At first, I misunderstood the title and thought that the hacker had managed to put an "embarrassing CIA boss" in the clink for two years..
Then I noticed my error. Going to put this Champagne back into the fridge. ;^)
Another member of the Crackas With Attitude hacking group has been sent down – after breaking into the email accounts of more than 10 US government officials, including the then-director of the CIA. Andrew Otto Boggs, aka "Incursio," 23, was part of a five-person group – three in the UK and two in the US – calling itself …
Yet the whole British NHS can mitigate Wanacry for £180K?
At least one of those numbers is complete BS.
BTW Head of the CIA is a political appointee. Don't these VIP PHB's get some kind of security assessment to check over if their hardware, software and practices are secure enough to handle their job?
The next generation malware will be able to analyze bits of recorded conversation (think youtube) to extract dialect and voice fingerprints to synthesize a person's voice for profit. Will probably have about 80% accuracy in fooling someone who knows the person if it's a quick conversation.
Of course the voice analysis is only half the battle. The massive deception will also require having extensive insight on the victim you are attempting to impersonate (think facebook).
OMG this is genius.
If I were a VC (Vicious Capitalist) on the dark net I would looking to set up a meeting (well a video call with blurred out faces and distorted sound channels) to kick some bitcoin into this.