Re: Whats this GUI thingy?
I didn't know Americans did irony.
But just in case you were deadly serious....
1. There is a clown in the White House. This can be reliably demonstrated through almost his every deed and utterance. He says one thing and does another, he says he won't do something and then will do it. Just in case you were struggling with this I'll helpfully list some of them out.
a) China as a currency manipulator. Now changed his mind
b) NATO is obsolete. Now changed his mind.
c) Masses of abuse for Obama for playing golf, plays more Golf in the first months of presidency than Obama.
d) Was going to drain the swamp. Mmm... seems to have embraced the swamp and filled it with his cronies.
e) Syria - Don't attack - Now attacks without congressional approval
f) Daid he would save Medicare (, now proposes to take 22M Americans healthcare away from them. Admittedly this is with the help of the GOP.
Now lets look at the other stupid things he's done
a) Withdrawn from the Paris Climate deal. Trump kept saying that it imposed burdens on America. It doesn't impose anything on America as its all voluntary. He can change what America does at any time without any consequence whatsover.
b) Constantly denied that Climate Changes exists at all, calling it a Chinese hoax. This is based on no evidence at all, even the fossil fuel companies acknowledge its there.
c) Dumped an anti-corruption bill that required energy companies to disclose payments to foreign governments.
d) Killed a bill to stop mining companies dumping their waste in streams. Trump allows waste into clean water over peoples health.
e) Tried to pull funding from Planned Parenthood.
f) Tried to setup an anti-hacking group with Putin who he finally accuses of hacking. This should be filed under "Puttinf (pun intended) the fox in charge of the hen house".
g) Keeps claiming he's going to build big beautiful wall and that Mexico is going to pay for it. Lets see how thats going so far, nope, nothing so far.
Now it may be that Trump has a deep and detailed knowledge of foreign policy, but I'm pretty sure he's hiding it well. He appears to have alienated most Western leaders with the exception of people like Durantes and the right wing Polish govt, oh and Putin. Now whilst the USA does have tremendous military might, it needs the cooperation of many other govts to do business, e.g. we all have to agree to free trade otherwise we end up putting tariffs up, so whilst Trump may impose steel tariffs, something else will give going the other way. Cooperation is a two way street, and to be honest, the EU which is rather a large economic block doesn't take well to his constant flip flopping and dismal ideas.
Now I have no idea about some of his other stuff, such as connections to Russia, or how much he is really worth, but I do think the man protesth too much. Firing Comney was a dumb idea, boasting about how much he is worth but refusing to release his tax returns is also a dumb idea. Whats he got to hide?
I give him another year before even the GOP decide he's too far out of control for even those loonies and set Pence up to take over the presidency. Isn't that the 25th Amendment.
Oh and I'm from the UK, so I don't get the chance to vote for the lying, abusive, serially bankrupt conman that a large proportion of the US did vote for.
I look forward to the next thrilling installment of Trump. It's always a thrill to wake up and see what other lunacy he's perpetrated on the world.