Re: Can we slap him?
Your link is about words, and a subjective slant on them as well, but it doesn't mention the actual violence, which is primarily a left wing thing these days. Recall how this thread began? With a call to commit violence on a Trump supporter in government, that's how.
Sure, both sides have crazies, but I'm most concerned over actions taken by entire crowds. Antifa, BLM, and any old student gathering at one of the more liberal colleges these days, many guilty of real physical violence against conservatives over the last few months. Against that backdrop, I'm referred to a pushing match between screaming antagonists and an article that badmouths Trump for not policing everyone in his organization tightly enough when their tweets (and only their tweets) get violent.
And if you're going to say that such chatter encourages the crazies, may I refer you to Congressman Scalise, gunned down a few weeks ago by a leftist crazy, who was clearly egged on by the shamelessly violent rhetoric coming out of the Democrats and Trump-hating media these days.
Again, my side is absorbing physical violence semi-regularly (up to and including bullets), while you refer to expressed opinions only. If there were any significant number of violent acts being committed by Trump supporters, that is ALL we would ever hear from the likes of CNN. But all they actually talk about is their "Russian collusion" fraud. It's all they have, you see.