a bit CPU usage heavy.
Still prefer Startpage over both of them.
I use it all the time. I've found their search results are very useful and when searching for code advice the code snippets and explanations often appear at the top of the search results, so i don't even have to click through to load the next page.
Not to mention the Bing/Microsoft Rewards you get for searching, I've been getting free Xbox live gold(and four games/month) for over three years.
Given the furore over default browsers about a decade and a half ago, surely the "correct" behaviour in this instance - and indeed for whenever any browser is first started - would be to put up a page with Bing, Google, Duck Duck Go et. al. all presented in a random order and ask the user to select which one they want to make their default search engine?
Either we have forgotten the past or we're so stuck in it we can't see what is happening out there.
The new monopoly rolls on...
"To be honest, it makes little difference... some years ago we realised we'd no idea how to make Bing work, that its search results were essentially random like Yahoo! so we changed Bing to be CSS and XSLT over Google. This has saved us electricity and servers - so great for the environment, has allowed us to externally repurpose our entire Search team - so great for Uber and Starbucks and restaurants in the Redmond area, and has allowed us to concentrate on making Windows 10 the best product we've ever made with 10 in its name (apart from Office 2010) - so great for System.NullRefererenceException", Redmond said in a statement to The Register.
Or, as I like to say "those who do everything do nothing well". At one time, Microsoft did a few things well. Now ... what do they do well? Windows, garbage. Bing, inferior. Office, has gone downhill since 2003. (To be fair, 2016 is much better than 2013; but that is like saying living in a shack is much better than living in a cardboard box.) Microsoft needs to stop trying to be all the other tech companies and start focusing a few things again. And they also need to stop listening to know-nothing know-it-all experts who couldn't predict 12:01 at 12 noon, and then start listening to their customers instead.
When I first heard about DuckDuckGo it became my search tool of choice but I found it frustrating as the results were not as comprehensive a Google. Then I found out the DDG uses Bing behind the scenes.
I now use StartPage as it uses Google for searching. Is it as private as they claim?
With wildcard searches + and - worked.
Being able to do <randompartword>* was usefull and returned a good list of sites where the randompartword was important.
Google is getting painfull
word 1 is common word 2 is rare
Google search
site 1 lots of blah
Underneath word 2 is crossed out
and so on down the search
So put in + in front
No it looks for +word 2 not YOU MUST HAVE WORD 2
Search engines, I despair, all shopping sites now
"We value our relationship with Apple and look forward to continuing to partner with them in many ways..."
This is the market-speak PR claptrap which makes us utterly despise Microsoft.
Spend more time improving your product instead of spitting out scripted feel-good buzz words.
If you had to bribe people to use Bing (see 'Bing Rewards'), that doesn't reflect well on the merit of your product, does it?
The problem with Google Search these days is political correctness and the wanton censorship of certain results which show up perfectly fine on Bing or DuckDuckGo. Still, if I want a second opinion search engine, DuckDuckGo would be my choice.
Quite obvious that there's a lot of irrelevant vitriol around Microsoft here, so any comment will be as meaningless on here as most of the other comments would be on an anti-Google site, but for what it's worth I much prefer Bing.
I find Google search to be very much like the Google app store - a few decent or relevant results amongst tens of thousands of crap ones.