Re: A hackers delight
I was thinking of it in a different direction.
"But officer, I wasn't speeding and I did not run that stop sign!" "Well, let me just check the telemetry data that was sent to the cloud ... Yes, I see. According to this data, you did not drive slower than 4 MPH in the last 10 minutes and your maximum speed during that time was 66 MPH, but this is a 55 zone. And stop signs require a full stop, not a 4 MPH rolling stop."
Not that I am defending speeding or running stop lights/signs. But can you honestly say you do not speed? Would you like that information stored safely in the cloud available to the police even if they have a warrant? Everybody makes mistakes, would you like your mistakes preserved so that they can be later used against you?
"But officer, I didn't rob that bank. In fact, I wasn't anywhere near the bank while it was being robbed!" "Well, according to your vehicle's telemetry, your car was parked in the bank's parking lot at the exact same time as it was being robbed. Now how do you explain how your vehicle was at the bank while it was being robbed while not having a verifiable alibi?"