Photos or it didn't ...
um, nevermind
In yet another demonstration that truth can be stranger than fiction – or at least as strange – a landlord has 'fessed up to entering his married tenants' flat and having sexual relations on their bed. Carlos Quijada-Lara entered a plea deal last week after admitting a trespassing charge for bedroom antics in the Colorado …
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"Only 6 minutes?"
When you're with me you only need two minutes, girl,
'Cause I'm so intense,
Two minutes in Heaven is better than one minute in Heaven, mmm
You turn to me and say something s*** like:
"Is that it?"
I know what your trying to say, girl,
Your trying to say:
"Aw, yeah, that's it!
Then you tell me you want some more, well uh,
I'm not surprised
But I am quite sleepy
So a friend of mine walking home one afternoon midweek after a doctors appointment spots a man leaving what she thought was her house. She was a long way off and it could have been one of four houses so no big deal probably her eyesight playing tricks. Then a neighbour mentioned that they'd seen a man being let in by the cleaning lady some Wednesdays usually around 2pm. So she bought a PIR activated camera and hid it on a high shelf overlooking the front door. Low and behold the next Wednesday she comes home to find that there are as expected a fair few pictures of the cleaning lady cleaning. Then a few of a man being let in and she's very unhappy about this. Subsequent camera positions over the next weeks show them going upstairs then it's evident that the cleaning lady is sleeping with the bloke (and being paid for it!) before she changes the sheets. Week later and my friend arrives at 2:15pm and races in and upstairs to the bedroom finding them mid fƱck. She sacked the cleaning lady on the spot to the amazement of the mystified bloke who had assumed the cleaning lady owned the house! This may not have been the only house she was doing it in either.
I actually had this happen to me while I was a student - although this is pre-webcam era stuff. We knew because my girlfriend discovered a pair of women’s underwear in my bed, and a bunch of blonde hairs. Thankfully I did manage to talk my way out of it and was believed (mainly because we had spent the entire day together). Guy was a repulsive little cretin too - only landlord I've ever met who had to take a bodyguard with him when he went to pick up the rent.
Cops nabbed the landlord when Pierce sent them the video ...
Breach of contract is a criminal offence there?? I know they're not supposed to, but private landlords enter their properties after getting no reply to a knock all the time over here. My (generally nice*) landlords let themselves into mine last week when I didn't answer the door cos I was lazing in bed. Find it hard to imagine UK cops doing more than telling you to talk to a solicitor or Citizen's Advice over here in similar circs.
* (apart from sticking in an unnecessary new bathroom with a shower that doesn't work -- and is in front of a window anyway -- and a bath with one of those wretched mechanical plugs that doesn't actually fit, and the bath's now so huge it takes ages / costs a fortune to fill to usable level, just so they can put the rent up another 16% to £1250pcm for a total of +32% ** in 4 years. Why yes I _AM_ in the SE/London area, how'd you guess /o\ )
** Never mind, I'm sure when I tell the boss I'll be in line for a 35% pay rise AHHH HAHAHAHA *cries
If you're living in London, then your landlords are illegally trespassing when they enter your home without permission.
There are only two ways landlords are allowed to enter a tenants property while the tenant is living there - with advance notice and the tenants permission (a lot of agencies actually stipulate in the tenancy agreement that not responding to a notice stating they will visit the property is an indication they have permission to do so - eg, you must tell them no if you don't want them there), or through a court order giving them access to the property (generally to evict said tenants).
You really should read up on your rights.
You're thinking of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 which made certain types of trespass a criminal offence. It's mostly aimed at violent protests.
Tenanted premises are fall under the various housing acts and entering them without the occupier's permission constitutes trespass.
There are some very specific circumstances where a landlord or their agent can enter without permission but in general it's not permitted.
There's a lovely phrase in the law about a tennant being entitled to "Quietly enjoy all benefits of the lease". The "quietly" part is interpreted as the landlord cannot intrude, and if they do they're breaking the law big time. Judges often look upon such transgressions quite seriously and have been known to hand out some serious levels of compensation at the landlord's expense.
There's even been a case where a tenant who was jailed for a rape offence successfully used his landlady who, with no knowledge of her tenant's incarceration, assumed he'd just moved on and cleared the flat. Having some where to come back to after a stretch at Her Majesty's Pleasure apparently counts as part of the benefits of a lease...
Hmmm 18 thumbs down can't JUST be for the self-deprecating moaning about the cost of living, so I guess people think I'm wrong about most private UK landlords seeing no problem with entering their rented out premises without explicit permission from the tenant. I've got no hard data, just anecdote, but it's always been my experience. (I'm not claiming the law's on their side, or that it;s a good thing, just that it's common if not completely ubiquitous.)
Or do you all think the police would give a flying fuck if you said "Hey, my home cctv system shows my landlord shagging someone on my bed!" If so -- well, I remain to be convinced. You'd do much better with a tabloid newspaper I should think.
I suspect, that this sort of thing isnt that terribly uncommon-the tresspassing anyway. Had a landlady that was notoriously nosy, who seemed to know a LOT about the habits of tenants, and seemed to enjoy hinting at the fact.
When one didn't have a means to record such intrusions, one couldn't prove anything to legal satisfaction, but those that complained, got evicted.
People with some of their kids' toys "missing" and then sometimes seeing her kids running around with suspiciously similar items a couple days later, same deal.
I tried leaving a long running tape recorder, but that either ran out, or eventually, disappeared. Would've killed for technology that sent images offsite but 20 odd years ago, dialup was all there was. and even digital still cameras were out of range for price for most people
I once borrowed an empty CCTV camera housing from work. I couldn't borrow a camera - FAR too expensive back then.
I mounted it on a block of wood made from some 2x4 offcuts, ran a short length of twin-ax from the back to an old 1200 baud modem and left it pointing at the inside of the door to the flat.
The woman from the letting agency thought it was some sort of weapon and called the police...
On the bright side, the letting agency didn't hesitant to sack her when confronted. Naturally they claimed to have 'no knowledge of her actions'.