I'm expecting the true irony to occur when the owners of the website start suing on the grounds of discrimination.
GoDaddy gives white supremacist site its marching orders after Charlottesville slur
Domain name retailer and hosting outfit GoDaddy has given a right wing web site that describes itself as “The World's Most Genocidal Republican Website” 24 hours to find a new hosting company. GoDaddy's decision came after activists pointed out that a site called The Daily Stormer made extraordinarily vulgar and disparaging …
Monday 14th August 2017 13:59 GMT Anonymous Coward
Do hosting providers even comb through their list of millions of domains to find ones that might be problematic? They might have a site showing ISIS videos, but unless they have a way for people to report them and act on the reports by having someone check them...
It won't matter in the long run, if nothing else some Nazis with a little money will buy a small hosting provider and offer a home to all their hate. There's no way to really be rid of it.
I think it is simultaneously hilarious, ironic and sad that the "doxxing" technique the right wing extremists have been using against various targets is being used against them. There's a Twitter feed where pictures from Charlottesville are being checked and Nazis named and shamed. I saw last night already one lost his job as a result. Hopefully more will follow. At least the KKK feared the consequences enough to wear hoods. These guys are so proud of their views they aren't, but in the days of facial recognition that's probably not a good idea. I wonder if the FBI set up shop there to take pictures of the crowd? Surely a few of those nutjobs are wanted, and could be arrested on the spot.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 08:04 GMT MK_E
I saw a fantastic rant on this subject that can be summed up simply as "you can't just be a weekend nazi".
You want to show up to a klan rally on saturday and go back to work on monday and stand around the watercooler like nothing happened?
If you don't want your life to be ruined by being seen throwing nazi salutes at a tiki-torch-waving far-right gathering and now nobody wants to associate with you or the rest of your citronella mob buddies, then maybe don't show up to a far-right gathering and throw nazi salutes in the street.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 14:33 GMT Alan Brown
"It won't matter in the long run, if nothing else some Nazis with a little money will buy a small hosting provider and offer a home to all their hate"
It'd be easier to deal with if they did. How many people remember AGIS?
Monday 14th August 2017 15:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
GoDaddy has given a right wing web site...
Some have since pointed out that the right wing site uses Cloudflare as its content distribution network,...
Hatred is not right- or left-wing. Hatred knows no politics, it exists for its own sake. It just attaches itself to whatever is convenient.
IMO, those who use the actions of "hate" for the purposes of scoring political points, is attempting to benefit from hate. That absolutely and totally disgusts me.
Monday 14th August 2017 22:10 GMT Anonymous Coward
@AC - "hatred knows no politics"
Not quite true. No one denies these guys are right wing extremists, just like the BLM protestors who rioted last year were left wing extremists.
The problem isn't calling that out, but those on either side who try to equate the statements/actions of the extremists on one side with the mainstream on that side. When you see comments with terms like "racist" or "libtard" or other inflammatory language being used, you know that 1) this person lacks any functional reasoning ability and 2) they are the very extremists that allow extremists on the other side to hold up as an example "see, this is what everyone in his group is like!"
It would be nice if hate was apolitical, but that's not the reality. There are hate groups on the right like those who came to Charlottesville to protest removal of a statue, and there are also hate groups on the left. Just like there are terrorists who claim to speak for Islam, as well as terrorists who claim to speak for Christians. It is up to the organizations these people claim to speak for to clearly and repeatedly denounce and disown them. Not that this be heard by the extremists on the other side who will continue to falsely claim those hate groups / terrorists speak for the entire political party / religion, but it will help insure they are believed by fewer people.
Monday 14th August 2017 06:15 GMT Winkypop
Good for you El Reg
"The Register chooses not quote or link to the site's remarks, on grounds that it is difficult to imagine more insensitive language being used to describe a recently-deceased person, or a more sexist depiction of a woman being used under almost any circumstances."
Truly sad for everyone else.
Trump's America?
Monday 14th August 2017 08:52 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: RE : Brexit
"Forget about the UK, the place is fucked."
Nigel Farage has said he is shocked by the salutes that were given - otherwise he supports Trump's speech.
If you Google "Farage" and "riots" you will see his history of
encoupredicting violence from similar factions in the UK over similar issues if BREXIT was stopped.
Monday 14th August 2017 08:23 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: RE : Brexit
"[...] and I'm still very much pissed off about it and those who voted for it."
They were entitled to their vote. They had their reasons.
The blame lies with the MPs who caved in and turned the result into a mandatory action - and the unbelievably hard line being taken about the implementation. In a representative democracy MPs were supposed to think and debate carefully about the potential effects.
Matters of constitutional importance should require a threshold that shows an overwhelming majority support the motion. Narrow majorities are a recipe for chaos.
It is reported that there is now controversy over the composition of the parliamentary committee which will decide which parts of the Great Repeal Bill will not be debated by MPs. Teresa May is claiming a one seat majority - but that is based on the pre-election number of MPs. A recalculation says they should now be in the minority on the committee.
Monday 14th August 2017 12:52 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: RE : Brexit
Haku: "[...] and I'm still very much pissed off about it and those who voted for it."
AC: "They were entitled to their vote. They had their reasons."
I don't see that Haku was disrespecting anyone's *right* to have that vote. However, he's under no obligation to be happy about that decision or to cooperate with it, nor to respect people for the choice they made, regardless of their "reasons".
Monday 14th August 2017 11:03 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: RE : Brexit
"We were told before Brexit that if it happened it would dominate UK news for a generation.
That's starting to look like the understatement of the century."
Well, yeah. When that statement was made, I'm sure it was at least assumed that competent people would have been in charge, the exact plan would be laid out (and possibly even voted upon) before Article 50 was triggered, and that we'd have spent the first few months after it was triggered pushing forward with known negotiation plans. Instead, we had rats fleeing the ship, Article 50 triggered before anyone could work out what "Brexit means Brexit" actually meant, we spent the first few months of negotiation time on a failed attempt at getting a Tory mandate, and now that that's failed we still don't know what's actually being discussed, if anything.
People will be talking about it until at least after the dust has cleared and we can properly survey the ashes - and possibly for a few generations after that. If the worst that will happen is a bunch of morons who voted for it whining that they're being reminded of their vote (despite not really knowing what the "it" they voted for was), they should count themselves very lucky.
Monday 14th August 2017 09:11 GMT MonkeyCee
Re: RE : Brexit
"Is there an internet law or adage for the needless or blatant mention of Brexit in a discussion forum???"
It's a discussion about a right wing propaganda website being being dumped by it's hosts because it's content a) went too far and 2) has attracted a lot of publicity.
Turns out there is quite a large overlap between neo-fascists and brexiters. They've bought into the idea that their country/privileges have been taken away from them (equal rights for wenches and darkies! But what about my right be oppress them!!!) and that the only people who can save them are $Strong_Man. In order to eliminate all these enemies of the people, $Strong_Man needs to be given greater powers. Anyone who opposes giving more powers is also enemy of people....
You might as well complain about Godwin's law too. Not a lot of water between the actual nazi's, and these wannabes. Well, the wannabes are pretty snowflake like, whining that after they've been hitting people with sticks, antifa turns up sticks, and violence belongs to the white master race damnit....
Monday 14th August 2017 09:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
The brexit vote didn't suddenly make people racist or even openly racist, they have always been like that, the "anti-brexit" and "anti-trump" press are just making a big deal about it where before it was under reported.
Are these all new groups? Did their rallies get reported previously?
Do I agree with Brexit or Trump?
However I'm getting a bit pissed off with the bullshit rhetoric.
Monday 14th August 2017 10:09 GMT Dan 55
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
The brexit vote didn't suddenly make people racist or even openly racist, they have always been like that
Bollocks. Brexit and Trump did make it more acceptable to be openly racist in the UK and US. Figures about hate crime reports to the police before and after the referendum back that up.
Note: Nobody's claiming the results turned non-racists into racists. That would be stupid.
Monday 14th August 2017 10:28 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
@Dan 55
Going to have to disagree with you I'm afraid and without wishing to be the bearer of bad news but racism and hate crime have been rising year on year for a long time before the referendum.
That's the difference between under reported and reported, it gives a false impression that something has changed rather than just the change of focus.
I would even go so far as to blame the mainstream press for making it more acceptable to be racist by over reporting incidents and putting into peoples mindsets (those that think that way) that if others are doing it then it's ok. You could even look at it from the point that by showing people it is wrong (which is clearly is) and that you can report it then people are now rightly reporting all incidents where before they did not.
Trump is an arsehole however as with the link, these groups have been around a lot longer than trump and have clearly had many more rallies that were never reported.
Monday 14th August 2017 11:17 GMT Dan 55
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
Press Association:
Hate Crime Soared To Record Levels In Most Areas After Brexit Vote
Huff's article based on that PA report:
Brexit Hate Crime Rise Statistics Reveal Most Areas Affected
People used the Brexit vote “to legitimise inexcusable racism and prejudice”.
BBC article has nice bar charts:
'Record hate crimes' after EU referendum
Paul Nuttall's response:
Paul Nuttall claims spike in hate crimes following Brexit is 'fabricated'
Monday 14th August 2017 11:56 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
I think you're missing the point, these things have been going on for a long time and trying to blame brexit is false. I think I've made my point with the link about the rise in racism due to 9/11.
Next year it will be something else that makes the mainstream press report it, Ad infinitum.
I'm also really struggling to understand why seemingly intelligent people get swept up in the dogshit taco that the mainstream press serves up on a daily basis. These fuckwit facists have absolutely fuck all to do with supreme wanker trump, in fact they probably hate him, lets be honest they aren't going to be impressed with his son in law and main adviser who is jewish. Do people think these right wing nut jobs pick and choose which non-white christian people they hate? Do people really think they have only just appeared since Trump got into power? How quaint, I'll stick to the real world where all this shit has been going on for years and the only reason it's getting reported like it is now is because those that own the press have spat their toys out of the pram.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 02:08 GMT Pompous Git
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
"The MSM doesn't inform any more, if it ever did"
Thomas Jefferson:"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day...
I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."
Monday 14th August 2017 15:45 GMT Rob D.
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
@Dan 55
Handy references and add this one which has a stab at discussing possible causes as well. The consensus view does appear to be that while other factors would have been at play (increased awareness, increased reporting, seasonal increase, increased willingness of victim to describe something as a hate crime), there probably was an actual spike in hate crime for a few months after the EU Referendum vote. No idea whether someone has looked at why.
Monday 14th August 2017 14:14 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
They were entitled to their vote. They had their reasons.
The blame lies with the MPs who caved in and turned the result into a mandatory action - and the unbelievably hard line being taken about the implementation. In a representative democracy MPs were supposed to think and debate carefully about the potential effects.
Matters of constitutional importance should require a threshold that shows an overwhelming majority support the motion. Narrow majorities are a recipe for chaos.
The problem at heart, is that well off people systematically ignored the concerns of less well off people. Their views were dismissed, their problems ignored. Simply put, Immigration has been wonderful if your in the top 50% of the population by wealth. The buying power of your money has increased and hiring people has become cheaper. If you own multiple houses then the population increase has pushed house prices, and rent income from your By To Let portfolio has gone up massively.
If your in the bottom 50% of the population, then you have seen your wages fall while your cost of living (housing etc) has increased beyond the point that people in the bottom 50% of our society can afford, and possibilities for career progression have become non existant as employers don't bother doing training any more as they don't give a stuff about staff development and retention because there is a huge que of people willing to work on the minumum wage. As a result for many people, the minimum wage has become the effective maximum wage and this is due to an excess of labour. If there was an actual shortage of labour then wages would increase from the minimum wage.
The Guardian has covered that we have hit a historical high of people living with their parents into their 30's, as they simply can't afford their own housing and are priced out of starting their own families unless they want to live off of benefits. Given no reason to vote "remain" it should hardly be surprising that these people voted "leave".
Winning the referendum in favour of "remain" was entirely possible, had the "remain" campaign not have been throughly incompetent and offered hope to these people, instead of offering fear, division and hatred. I contend that if the issues over one half of the voting population cared about had of been addressed then it should have been possible to persuade at least one percent more to vote remain.
Even after the event, then it might have been possible to mend fences and possibly talk about addressing issues such as a chronic shortage of housing and an oversupply of labour whilst remaining in the EU. However, the remain campaigns far extreme fringe has throughly sabotaged this with their cry of "EVERYBODY WHO VOTED LEAVE IS RACIST AND THE RESULT SHOULD BE REVERSED BECAUSE WE DON'T LIKE IT AND WE ARE MORE INTELLIGENT THAN THE PLEBS!!1!!1!".
Imagine that you were part of the "leave" crowd, would this persuade you to:-
A) Consider quietly and rationally discussing ways of improving your economic position with the "remain" crowd with a view to finding a way to improve things in their lives without leaving the EU.
B) Demand Brexit be implemented immediately in line with the referendum result.
The brexit vote didn't suddenly make people racist or even openly racist, they have always been like that, the "anti-brexit" and "anti-trump" press are just making a big deal about it where before it was under reported.
So put simply and moderately, this sort of post exemplifies why we are leaving the EU. A total failure of reasoning, rationality and a total disregard for the views of over half of the voting population. In a democracy where everybody gets a vote. This sort of rhetoric just hardens opinion, and that's absurdly stupid when you are actually in a minority to start with.
And by the way, claiming that everybody who doesn't agree with you have "always been racist" causes another problem. The lunatic fringe that are stupid enough to beleive beating up random people who look like foreigners on the streets on the streets is ok hear that the majority of the voting population are racist and agree with them, and think that they are a majority rather than a handful of nut jobs which makes them bolder. So please stop encouraging the actually racist extremist nut jobs?
Monday 14th August 2017 20:49 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
So put simply and moderately, this sort of post exemplifies why we are leaving the EU. A total failure of reasoning, rationality and a total disregard for the views of over half of the voting population. In a democracy where everybody gets a vote.
EU nationals, who in many cases have lived and contributed to the UK economy for years and have estabilished lives and ties in UK, were not allowed a vote. Likewise they are only allowed to vote in local elections, but not in general elections.
So not *everybody* gets a vote. Just sayin'.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 19:16 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
"EU nationals, who in many cases have lived and contributed to the UK economy for years and have estabilished lives and ties in UK, were not allowed a vote."
British nationals living in other EU countries for many years were also denied a vote on the BREXIT issue.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 14:49 GMT Alan Brown
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
"As a result for many people, the minimum wage has become the effective maximum wage and this is due to an excess of labour. If there was an actual shortage of labour then wages would increase from the minimum wage."
There hasn't been a "shortage of labour" (apart from a couple of brief intervals 1914-18 and 1939-45) since the start of the 19th century.
What's changed is that a bunch of people ended up in the driving seat who saw they could profit from the tactic of blaming the jobless for being jobless instead of operating a proper nation which supported all its citizens. The UK and the USA are taking a detour into 17th-19th century mercantilism. That path has already been well and truely trodden. It doesn't end well, which is why it was abandoned over a century ago.
The USA has elected 3 Trump-like presidents over the last 240 years(*). It ended badly each time ie: a short term spike in markets followed by deep, drawn-out recessions)
(*) Twice in the 19th and once in the 20th century.
The problem with recessions and rebalancing of markets is that those badly affected are likely to flock to extremist views, blaming "the other" for their misfortunes, where that target is frequently pointed out by the real authors of the woes via the popular press. Sadly, the deluded victims can't stop looking at the Mighty Oz in order to pay some attention to the man behind the curtain.
There's a meme that welfare systems don't exist to keep the poor from starving, they're there to prevent the poor from rising up and murdering the rich. If that's true then the UK and USA establishments are following a dangerous trajectory.
Monday 14th August 2017 17:54 GMT Marshalltown
Re: 'scum in the shadows'
...Brexit and Trump did make it more acceptable to be openly racist in the UK and US....
In fact, the ones who "caused" this were the lazy twits that stayed home and didn't bother to vote because they couldn't believe the issue was as close as it was. In the US a minority voted, and a bare minority won thanks to the peculiarities of the Electoral College. In the US one advantage of the First Amendment is that we can always watch the idiots slat the "I'm an idiot" label on their foreheads when they open their mouths. Unfortunately, there are other idiots who think know what someone else thinks is a bad thing, especially if they don't like what other thinks. The Right and Left are both like that and aren't about to sit down and talk about substantive issues since both sides run on faith in their convictions.
Monday 14th August 2017 06:58 GMT Kevin McMurtrie
They can move the domain to Cloudflare's bulletproof hosting too. Hopefully the SFPD or FBI gets around to raiding this "innocent proxy" one of these days.
Thumbs down for The Register supporting a proud service provider to e-mail scammers, fake pharma web sites, fake solar installer web sites, telemarketing scams, and pro-violence groups.
Monday 14th August 2017 10:48 GMT Jamie Jones
Re: Cloudflare
Thumbs down for The Register supporting a proud service provider to e-mail scammers, fake pharma web sites, fake solar installer web sites, telemarketing scams, and pro-violence groups
Thumbs down to you for using the internet - a provider to e-mail scammers, fake pharma web sites, fake solar installer web sites, telemarketing scams, and pro-violence groups.
This post has been deleted by its author
Tuesday 15th August 2017 01:57 GMT Pompous Git
"Why do white supremacists always seem to be obese, scruffy, poorly educated and plastered in tatts?"
Because they're trying to blend in with the hoi poloi? I see lotsa tatts, new jeans in shop windows with the knees already worn out and mucho obesity?I've actually contemplated getting one discrete tattoo on my forearm. A heart with an arrow through it and the words: "Born to raise tomatoes" underneath.
Monday 14th August 2017 08:26 GMT Chris G
Re: Looks like the Russian investment is paying off
I think the rot began to set in well before the jaffa (large thick skinned orange) got in, maybe as long as Geedub or Clinton.
Roads, rail, health, increasing poverty and 1% of the population in prison.
I would defend anyone's right to an opinion but crowing about the death of a woman with an opposing view is not freedom of speech, it's a demonstration of low intellect and education.
I find it ironic that racists and misogynists are often the lowest common denominator but think they are better than everyone else.
Monday 14th August 2017 09:05 GMT Alan Brown
Re: Looks like the Russian investment is paying off
"I think the rot began to set in well before the jaffa (large thick skinned orange) got in, maybe as long as Geedub or Clinton."
You need to go a long way further back than that. The USA finally cast off on this voyage to the extremes back in 1980 after various attempts since 1968
Monday 14th August 2017 11:31 GMT phuzz
Re: Looks like the Russian investment is paying off
Back in the old days the Soviet Union killed more bloody fascists than anyone else (helped by Hitler's less than educated attempt to invade Russia during the winter).
Now they're teaming up with them.
Monday 14th August 2017 08:12 GMT Mystic Megabyte
Very sad
Firstly, condolences to the family of Heather Heyer, truly a martyr for peace and freedom.
Secondly, I cannot express here how much I detest Trump. I'll be be polite and just say that he is an obnoxious arsehole.
Thirdly, Putin must be laughing himself to sleep every night. For minimal cost he has managed to destabilise the USA and the EU. If he wants to create civil war in the USA all he has to do now is assassinate Trump and make it look like a Muslim, Democrat or Mexican was the culprit.
Enjoy time with your family, I fear we don't have much of it left :(
Monday 14th August 2017 11:15 GMT ukgnome
The hate site currently has a possible fake page claiming Anonymous has taken it down.
Don't be fooled by this - the Reg is the only site that seems to have it right and that GoDaddy and Cloud flare have indeed given these pricks 24 hours to GTFO
Yesterday th3j3st3r on twitter was posting there was nothing that he/she could do due to cloudflare so the whole anon thing is click bait BS
Either way though - well done to GoDaddy for finally taking a stand.
Monday 14th August 2017 11:36 GMT Starace
Seems fair enough
I'm just surprised it was this that finally made them take action, it's not like that site was exactly full of peace & love before. I guess press exposure forced their hand.
The Airbnb action seems a bit harder to justify on the face of it, any more details? Are they going after specific people they don't like or is it more of a political statement and if so how are they bounding it?
Monday 14th August 2017 13:06 GMT Androgynous Cupboard
Then I will wear my idiot label with pride.
If you feel political censorship is always unacceptable I'd suggest a little thought experiment: try to imagine any political group from, say, the last hundred years that history shows should have been shut down by any means possible, including censorship. If you can't find at least one, you're not trying. Start with Isis beheading videos if you're struggling.
Politics does not exist in a vacuum, and truly abhorrant behaviour should never be tolerated in the name of free speech.
Monday 14th August 2017 13:43 GMT Anonymous Coward
Its not political censorship. Its T&C. If you are lucky, you have the right to freedom to express your opinion without interference from your government. That is not the same as freedom from consequences. GoDaddy is a commercial venture and a service supplier to them with an agreed contract. GoDaddy is not preventing them from having a website, not restricting any of their liberties - they are simply not in compliance with their terms and conditions and are now free to find another business partner.
And, this race thing has been going on for a lot longer than people might remember. I was in the USA for Clinton B and OJ and even back then this stuff was brewing under the surface. As an 'educated' European I was quite shocked at what I saw and heard and the opinions of the guys I worked with (tradesmen mostly, lots of gun-racks in pick-ups, confed flags, insane opinions parroted from Rush Limbaugh etc). I have been telling those who would listen since then that the best way to understand the USA is to imagine they spoke arabic and then see how they look, with their xenophobic war-mongering, gas chambers, thug cops, uncaring government and borderline idiot population.
At least Trump has at last liberated the EU from its instinctive ties to the USA. The EU has seen the danger, that history is not yet over, and its sad that the UK is leaving just when the EU needs the UK the most. Brexit will not be kind to the UK.
Monday 14th August 2017 13:45 GMT Snorlax
@Old Englishman
@Old Englishman: "Political censorship is unacceptable, no matter who does it, and no matter who the victim is.
Only idiots cheer actions like this.
Piss off. This isn't political censorship. Crying "censorship!!" is a limp-dick excuse.
In this case a publisher is doing the responsible thing and removing these scumbags from their servers. GoDaddy is under no obligation to facilitate their first amendment rights. These nazis can start their own web server somewhere...
Americans have some very strange ideas about freedom of speech - it's usually something along the lines of "I have a right to say whatever I want, and you might too if I agree with you". Seems to be working out just great for them at the minute - polo-shirt wearing nazis squaring up against the antifa while President Cheeto does his best to start a nuclear war via Twitter.
Most civilised countries, however, realise that there are limits to what can be regarded as free speech.
For instance, your right to express yourself doesn't come before another person's right not to be targeted by whatever bullshit ideology you may subscribe to. Have a read of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights sometime...
Monday 14th August 2017 16:54 GMT Florida1920
Political censorship is unacceptable, no matter who does it, and no matter who the victim is.
Obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/
Monday 14th August 2017 17:28 GMT Geoffrey W
@Old Englishman
Did you bother reading the site and the story they did about the woman killed, Heather Heyer, which finally got them kicked off their host? The site is still there so either go daddy hasn't chucked them yet or they found another daddy. The story is nothing to do with politics so no political censorship is involved. Its pure nastiness and lack of empathy or human feeling. I hate quoting anything from it but, to give an illustrative taste, they say the incident was a temporary road rage incident and she was too fat to jump out of the way, and it had nothing to do with white supremacy. Even if she was fat, and she isn't, it's still a revolting thing to say, and that wasn't all they said about her, and they deserve whatever happens to them. If even the great Godwin himself says, Please, call them Nazis, then fuck em.
Monday 14th August 2017 13:19 GMT Anonymous Coward
Why do most commenters instantly assume that pro-Brexit = Racist? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's an overlap. Maybe even a weighted overlap. But I know quite a lot of Brexiters who wanted to pull out for other reasons. One friend of mine just wanted fluctuations in forex to trade on, and another wants some sort of trade union with Canada... :)
Monday 14th August 2017 19:43 GMT KLane
Google has also given them the boot!
Google has canceled the domain registration for The Daily Stormer, a company spokesperson confirmed Monday.
Google didn't want its services used to incite violence, a source close to Google told Business Insider. Daily Stormer registered its domain with Google at 7:51 a.m. Pacific. Google canceled the registration at 11:02 a.m. Pacific, the source said.
Monday 14th August 2017 22:16 GMT Florida1920
Re: Google has also given them the boot!
Using a VPN to disguise my IP address, I just went to the DS home page, at 2200 GMT. It was still up. A WHOIS check shows Google is still its registrar. Maybe Google gave them 24 hours, too. If they keep shopping for registrars, they could stay up a long time. Too bad their actual hosting company is shielded.
Neo-Nazis are suckers. The guy who owns DS must have large bills, for Cloudflare and hosting, which seem largely covered by donations from the sheep. I assume he makes his living running the thing. Nice scam he's got going!
Monday 14th August 2017 22:30 GMT Number6
Re: Google has also given them the boot!
Several factors at play here. If the site is still at the same IP address then it will take a while for removal of DNS records to filter down, especially if the default TTL was set high, and it'll still appear to be there. If the hosting provider (as opposed to the domain registrar) pulls the plug then it doesn't matter who's providing the top-level DNS pointer, it's not going to find anything. At that point a long DNS TTL works against them because the system will keep giving the old, and now invalid, answer until it times out so their new site, wherever it is, won't get much traffic until it does.
Monday 14th August 2017 23:54 GMT J. Cook
Re: Google has also given them the boot!
The 'defacto' standard for DNS propgation is 48 hours. At least that's what I tell management around %employer%.
Secondly, all the people baying about free speech: go look at popehat's article regarding it, and the obigatory XKCD post (in one reply for your reading pleasure, even.)