Have to agree that "trust" is long gone.
"'This legislation will not only restore our competitive edge in the 21st century, but it will restore the sacred bonds of trust between America and its citizens,' said President Donald Trump."
In the Washington Post today, George Will opines that Vietnam was "when Americans stopped trusting the government." He has a point. That, coupled with Nixon's coverup of criminal activity in his administration, did indeed break a barrier, and if Will can be trusted factually -- and I think he can be -- then "Since 1968, trust has not risen to pre-Vietnam levels."
But trust is not a light switch. It's more like a rheostat. And yes, what Trump calls "the sacred bonds of trust" are very low and going lower. I'm not sure how many members of the Trump associates and Trump family have said, "We have not met with nor discussed anything with Russian state actors" only to be exposed as liars when independently verifiable evidence of exactly such meetings have surfaced.
Trump himself has destroyed those "sacred bonds of trust" for most Americans. His diehard base (roughly 18% of Americans, I think) are the only people left who trust him.
And, according to Sports Illustrated*, Trump even cheats at golf. Sigh. It's just a game, Donnie.
*"Trump will sometimes respond to a shot he duffed by simply playing a second ball and carrying on as if the first shot never happened. In the parlance of the game, Trump takes floating mulligans, usually more than one during a round. Because of them it is impossible to say what he has actually shot on any given day, according to 18 people who have teed it up with Trump over the last decade, including SI senior writer Michael Bamberger, who has done so nine times."