How deep do the rabbit hole actually go?
Ghost of NTLM still haunts Microsoft: Aged protocol hole patched
Computer security biz Preempt warned last October that Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) should be avoided. On Tuesday, it plans to support its assessment by going public with details of two vulnerabilities. NTLM is an old authentication protocol. Though it was replaced by Kerberos in Windows 2000, Microsoft has not removed the …
Wednesday 12th July 2017 14:30 GMT WolfFan
<iHow deep do the rabbit hole actually go?</i>
Contact Nick Wilde. I'm sure he knows how deep Judy's rabbit hole goes...
(Yes, it's SFW. Trust me, there are lots and lots and lots of NSFW Nick & Judy images out there. Google is your friend. And some people are very, very, very sick. Worse than me, and that's going a long way...)
Tuesday 11th July 2017 19:35 GMT Chemical Bob
dismissed the RDP flaw by telling Preempt it represents "a known issue."
MS is at least acknowledging the issue which is better than IBM did many a year ago when I reported a bug in the way OS/2 v4 handled the microphone volume when running Windows 3.1 programs (yes, kids, IBM's agreement with MS let them include support for Windows 3.1 programs). IBM's response was that they were not going to do anything about it as it was not a known or unknown bug.
Wednesday 12th July 2017 10:29 GMT phuzz
Might have been handy to add this link to the article:
Using security policies to restrict NTLM traffic.
And if I wanted some downvotes, I'd point out that it's not possible to completely disable NTLM in Samba yet...
Wednesday 12th July 2017 10:49 GMT John Smith 19
I've sometimes wondered what proportion of MS patches and advice to customers is really...
a) Switch box off and on again.
b) Script that disables / re-configures settings. IE not new code at all.
c) Fixes a botched implementation of some packet handling protocol. IE something that's fully documented for all parameters and values of those parameters.
My instinct is quite a lot, but I'll bet it would be extraordinarily difficult to collect the data needed to confirm my suspicion.