back to article Jon Hamm of Mad Men to lend his lungs to bounty hunter Boba Fett

Square-jawed chunk of hunk Jon Hamm of Mad Men fame is to play everyone's favourite bounty botherer from a galaxy far, far away – Boba Fett. But before you get too excited at the prospect of Hamm's retro charm smouldering from beneath the taciturn killer's helmet in any of Disney's gazillion upcoming Star Wars films, this is …

  1. FuzzyWuzzys

    Fett is king!

    My favourite character from SW universe and has been since I was kiddie when I first saw Empire in the cinema. Being a bit dopey, when I was 7 I wanted to be a bounty hunter just like Fett, until I realised later on what they actually do for a living! Ha ha!

  2. Steve the Cynic

    Greedo didn't shoot.

    And, according to the novelisation of ANH, the other customers in the cantina returned to their drinks with no more than a shrug because they thought he got what was coming to him for not insisting that Han kept his hands on the table where Greedo could see them.

  3. Hans 1

    Square-jawed chunk of hunk Jon Hamm of Mad Men fame is to play everyone's favourite bounty botherer from a galaxy far, far away – Boba Fett.

    Was Jango Fett not the model for the clones ? How, then, could Boba be the everyone's favorite, when Jango surely must have been that good ? Jango killed several Jedi, Boba was merely a clone of Jango, yet had achieved nothing much ....

  4. fandom


    So they are going to rewrite these:

    Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina

    Tales from Jabba's Palace

    I am soooo excited.

  5. OrneryRedGuy

    So many questions may finally be answered

    Will they at long last finally dispel those unexplained absences of information that have deprived us of the satisfaction of knowing the full Star Wars story?

    ... what were Boba's political leanings with regards to the Empire?

    ... did he have any hobbies? Did he perhaps play an instrument?

    ... which brand of toothpaste did Boba prefer?

    ... what was his inseam?

    ... how might he have fared against the Ewoks, who outwitted many genetically equal Storm Troopers? ... What if he were shrunk down to Ewok size? If his gear scaled with him? If it stayed human sized? ... What if he stayed the same size, but his gear shrank to Ewok size?

    I seem to recall Douglas Adams having a few things to say about fans' tendencies to want to belabor every detail of a fictional character to death...

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