A lot of people hate OVH but...
I know a lot of people hate OVH, most noticeably those on a certain forum talking about web hosting.
The thing is, people hate them for their lack of "support". But honestly, I've been using them since 2013 now for my public business servers and honestly. They are a pretty decent host. Yes, you have to manage the servers yourself, but OVH are quick to replace faulty hardware or provision new servers for you. You get full KVM access (on newer servers) and can re-install your OS when and how you want, along side you can also force-reboot your server if required (power reset). Oh, and don't forget the attempt at DDoS protection.
The thing is, from a strictly by-their policy way they are spot on for what they do. They keep to the SLA's as best as possible (I think I've only had about 5 minutes outage with them in all the time I've been with them) and provide real server hardware for very cheap prices (hence all the hate from other providers......)
24-hours to fix a leak like this and restore a backup and have it up and going? That is a decent turn-around. Usually when something like this happens you could be waiting up to a week.
I mean, yup it sucks it was offline for 24-hours for those customers, but liquid leaking onto hardware is a decent reason for why it should be powered off.
Honestly I just prefer to stick with OVH now, they've always been reliable for me. Which is more than I can say about 1&1 whom I tried a server with previously.