> @ sitta_europea
> Not sure of your point?
The Register is very fond of pointing fingers at incompetence, and I'm grateful for it. I read the security 'column' avidly, and I've often been prompted to act by things I've read there.
I'm not necessarily saying "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone...", but if you're going to point fingers, you might need to be prepared to have them pointed back. The Register published an email address for comments on its article, and yet, when I tried to send mail to that address, The Register's servers tell me the address is unknown. And even if it wasn't unknown they couldn't reply to me, because our servers check the SPF forgery detection stuff, and outright reject anything that results in SPF PERMERROR, and The Register's SPF record has been bollixed for yonks.
It's not like it's rocket science; if I were managing their DNS,from sitting down at a keyboard to reloading the zone it would take me all of two minutes to fix The Register's SPF record.
This is just about what to me is a relatively trivial mail system. If it's symptomatic of the general level of attention to detail at The Register it doesn't inspire confidence, because there must be more and far less trivial considerations for the Web presence, purchasing, accounts, payroll and elsewhere.
So I'm highlighting some things that look incompetent, I'm saying that somebody providing The Register with its infrastructure should be trying a bit harder -- lest they find themselves involved in some scam, and in the unenviable position of having to write about themselves for their own publication -- and I'm saying that 'harsh' might not be unjustified in this case.