Show us on the bear where the Grauniad touched you, Gareth.
The British government's Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has written to Ofcom asking for extra input before Culture Secretary Karen Bradley decides whether to approve Rupert Murdoch's £11.7bn Sky buyout bid. The DDCMS went to the telecoms regulator "seeking further clarification in relation to representations …
Don't forget all the appalling stories coming out about the hounding of families from Grenfell Tower and the Manchester Arena bombing, and the fact that the only reason it was the Daily Mail leading the assault on GOSH in the Charlie Gard case was because the Mail bid more money.
Murdoch's 'journalists' methods in 2017 are every bit as disgusting as they have been for decades, they (and their cronies and employees in Westminster) just pretend that as they are supposedly no longer hacking people's phone messages, everything else is above board.
Murdoch shouldn't be allowed to run his own mobility scooter, let along vast chunks of the UK media.
Didn't Murdoch take out US citizenship to sidestep a law preventing foreign ownership of US media? Perhaps the UK government should follow in Uncle Sam's footsteps (as it so often seems to) and enact the equivalent here. Let Rupert choose between Fox & Sky.
Yup - as far as I am able to control it, none of my money goes to supporting the Murdoch empire. We don't do print media anyway, I avoid his foul outpourings in their digital forms and there's plenty enough televisual crap on freesat / freeview and non-sky DVD boxsets to ever consider paying Sky to broadcast adverts at me.
To whoever gave me the thumb down for that (times is the best newspaper) comment, I'm curious, which do you recommend?
The Graun is obviously out because I want a modacum of hearing from both sides, The Telegraph isn't what it was, Mail/Sun/Mirror/Star - nope. The Independant is as independant as the Graun.
Really, which? "I don't like the owner" isn't a reason to forgo the best newspaper available.
Sky also have the IRN contract at the moment and supply the vast majority of commercial radio stations in the UK with news bulletins and audio clips for DIY bulletins. A lot of people who I've spoken to don't know or aren't aware of this despite the end of provided bulletins saying from the Sky News Centre. Therefore* it would be possible for someone to listen to and watch Sky News and read a Murdoch paper and be unaware that all of it is Murdoch controlled.
*assuming this deal goes through which I hope it doesn't.
"The Sky buyout dispute is entirely political" - no, its a bit more than that, it's about letting one person, and the interests/values he espouses dominate the airwaves as well as the web and print media. Oh, well, I guess that is rather political its like having a leader who was not elected but has purchased his power. Kinda reminds me of Robert Mercer - who may or may not have had an almost unfair amount of influence over the Brexit campaign.