Re: Cars withe EULA
"The question is, if I buy a car - or a cell phone, or a computer, or any other tech - do I OWN what I paid for, or do I merely have a non-transferable license to USE my car in accordance with the car's EULA?"
The question on my mind is, how do you handle the second hand car market? Currently cars don't record an entire history of what happened in them, nor do you pay a monthly contract for the data connection.
What if it turns out to be like software? "Oh, you didn't buy the car, you bought a licence to use it", with all the restrictions, extra payments and general "fuck the customer" attitude that comes with software already.
Would you even be allowed to resell the car? What if they decide to change the licence terms, and you don't agree to the changes? Can they remotely disable the car until you agree? They can say you have 14 days to cancel your contract like with a phone, but do they just take the car away? Do you get a refund on your purchase price? Plus then you end up having to get another car with those terms already in the licence anyway, so you are screwed one way or another.
Bad enough having licensing restrictions and having monthly payments with software and mobile phones. Last thing I want to do is have a monthly payment and a EULA for my car as well.
The whole "connected automated car" thing sounds like a disaster in the making to me. Very dystopian, especially the whole "having cameras and microphones in the cabin" that are on all the time and tracking your eye movements and recording conversations.
Do normal people actually want this? I mean, as a geek I can think of all the ways this will go wrong, including the privacy and software security headache this would be, but even the "normal" people I know would not want a computer driving for them. I get the feeling this is more just being forced down our throats in the sense of "this is how the future will be, screw you if you don't like it" mantra that seems to have become quite pervasive in the last 10 years.
The only way I see these connected autonomous cars working is if you don't actually own them. You use them like you would a cab, bus, or public transport. Hail a pod from your phone/google brain implant, and it arrives to take you to any of the pre-vetted destinations (no driving around to areas the powers that be don't want you to see, citizen), ideally tailored to your preferences by AI as gleaned from all the data they collected on you. I guess you can sit in the pod and watch adverts inter spaced with a bit of entertainment to relieve the boredom until you reach your destination, then the pod leaves you there and goes to pick someone else up.