but... It is not a Tuesday.
How many sites will have removed them by the time that the good ones appear? (tomorrow)
Microsoft has withdrawn at least three of the patches released at the end of June and early July, but left it to users to find out for themselves. The three patches – KB 4011042, KB 3191849 and KB 3213654 – fixed the same file-handling bugs in Outlook's 2010, 2013 and 2016 editions. Attachments containing “...” (ellipsis) or …
If the patches were delivered using WSUS, they can be removed using WSUS as well. If you let you "big fleet" get updates directly from MS, you'll need some scripts delivered through AD to remove them. If your "big fleet" is also without AD, you'll need to get back to Windows 101.
Yeah, but no. I've attempted to circulate an uninstall for at least one of the affected patches via WSUS, and it never completes, just keeps prompting the user every...damn...restart. The June patches have been an epic clusterfuck, not just with regard to attachment handling, they've also broken indexing, killing search in Outlook, which is a pretty big deal. My users are not happy campers, and there has been no effective response from MS.
In my experience WSUS does not do removal well or reliably. Hence the need to have a test group and a time lag between MS release and approving patch for release in ones domain.
While WSUS works 'OK' when used in a fairly 'textbook' manner it's in desperate need of an update to improve the console, reporting and various other bits.
On Office 2013+, the normal fix for that is to disable Hardware Acceleration:
Start any Office program.
On the File tab, click Options.
In the Options dialog box, click Advanced.
In the list of available options, click to select the Disable hardware graphics acceleration check box.
From https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2768648/display-issues-in-office-client-applications
It isn't specifically an ellipsis that's causing the problem with attachments, it's just two dots in a row, for example "xyz ltd..pdf". On of our customers' invoicing systems had a company name stored with the '.' on the end of 'ltd' so their invoices did in fact have two dots. One day their clients started telling them that invoice attachments were missing. It's really shit, isn't it.
It seems that MS are taking longer with the fix for Outlook 2007 - hence why it is missing from the update recall list.
[https://www.howto-outlook.com/news/attachments-blocked-after-applying-june-2017-updates.htm ]
Which reminds me: extended support for Office 2007 ends on 10-Oct-2017.
Had loads of problems with the patches. Attachments blocked due to being unsafe, attachments blocked due to double dots and search not working.
However it doesn't seem to affect every PC we have, some seem to work fine including my own.
WSUS is horrible, doesn't uninstall update very well and needs a massive redesign.
@adam payne
WSUS is horrible, doesn't uninstall update very well and needs a massive redesign.
All of these problems were fixed two years ago in a massive redesign of WSUS and the update was pushed out. Unfortunately, existing WSUS is too broken to be able to install fixed WSUS, or even report that there is a problem trying to install it, or even list it as an update awaiting to be installed.
Which is about what you'd expect.
<i"This update is superseded by update 4011042."</i>
[https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/3015545/june-27-2017-update-for-outlook-2010-kb3015545 ]
"Update 4011042 for Microsoft Outlook 2010 that was released on July 5, 2017, is not currently available."
[https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4011042/july-5-2017-update-for-outlook-2010-kb4011042 ]
This is why I call 'Outlook' VIRUS OUTBREAK. Because AN ATTACHMENT can cause something really BAD to happen, and has done so on MANY documentable occasions in the past.
Virus Outbreak is a HUGE vector for gaining low-level access to corporate networks. Right, RSA??? I think it was a SPREADSHEET attachment in your case... some poor accountant opened the thing, or maybe even just PREVIEWED it in the preview pane. Nice Job!