Re: Devil's Advocate
"On the far right, the fairy tale is that businesses taking control of government will lead to plenty for all."
That's not far-right. That's collectivism, which is a leftist ideology. There's no practical distinction between the government demanding endless fealty to the State or to the Revolution (which, in practice, is identical to the aims of the State). There's little difference between the state owning the means of production and the means of production ostensibly being privately owned, but taxed, regulated, and controlled by government to the point that they may as well be owned by the state.
The excuse people give regarding the obvious similarity of "far right" and the far left, that the left-right spectrum is really a circle, so that the farther right you go, the closer to the far left it gets, is not accurate. That kludgy, bizarre, convenient explanation is a dead giveaway that the entire premise of the circular line is faulty. To wit: fascism is not right wing... its leftism with a few meaningless changes that are often misattributed to the right.
The right vales FREE enterprise; there is no such thing under fascism. Melding of business and government and having the government pick the winners (crony capitalism) isn't free enterprise. That kind of thing was rampant in the Obama administration, the most left-wing administration the US has had in decades.
The right values individualism; both fascism and communism ignore the individual and see him as nothing more than a member of a specific group. Whether that group is called 'proletariat' or 'bourgeoisie' or 'Aryan' or 'Jew' makes no difference; in either case, the individual only matters as a member of a group that others have assigned to him.
Fascists may think they're part of the right, but they're dumbasses anyway. They know they hate different groups than the communist/Marxist socialists, but the idea of hating people for their group remains, and that's the trait we should be keying on when it comes to identifying similarity between supposed left or right. It makes no difference whether a leader purges Ukrainians or Jews in a quest for a utopian society; they're both mass murderers on a truly unfathomable scale.
Marxist socialism and fascism are about as different from each other as Shia and Sunni Muslims. They're members of the same religion with mostly the same beliefs, yet it doesn't stop them from killing each other, or considering each other to be mortal enemies.
How much sense would a scale of religion make if it had Shia on one side and Sunni on the other? That makes as much sense as putting fascism on the far right.