![Posted by a snivelling, miserable coward Anonymous Coward](/design_picker/fa16d26efb42e6ba1052f1d387470f643c5aa18d/graphics/icons/comment/anonymous_48.png)
Florida AND a BMW......
Nothing more to add.......
An irate McDonald’s drive-thru punter was so pissed that he couldn’t get his Sunday morning ice cream fix due to a broken dispenser that he pulled out a replica AR-15 rifle from his car boot in protest. A BMW driven by Michael Delhomme arrived at the fast food destroyer of diet’s drive-thru intercom at the Delray Beach branch …
For those not familiar with the AR-15, its the same as the venerable M-16 seen in every US war film since Vietnam.
Given the enthusiasm of US coppers for poppin' a few caps into alleged miscreants, I'm surprised these idiots aren't shortlisting for the Darwin awards. In this case I'd have some sympathy with the cops if they'd shot first and asked questions later.
They are lucky they were at Mc D's, not known for it's armed staff, a lot of other places would have seen them looking down the barrel of a shotgun at minimum.
A place I used to know in N Cal had a Colt Python under the till and a shotgun a d baseball bat close to it.
Given the enthusiasm of US coppers for poppin' a few caps into alleged miscreants, I'm surprised these idiots aren't shortlisting for the Darwin awards. In this case I'd have some sympathy with the cops if they'd shot first and asked questions later.
Obvious, dude. They weren't target coloured - cops have been conditioned to only shoot if the perp is target coloured.
Plus not target coloured = BMW can't be stolen = guy has money + big gun = don't want to be shot at and sued.
"I read the actual police report, linked to in the article. Both driver and passenger were black males."
Someone named 'Delhomme' in Delray Beach is almost certainly Haitian. 'Henry' isn't nearly as certain a marker, but could also be Haitian. Delhomme _and_ Henry in the same car in Delray probably means two Haitians. You gotta know your South Florida demographics. Dade is mostly Cubans, with a few South Florida Cracker whites and some South Florida Blacks, both sets of 'em huddling together 'cause they're a vanishing English-speaking minority. (you doubt me? Go to Hialeah, or Doral, or Kendal. Count the billboards in English. Don't hold your breath while looking for them.) The northern parts of Dade have some Russians, mostly Russian Jews, and a bunch of rich carpetbaggers from the North, mostly on the barrier islands. Broward is South Florida Cracker plus South Florida Black and a lot of ex Noo Yawk and Joisey Jews (hint: the sheriff's name is 'Israel') with some Cubas, a lot of Puerto Ricans, some Haitians, some Russians, lots of Jamaicans (the long-time mayor of Lauderhill Lakes was Jamaican, and he had sufficient local support that he built a cricket ground good enough to be a practice ground the last time the Cricket World Cup was played in the West Indies.)and others. Palm Beach is rich Yankee carpetbaggers on the coast and on the barrier islands, more Noo Yawk and Joisey Jews, especially in Boca and Delray, half the populations of Haiti, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, plus South Florida Crackers and South Florida Blacks. Very few Cubans, mostly 'cause everybody else came north from Dade to get away from Cubans. There used to be a lot of Jamaicans in Dade; Jamaicans who hadn't yet left Jamaica called Dade 'Kingston 17', there being then 16 postal zones in the Kingston metropolitan area. (New York was 'Kingston 18' and London was 'Kingston 19'; the spoilsports in the Jamaican postal service have, last I heard, created additional postal zones in Kingston, so this no longer applies) Most of the Jamaicans in Dade have moved north to Broward or Palm Beach to escape the Cubans.
And, oh, a Mickey Dee's in Delray would almost certainly be mostly staffed by Haitians.
If the Orange Maniac builds his wall, he'd better run part of it up on the South Florida coast. Though, if the number of H-2B visa holders working on Trump properties throughout South Florida is any indication he _likes_ Jamaicans. Doesn't much care for Cubans, though, which figures.
Obvious, dude. They weren't target coloured
And, you were saying?
The AR-15 is the "civilian" cousin to the military-grade M-16, and as such is only a semi-auto. Loved by cops, security, and hunters of the ever elusive super-deer everywhere for being bad-asterisk, dependable, and perfectly legal. The specs are open, so it's manufactured by pretty much everyone, and therefore has tons of aftermarket customization and repair parts available.
If one was pointed at me, I'd be relieved. Compared to all of the pieces of crap out there that couldn't hit a clown's bulbous red nose from an inch away, something that shoots straight is way less dangerous. Collateral damage is unlikely, and it's lousy to conceal. Plenty of time to assess the situation, warn your coworkers, duck, and call the cops. So I don't mind that one being on the streets at all. Could be much worse.
But still, (alleged) ice cream is not going to make itself if the machine is broken. And shooting the messenger is only cathartic, not constructive. Especially if he's responsible for the maintenance of the machine. If we can't learn to get along, we should at least learn to think ahead. Five weeks of government-sponsored retraining for you!
"This is one of the huge problems with Global Warming. Since Florida is going to be one of the worst affected in the US"
Don't forget to make clear that it is anthropogenic global warming. Apparently there are still a few in the US that haven't watched the news for over a decade and think it's something natural!
Here in South Florida we want two walls: one to keep the Cubans in Dade and one to keep the bloody Canadian snowbirds, especially Quebecois, out. Just one question: is there even one person, just one, anywhere in Canada who is still willing to try to teach Quebecois to drive? It's two months to snowbird season and I'm already getting twitchy, watching for blue-on-white license plates with fleur-de-lis. The only things which strike fear into the hearts of Cuban Cowboys or their female relatives, Las Latinas Brava, would have Quebec license plates. And that would be because Quebecois drive even worse than Cubans. It's not as if I-95 isn't Carmageddeon without them...
as a result Henry was charged with improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon and is expected to enter a plea on a misdemeanour charge.
F*ckwits who act like that with a weapon should be banned from having any because they're clearly not in the right frame of mind for it.
"> "This stuff is some chemical concoction that's never been near a cow."
We talking about their "ice-cream", or "beef"?"
It's Mickie Dee's. Neither the 'beef' nor the 'ice cream' has ever been near cattle. The 'secret sauce' on the Big Macs may have been produced by a bull, though.
I believe that Mr Henry's lawyer is going to plead in mitigation that not only had dear Henry been much vexed by the lack of the eagerly anticipated ice cream, but had, just prior to this incident, had an angry and prolonged exchange with his wife, Eliza, about the unexpected discovery of a hole in the bucket in which he had intended to transport the aforesaid ice cream.
An irate McDonald’s drive-thru punter was so pissed that he couldn’t get his Sunday morning ice cream fix due to a broken dispenser that he pulled out a replica AR-15 rifle from his car boot in protest.
Perfectly reasonable for our friends in the colonies. No doubt Trump will be mentioning this favourably during his next press conference on American jobs in America for Americans.