citizen infractions of rules can be prevented?
> citizen infractions of rules can be prevented
If I am honest (and I suspect if most people are honest with themselves) we infract against rules multiple times a day, every day.
Hell, it is what keeps me sane quite frankly. If I had to actually follow every single silly rule on the books, put in place by busybodies with nothing better to do over the course of decades, I would have become suicidal years ago.
There has to be a certain level of "slack" in rule enforcement in order for society to function. Up until recently, it was up to a human police officer's discretion as to whether a rule was applied to you or not, given the circumstances, situation, etc...
With automation, that human decision making is slowly being removed. A Police officer can exercise discretion with regards to jaywalking for example, however a machine is very strict, a rule was violated, so you get a penalty.
Another thing they talk about is "prevention". So, how would that work? Some sort of "pre-crime" detection? Will the AI make guesses based on what inputs it gets as to how likely you are to commit a crime? What then? Preemptive arrest? Extra invasive surveillance "just in case"?
A core tenet of law is not that it prevents you from doing something illegal, but that if you do something illegal, you face the consequences. The choice of breaking the law is still up to you, which is why you can be held accountable for your actions in a court of law. And then you argue your case for why you decided to ignore that law to do what you did, sometimes the court agrees with you, sometimes not.
If we want 100% rule enforcement, 100% of the time, I suspect society will have serious issues. Either rules will have to be watered down or scrapped, or these "smart cities" would become nothing more than massive virtual prisons for the masses.
Much as I believe people should be free to live in such prisons if they want ( I sure would not live in a city if it wasn't for the fact all the work is here, and the transport links out of the city are too awful for commuting) my worry is that once all the cities become like this, they will push the same systems out into the countryside, getting rid of those little pockets of freedom that resisted.