Plus that mainstay of financial propriety, Dimon of JP Morgan has told us all that not only are BTC a scam, only useful for money launderers and criminals, but also JP employees are banned from trading in it.
This advice is well worth taking. If anyone is an expert on money laundering and financial scams, it's probably JP Morgan. They managed the main Madoff accounts and copped a few billion in fines for that, plus a few billion more in fines for other money laundering laundering (cartel money maybe?) schemes in last few years.
They are also part of the ETH aliance, so either Dimon knows something we don't about BTC vs other cryptos, or he simply doesn't know what his employees are doing (I believe that is a cornerstone of his defence).
So when one of the people in the world who do get to make money up from nothing, and has facilitated money laundering and ponzi schemes in the past, tells you that something is a scam you should probably listen. Oh, and he's so confident it's a scam and is going to lose value, he's not going to short it since he reckons it could get to 20k a piece before it crashes.
As for damage done to BTC trading by NK actions, I'd humbly suggest that ICOs are doing far more to increase volatility and stability issues.