back to article Bonkers call to boycott Raspberry Pi Foundation over 'gay agenda'

Few could argue with what the Raspberry Pi has achieved. As well as inspiring countless youngsters into computing, the tiny affordable gadget is beloved by amateur and professional techies alike. Yet a completely batshit crazy petition, even by standards, begs to differ. One "NoRottenPi" is calling for a boycott of …

  1. Mage Silver badge


    Very old symbol used for thousands of years in many cultures.

    Does not automatically mean someone is pushing LGBTQI at "expense of" Heterosexuals.

    However the petition is bonkers anyway.

    1. Simon Harris

      Re: Rainbow

      Apple had a rainbow on their logo from the mid-70s to late-90s - They must really hate Apple!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Rainbow

        Well Time cook is gay. Butt the possibly are to stupid to know and are just going by pictures.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Rainbow

          "Well Time cook is gay."

          And fruit flies like a banana.

          But seriously, try not posting when your brain is so lubricated with alcohol that it slips out of your head... and it wouldn't hurt to enable your browser's spell checker.

          1. Kiwi

            Re: Rainbow

            But seriously, try not posting when your brain is so lubricated with alcohol that it slips out of your head... and it wouldn't hurt to enable your browser's spell checker.

            I'd suggest they were using a tablet, but maybe just seldom type "Tim" and often type "Time".

            But tell me. Since when has "Time" been something an English browser's spell check would identify as incorrect? Maybe you weren't as sober as you thought? :-)

        2. TheDillinquent

          Re: Rainbow

          Gay time cook? Is this another new Dr Who character, otherwise known as the queer temporal chef?

          And, no I'm not going to butt any pictures, whatever that means.

    2. BlartVersenwaldIII

      Re: Rainbow

      Does this mean that when a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky after a rainstorm that God himself is literally condoning Gayroller massacres?

      1. Nattrash

        Re: Rainbow

        What really will twist their noodle is when they find out that there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...

        1. Andrew Moore

          Re: Rainbow

          Darby O'Gill: Give me the pot of gold, ye little blaggard!

          King Brian waves his hands in the air, creating a tiny rainbow...

          King Brian: And now you have The Gay.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rainbow

      For god's sake don't tell him that there's half a dozen in the Bible...

      / If you do, then *you* clean up when his head explodes

    4. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Rainbow

      What about the ZX Spectrum? Big rainbow plastered all across the front of it. No wonder we all turned gay in the 80s! Remember the 'Pink Windmill'?

      That's why they had to make all computers beige in the 1990s. To stop the evil gay propoganda!

      Now where did I put my tinfoil hat?

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge
        Black Helicopters

        Re: Rainbow

        "What about the ZX Spectrum? Big rainbow plastered all across the front of it."

        Not to mention the game "Pimania"!

    5. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Rainbow

      Yeah, not so long along it was used by the peace movement with PACE on it.

      A bit OTT for a computer website but nothing compared to some of CoC shit that some West Coast idiots try and force on you in lieu of actually doing anything.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Rainbow

        rainbows and unicorns and cute animated characters. you find them in a lot of kid's cartoons

        I remember the attack on Teletubbies. More of the same. It takes "a wacko". They probably hate Mr. Rogers and Grover the Muppet, too.



    6. Oh Homer

      Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

      The whole "gays are pushing themselves on me" mentality sounds like latent homosexual wishful thinking.

      Actually it's just code for "your very existence offends me", to which I'd reply; "ditto, but at least I'm not an insecure bigot, who's so weak-willed that he feels it necessary to shield himself from reality, just to stop himself becoming the object of his own bigotry".

      On the other hand, the sort of cabbage-IQ people who are bigots probably couldn't understand that reply anyway, so I'd be wasting my breath.

      Personally, my orientation is "trisexual": I keep trying to have sex.

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

        I used to be trisexual. But my wheels kept getting stuck...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

          I'm against the gay agenda on only one front - adding more and more fucking letters to the original LGB, which became LGBT, then LGBTQ and now I see a damn 'I' has been added onto it. I can't be bothered to google what the hell that's for, but enough already!

          1. bombastic bob Silver badge

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            Let's add an 'R' for 'Robot'

          2. Long John Brass

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            As for me I am QWERTY

            1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

              Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

              I go both ways - QWERTY and QWERTZ, depending on the occasion.

              1. Hans 1

                Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

                I go both ways - QWERTY and QWERTZ, depending on the occasion.

                I raise you to QWERTY, QWERTZ, AND AZERTY, all of which I must use regularly, poor me.

              2. Antron Argaiv Silver badge
                Thumb Up

                Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

                ...QWERTY and QWERTZ,...

                I actually had to use a QWERTZ keyboard when I was in Quebec for work last year.

                It was slightly unnerving, but poutine for lunch made everything better :-)

              3. Steve the Cynic

                Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

                "I go both ways - QWERTY and QWERTZ, depending on the occasion."

                So you're bikeyboardist?

                And what does that make me, since I go AZERTY?

              4. Mage Silver badge

                Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

                AZERTY! Quellle domage!

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

              I'm Tri-sexual.

              I'll try anything sexual.

            3. This post has been deleted by its author

            4. qwertyuiop

              Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

              No! I am qwerty!

          3. Charlie Clark Silver badge

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            I'm against the gay agenda on only one front - adding more and more fucking letters to the original LGB

            This is the principle of self-selecting minorities (you can't be discriminated against if you're not in a minority) that was parodied in the "only gay in the village" sketches in Little Britain: all about attention seeking and nothing to do with human rights.

          4. Richard 26

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            LGBTQIA, do keep up! I think the A was for Alien.

          5. Steve Foster

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            Intersex, probably.

            Collecting the various "non-traditional" categories together in forming the "umbrella branding" seems reasonable (ie L, G, B, T, and I [so far]), but surely the Q is redundant (it's essentially a repetition of G).

          6. pdebarra

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            My organisation favours "LGBTQIA+".

          7. D@v3

            Re: LGBTQQIAAP

            Is something i saw the other day, even a bunch of 'young people' had trouble identifying the whole thing

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: LGBTQQIAAP

              If we are struggling now with the attempt to apply every letter in the alphabet to mean some special group just imagine how hard it will be for that kid in Canada born without a gender because its parents want it to choose when it is old enough to understand. We dont understand them now! By then they will have moved on from the alphabet and be full on into the ascii/unicode character sets!

          8. Mage Silver badge

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            Intersex, of which there are about 30 conditions, some unrelated. Essentially many have been surgically altered, in some cases without even parental consent or parents being informed.

            No-one should be bullied or discriminated against for what they are or believe. Nor for believing differently.

            1. applebyJedi

              Re: "pushing LGBTQI"


              (1) The bloke who started the petition

              (2) Christians

              1. Kiwi

                Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

                (2) Christians

                I've been a victim of severe bullying, sometimes pushed to the brink of suicide (and beyond, but thankfully never found a way that worked). This was done by bigots who believed I should be killed because I was different.

                What makes you think it's ok to bully someone based on a perceived difference to yourself? You're no better than those who tried to push a young boy to kill himself because they didn't like what he liked.

          9. Kiwi

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            I'm against the gay agenda on only one front - adding more and more fucking letters to the original LGB



            (I do often wonder who is really behind this adding of letters. Initially a somple concept that people could easily follow, now it is getting ridiculou. One way to destroy the acceptance of an idea is to make it appear sill)

            1. the Jim bloke


              a comment from my brother in law..

              First they stole our rainbow,

              ..then they stole our alphabet

          10. AK565

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            Most of us G-men can't keep track of the letters, either:-)

          11. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

            Well, if you can't be bothered to Google it, then why be bothered in the first place?

        2. Chemical Bob

          Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

          "I used to be trisexual. But my wheels kept getting stuck..."

          Then you're doing it wrong.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

        "The whole "gays are pushing themselves on me" mentality sounds like latent homosexual wishful thinking."

        Spot on. Reminds of the tweet i saw during the equal marriage legislation in the UK - "it's a common misconception, but equal marriage will not mean you are now forced to marry someone of the same sex".

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

          No it isn't wishful thinking. Any more than being pestered by Jehovah's witnesses shows a latent desire for religious experience or being stung by bees shows a latent desire to copulate with them.

          Dream on you insecure little man.

          You are not enticing, exiting, new, progressive or hip.

          You are a fucking boring nuisance.

          1. Oh Homer

            Re: "being pestered"

            So how many homosexuals do you get knocking on your door trying to convert you, honey?

            There's more than a subtle difference between "being pestered" and "they exist" that insecure bigots seem unable to grasp.

      3. GruntyMcPugh

        Re: "pushing LGBTQI"

        "The whole "gays are pushing themselves on me" mentality sounds like latent homosexual wishful thinking."

        Studies have shown that the homophobic are more aroused by gay porn then those who have no problem with homosexuality, so you are bang on the money (shot?) here.

    7. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: Rainbow

      Judging by just how stupid this makes the petitioner look, I would suspect that this is a false flag exercise.

      Hmmm, thinking about it, the stupid in this actually does match up.

    8. BongoJoe

      Re: Rainbow

      I used to have a Greenpeace t-shirt in the mid-seventies which certainly had a rainbow. And they had one too until the French got hold of it.

      And there was certainly nothing gay about Messrs Blackmore, Powell & Dio back in '76.

      1. Robert Baker

        Re: Rainbow

        "And there was certainly nothing gay about Messrs Blackmore, Powell & Dio back in '76."

        Nor the venue in Finsbury Park where many rock bands performed.

    9. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rainbow

      "Very old symbol used for thousands of years in many cultures."

      It is, but the pride rainbow generally only has six colours. The reason for this is quite fun - when hung from the lampposts of San Francisco the pole would block the middle colour, so they deleted one to leave an even number so none of the colours (each representing a value or meaning) would be obscured.

      1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re: Rainbow

        "... when hung from the lampposts of San Francisco the pole would block the middle colour, so they deleted one to leave an even number so none of the colours (each representing a value or meaning) would be obscured."

        Wouldn't that imply that one "value or meaning" was ditched for the sake of appearances? (And if that really was the case, which one?) Why not add another colour representing another value or meaning? There are plenty of both.

        Besides, the "problem" would be strictly one-sided, so to speak... and fixing it by removing one stripe would result in the the pole blocking 1/2 of two colours each.

        Strong whiff of "meaningful explanation added to coincidence after the fact".

        No, I guess someone just found another supplier of flags that were more attractively priced, but had six colours.

        1. Terry 6 Silver badge

          Re: Rainbow

          Colours of; Red Orange Yellow, Green Blue and Violet - equating to the three primary colours and the three overlaps. Newton invented a 7th colour because of his mystical belief in the significance of the prime number 7

          1. Richard Scratcher
            Paris Hilton

            Re: Rainbow

            There are in fact 7 colours in the rainbow.. according to Arthur Hamilton:

            Red and yellow and pink and green,

            Purple and orange and blue,

            I can sing a rainbow,

            Sing a rainbow,

            Sing a rainbow too

            1. roytrubshaw

              Re: Rainbow

              "Red and yellow and pink and green,

              Purple and orange and blue,



              No! No! No!

              Richard of York gave battle in vain.

              Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.


              1. Mage Silver badge

                Re: Rainbow

                Resistors ...

                Black (oil underground), Brown (Earth), Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey(clouds), White (light).

            2. Pen-y-gors

              Re: Rainbow

              @Richard Scratcher

              Red and yellow and pink and green,

              Purple and orange and blue,

              ...I can sing a migraine, sing a migraine, sing a migraine too.

        2. Eddy Ito

          Re: Rainbow

          Well, according to Wikipedia there were eight colors originally.

          1. Robert Baker

            Re: Rainbow

            "Well, according to Wikipedia there were eight colors originally."

            In the Discworld equivalent movement (dwarfs who identify as female?), the eighth stripe is probably octarine.

      2. Roj Blake Silver badge

        Re: the pride rainbow generally only has six colours

        Even Newton had trouble with the number of colours in a rainbow. He could only actually see five but decided that seven was a better number.

      3. Mage Silver badge

        Re: Rainbow

        Newton "picked" seven colours (most people only clearly distinguish 6) because of Greek philosophy, music (seven notes, then next octave) and alchemy. He'd originally listed six! There are very many more colours than 7 in a rainbow if you have a good list of colour names, or a pantone chart. I think the limit is about 10,000 hues for humans viewing spectrum of sunlight on very narrow slit and prism.

        Asimov thought Newton's choice odd

    10. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Oh God, not more letters. Since when did this cumbersome initialism gain the additional 'I' and what the hell does it mean? No actually, don't tell me. I don't care. This has got daft enough.

      1. d3vy

        Re: LGBTQI?

        There's a bloody A on the end too!

        I reckon we are just a few months off finally being able to solve the conundrum and winning a teapot.


        1. kraphaus

          Re: LGBTQI?








          Where do I get my teapot?

          1. MrDamage

            Re: LGBTQIBFt

            > "Lesbian










            1. Kiwi

              Re: LGBTQIBFt

              Re: LGBTQIBFtEBTKS

              > "Lesbian




              You forgot "Everything But The Kitchen Sink". Which will later be included so it doesn't feel left out

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: LGBTQI?

          Assume the 'A' stands for Attention seeker.

      2. Rustbucket

        Re: LGBTQI?

        I believe the I stands for "intersex" where their physical bits swing both ways. But it's the Q for "Queer" that has me puzzled; isn't that covered by the LGBT options?

        One version I saw included an A which I presume stood for "Asexual" who are people who don't have sex or sexual desire and are completely happy with that, so why do they need special representation?

        I just think of it as LGBT-alphabet for simplicity.

        1. kain preacher

          Re: LGBTQI?

          Q is for gender queer

          a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders. the T and I part have different issues then the LGB

    11. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      That's nothing!

      Round where I live, it had recently rained and the rain had moved away, then the sun came out. All very nice, you might think, until I looked up into the Tory blue sky, and saw that the gays had been at it again, plastering their rainbow across the whole vista of nature. I am raising a petition to stop this constant hijacking of the skies by the LGBTQIADHKUY brigade. Who's with me?

    12. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Rainbow

      I bought a Pi and cheerfully identify as being somewhere over the LGBT rainbow.

      Just be careful where you stick that petition, hun.

  2. ciderbuddy

    At first I thought "Where?" then I noticed it on the back of the monitor.

    People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

      I think you may well find that they don't allow themselves nice things. Because it might make Jehovah[sic] cross.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

        "Because it might make Jehovah[sic] cross."

        He said Jehovah! Stone him!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

          No-one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle. Even, and let me make this absolutely clear, even if they do say Jehovah.

          1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

            Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

            "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

            *someone in the crowd hurls a stone*

            "Mom! I'm trying to make a point here!"

        2. Hans 1

          Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

          Jehovah[sic] cross

          What a lousy pun!

          Now, now, now, is there a woman in the attendance ?

          1. Anonymous Coward

            Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

            "What a lousy pun!"

            It isn't a pun. I wrote "Jehovah[sic]" because no such word actually appears in the Bible - it's a mistake in translation.

            Icon is a request to the stoners.

      2. Front door

        Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

        All I said was that it was a lovely piece of halibut that was good enough for Jehovah.

      3. Kiwi

        Re: "People like this shouldn't be allowed nice things."

        I think you may well find that they don't allow themselves nice things. Because it might make Jehovah[sic] cross.

        They need to forget the bad teachings of their youth and read their Bible. Get to know the God of the Bible, not this being of man's worst imaginations.

        /me gets asbeatos overcoat

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      And the two women hugging, with the one wearing a pin badge.

      However I would never have noticed if I wasn't trying to find it. I though it was referring to the pi in education part which had a rainbow effect on the teacher holding the pi. I hadn't even noticed the first pic.

      1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

        I've got a PiBow case for one of my RPis. Very nice it is too.

        Icon for where this idiot probably thinks I'll end up.

      2. James Hughes 1

        Is it two women? I thought one of them was Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

        But apparently not...

      3. Old Used Programmer

        And ther rest...

        You'd only notice that it is a woman doing the hugging if you notice the earrings. I was amused to note that much fuss is being made of the LGBTQ elements while no one paid any attention to the adults being an inter-racial couple, so *some* progress has been made.

        And, yes, the thread was--so far as I can tell--sent to /dev/null.

        On the whole, the image (still up today...I expect it change relatively soon as it is no longer Gay Pride Month) is pretty subtle. I suspect a lot of people never noticed and would never notice if the petitioner hadn't made such a fuss. It's pretty much an own goal.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: And ther rest...

          So only women can wear earings? You reactionary fascist oppressor !!!

        2. Ben Tasker

          Re: And ther rest...

          You'd only notice that it is a woman doing the hugging if you notice the earrings.

          I used to work with a bloke with a big shaggy beard who wore womens earings every day that I saw him. Earrings definitely aren't a good indicator to rely on.

          1. Kernel

            Re: And ther rest...

            "I used to work with a bloke with a big shaggy beard who wore womens earings every day that I saw him. Earrings definitely aren't a good indicator to rely on."

            I'm a bloke with a big shaggy beard that wears earrings, although literally just 'rings', like a pirate and I'm definitely not gay, so that's at least two of us.

            What I would like to do is explore the possibilities of a bigger, shaggier, beard, but I'm having trouble getting planning permission for that from the missus.

            1. phuzz Silver badge

              Re: And ther rest...

              Clearly you should wear bigger ear rings, perhaps with flashing lights, to distract herself while you grow out that beard.

          2. KBeee

            Re: And ther rest...

            "I used to work with a bloke with a big shaggy beard who wore womens earings every day that I saw him. Earrings definitely aren't a good indicator to rely on."

            I bet if you asked him how long he'd been wearing them, he'd have said "Ever since my Missus found them on the back seat of our car"

            1. Chris 239

              Re: And ther rest...

              Best (and least necessary) use of Joke icon this week! :-))

        3. julianh72

          Re: And ther rest...

          "no one paid any attention to the adults being an inter-racial couple, so *some* progress has been made."

          Well spotted! Time for another petition - we can't have these liberal do-gooder so-called charities pushing multiculturalism down our throats!

        4. Baudwalk

          Re: And ther rest...

          >>>You'd only notice that it is a woman doing the hugging if you notice the earrings.<<<


          Considering the many earring-wearing males around, that buttons on her jacket are on the left would probably be a better indicator.


          Anyhu, I'd forgotten I wanted to get my hands on that deliciously cheap Zero W for some LG^H^HBLE-tomfoolery.

          Now, where's that credit card at?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh what a Gay Day...

    From the time when Gay meant happy.

    Can we have a perition to boycott the person who put the original on

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

      From the time when Gay meant happy.

      And you know the petitioner would have disapproved of that as well.

      1. Swarthy

        Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

        And you know the petitioner would have disapproved of that as well.
        Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

        --H.L. Mencken

    2. SolidSquid

      Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

      As the Flinstones would put it, "We'll have a gay old time!"

    3. Hollerithevo

      Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

      It still does. Although it can cause a slight pause in reading or speaking while the recipient sorts out what exactly is meant.

    4. Old Used Programmer

      Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

      In his petition he says that his account was banned. Duh...

    5. John Gamble

      Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

      "From the time when Gay meant happy."

      Still does mean that. If you are referring to a time when it exclusively meant that ... it's unlikely that was ever the case.

      1. Robert Baker

        Re: Oh what a Gay Day...

        "it's unlikely that was ever the case."

        Great article from the Heterosexual Idiot. ;-)

  4. Mike Shepherd


    Only one vote...that's so sad! I'll get my boyfriend to sign it.

  5. Alister

    Thank the gods they don't ship the Pi in a triangular pink box, eh?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Pink is nice

      Maybe not triangular but they do supply a nice pink case as show in our dear El Reg in 2015

      I wonder if there is an after market rainbow colour scheme case available. I'd buy one just to wind up the petitioner.

      1. AndyTempo
  6. Lee D Silver badge

    "They want to tell your children it is 'ok to be gay' even if you as a parent work diligently and carefully to put your child on a hetrosexual path."

    So... you're saying you want to tell my children that it's NOT okay to be gay?

    Way to win over the audience. You can discount my support for such stupid nonsense.

    If they were INSTRUCTING your kids to be gay (they're not, the operative word here is 'support' - I 'support' all manner of groups and causes, none of which demand I live their certain lifestyle), then maybe you'd have a case. But they're not.

    P.S. I suggest you look into what your school teaches your child. Because I guarantee they WOULD NOT tolerate any speaker, guest, staff or other child telling someone that it wasn't okay to be gay.

    1. kain preacher

      "They want to tell your children it is 'ok to be gay' even if you as a parent work diligently and carefully to put your child on a hetrosexual path." Wait is just me or are the ysaying one has to be forced to be hetro ? Are they saying sexual orientation is a choice.

      1. goldcd

        My parents forced me to have piano lessons

        I will never forgive them for this.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: My parents forced me to have piano lessons

          They forced you to be A PIANIST? [wash your mouth out with soap after saying that]

      2. TRT

        It's DISGUSTING! The Pi's board is literally covered with MALE headers sticking up everywhere. And what do you have to do to connect to it? You have to buy a LESBIAN F-F cable. And, and they even do THOSE in rainbow colours. Oh, but it's not a MALE port, is it, despite the header, it's a GENERAL PURPOSE IN/OUT. Gender flexible! This promotion of bisexuality is just as bad as the promotion of homosexuality.

        1. Frumious Bandersnatch

          re: male headers

          Yeah, but you can get models that don't have this area populated. You're quite justified in sticking a female header (or even a bendy one!) if you like.

        2. Sgt_Oddball

          You can just get the pi zero. That's got holes where the gpio is. There you go. They've thought of everything (a soldering iron is required for trans pi's. Queer easy to solve too. Just bend the pins.)

          Now if you'll excuse me I've got a leather studded case to finish for my pI...

        3. Hans 1

          The Pi's board is literally covered with MALE headers sticking up everywhere.

          Yes, and the whole is named a "motherboard". So definitely calling for transsexualism and pushing for transsexual parenting as well ... where does it stop ?

      3. imanidiot Silver badge

        @kain preacher, I think they are saying people only become gay because their parents fail to be "good parents and keep them on the heterosexual path"...

        I have a feeling this person needs a backwards jacket with long strappy sleeves and a padded room.

        1. Paul Crawford Silver badge


          How do I know if a path is heterosexual or homosexual?

          I mean I can sort of tell if a path is straight or curved, but that is not helping me know how the path feels about other well-trodden routes. Also how would such a path pass on its inclination?

          Oh dear, now I have to contemplate if I like my asphalt...

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Path?

            "Oh dear, now I have to contemplate if I like my asphalt.."

            That's bi-tumen.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Path? - How do I know if a path is heterosexual or homosexual?

            Just be very careful if it's red because you wouldn't want to get too close to one of them cyclepaths.

        2. kain preacher

          Oh you mean a hug my self jacket. I think he is projecting and really means that he blames his parent for not protecting him from like men.

          I really want to call h m a cock sucker but that would be an insult to cock suckers.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @kain preacher - yeah, that's what fuckwitted bigots usually presume, that being gay or trans is a matter of choice, AND that gay and trans folk want to recruit AND that children are so easily suggestible that they can be persuaded to be gay or trans. Which of course completely ignores the fact that if children were so easily persuadable there wouldnt; be any homosexual or trans folk as the amount of heterosexual/cisgender-normative material and role models out there waaaay exceeeds those of the homesexual-transgender ones. And I've yet to meet a trans person who didn't feel the condition they were born with to be a painful one that they wouldn't wish on anyone.

        I recently had the amusing experience of having a Christian evangelical woman striking up a conversation with me on the bus, and somehow she got onto the subject of not being able to compliment other women in case folk think you're lesbian. She clearly hadn't 'read' me (I am a lesbian) . Somewhat startled, I told her I thought she was being paranoid, I compliment women on therir appearance without anyone reacting negatively, I said. Just because someone tells you 'that's a nice outfit you're wearing' doesn't mean they want to jump you, seems to me it's the ones fretting about being thought lesbian that have sex on their mind the most, I continued. 'Nice hat', I said as I got off the bus. Her face was a picture..

        Logic doesn't tend to be the forte of bigots.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          "Which of course completely ignores the fact that if children were so easily persuadable there wouldnt; be any homosexual or trans folk as the amount of heterosexual/cisgender-normative material and role models out there "

          I'm going to take a non-SJW and 'non-extremist' position on this issue, and offer some science to back it up.

          First, you're not a victim of your urges. You have a brain in your head. You make choices, and I assume they're good choices most of the time [like everyone else].

          That being said, genetics and developmental issues can be shown to affect sexual preferences. I cite an experiment I've mentioned before in which the brains of homosexual male sheep were examined, and the examination showed that they looked a lot like 'female brains' in certain areas, particularly with respect to processing testosterone and aromatase. (physiological evidence of potential developmental causes for homosexuality in sheep).

          At the same time, there's also an "addiction" gene that is thought to be responsible for certain kinds of addictive behavior. We all know that this genetics is often fought against by AA members, etc.. they make choices, too, and in their cases they choose to go AGAINST their genetic predispositions, and for good reason.

          So, somewhere between "extreme on one side, you have a choice" and "extreme on the other side, I have _NO_ choice", is a reasonable amount of medical and behavioral science that says "it's not such an extreme thing", since developmental issues DO exist, and genetic ones PROBABLY exist, and somewhere in the middle is reality, where some make choices that others cannot make, and vice versa, because we have brains and are NOT the victims of genetic/developmental predisposition, regardless of circumstance.

          So I suggest, in this case, that you may make choices based on circumstances beyond your control, ones that you perceive as "cannot be avoided", whereas others with different circumstances may not. This does not mean you can't choose something else. it may simply be too difficult, or just undesirable.

          Whichever choice you make, though, it's not my business. It's your business. And that's ultimately where it should stay.

          [and people should perhaps mind their own business more often when it comes to sexuality and preferences, and not intentionally get in others' faces with whatever extreme position they take]

          1. Kiwi

            since developmental issues DO exist, and genetic ones PROBABLY exist, and somewhere in the middle is reality, where some make choices that others cannot make, and vice versa, because we have brains and are NOT the victims of genetic/developmental predisposition, regardless of circumstance.

            I believe that I am gay largely by choice, or rather a series of choices, but these were made when I was very young and there was no way for I or anyone else to see where they'd lead till it was too late.

            I also believe genetics can play a very large role, but not always causitive. Same for upbringing. I've met some extremely effeminate men who are cleary and surprisingly straight, who by many accounts should be more bent than the Raurimu Spiral. Also have known several gay teens who became straight for the right woman. Or maybe they'd become gay for the right boy......

            Pirate coz lots of frigging in the rigging..

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            @bombastic bob - I'm well aware of the research on such matters, m'dear (I've read quite a lot of biomedical and psychological texts and research on the subject), but given some of my comments tend to the overlong, I was doing my best to keep it reasonably short, rather than write a dissertation! Well done, and have an upvote from me for a quite reasonable posting on the subject.

            However, it's still true that on the whole, for most folk sexuality is not a matter of choice. If you're homosexual, the availability of potential sexual partners is much more limited than for heterosexuals, and social pressure can make it extremely hard to even locate suitable partners, never mind actually get together with them. I know that many women of my age who now identify as lesbian have been in heterosexual marriages before because they were lonely and saw no hope of being able to enter into a lesbian relationship, when they were younger. Extreme lonliness can drive one to extremes of behaviour, including going against ones innate sexuality, particularly with huge social pressure to conform pushing one in that direction. That doesn;t really equate to choice in the sense of free choice though, now does it?

            The plain fact of the matter is that I'm just not terribly interested in guys that way, and that is NOT a matter of personal choice. I'm not anti-guys though, heck, some of my best friends are male... 8-} ;-}

        2. kain preacher

          Wait there is a secret lesbian code? Why didn't any tell me that sooner :). God that to me screams she is in the closet. Women all the time say things like nice dress oh I love your shoes.

      5. Chris G

        " put your child on a hetrosexual path"

        Apparently so,if it can be made I assume they think homosexuality can be 'cured' too.

        This reminds me of an old graffiti joke, My mother made me a queer.

        Oh! If I send her the wool will she make me one too?

      6. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        *Are they saying sexual orientation is a choice?*

        Bigots like that usually bang on about "lifestyle choice" of gay people - I know that it most certainly isnt a choice. I'm watching while a neighbours lad wrestles with his own nature while being fed this nasty bigotry by his mother

        1. Kiwi

          I'm watching while a neighbours lad wrestles with his own nature while being fed this nasty bigotry by his mother

          Her path leads to her son's suicide, becoming a criminal, or rejecting everything she holds dear, including his family. Tell her to understand Romans 14:4 and "it is by grace you are saved, not by works". She also needs to learn what the Bible says about loving and showing love, showing mercy, and letting God deal with other people. Hers is the greater sin, and the Bible makes that abundantly clear. She is to love her son and treat him with love, compassion and mercy. The rest is up to God. Forget the church and what they say, "let go and let God"

      7. 's water music

        Wait is just me or are the ysaying one has to be forced to be hetro ? Are they saying sexual orientation is a choice

        Well they capitalise CHOICE elsewhere (being a tenet of the Gay Agenda meme I would have been surprised to not see this). I think what they are saying is that the Gay Lifestyle looks so damn tempting that any kid not fed a strict diet of "Hetrosexual" propaganda is bound to succumb. I would make an implication that they are just projecting but I suspect it is a brilliant troll.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "I suggest you look into what your school teaches your child. Because I guarantee they WOULD NOT tolerate any speaker, guest, staff or other child telling someone that it wasn't okay to be gay."

      Unfortunately some people who have influence over children's minds as teachers or community leaders do promote homophobia in implicit or explicit ways - even in apparently enlightened Western countries.

      A recent example in Scotland was Cardinal Keith O'Brien - before he was exposed as sexually abusing his junior clergy. The CoFE requires its clergy in same-sex relationships to be celibate - and that is the liberal end of the religious spectrum.

      As someone has pointed out elsewhere - with an increase in nationalistic fervour comes intolerance for those who can be labelled as "different". See Russia and Turkey.

    3. bombastic bob Silver badge

      "They want to tell your children it is 'ok to be gay' even if you as a parent work diligently and carefully to put your child on a hetrosexual path."

      So... you're saying you want to tell my children that it's NOT okay to be gay?

      I don't think it was intended to be THAT extremist.

      best path: we all mind our own business, and this whole hysteria fades away. No more SJW's or identity politics, or extremists trying to foist their viewpoint on everyone else.

      THAT would help.

      (in the mean time, we can lampoon the extremists on BOTH sides of the argument, rather than believing them or defending them)

    4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Schools teaching kids to be gay would be the best way of reducing general gayness.

      Years of trying to teach me times-tables left no impression - and this was using nuns with rulers.

      1. graeme leggett Silver badge

        "nuns with rulers"

        - worst auto spellcheck correction of 'nunerals' yet

  7. GrumpenKraut

    How to spell haterosexual

    ^^ like that

    One almost feels sorry for the guy. Almost.

    1. John G Imrie

      Re: How to spell haterosexual

      How about I give him a kiss and see if I can make it better.

    2. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      Re: How to spell haterosexual

      I'm homogenerous.

      1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge


        [ xx / xy ; 1 ]

        I fear my foray into the space of projective sexuality has been badly received. I should have stuck to straight binary.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How to spell haterosexual

      er... does that mean you like having sex with hats??

  8. Pollik

    I just came on here to say I really don't care either way about this story.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Confucius says,

      He who posts that he does not care about story cares enough to post.

      1. Alistair


        "He who posts that he does not care about story cares enough to post."

        At least you properly credited the tweet.

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: @AC

          Confucious say, "man who go to be with itchy bum - wake up with smelly finger."

          1. AdamWill


            Confucious say, 'man who believe attribution of quotations on the internet is a fool indeed'.

            1. Robert Baker
              IT Angle

              Re: Optional

              "Never trust anything you read on the internet" — Abraham Lincoln

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Since it appears we're making up quotes...

      The fuck is that?

      - Colonel Sanders

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Since it appears we're making up quotes...

        "It's Chicken"

        - Colonel Sanders gay mate

        1. TRT

          Re: Since it appears we're making up quotes...

          "Does it taste good?"

          - Colonel Sanders

  9. hplasm
    Thumb Down


    How gay does that make TV Kids favourite 'Rainbow', then?

    Some people...

    1. Alister

      Re: Wow!

      How gay does that make TV Kids favourite 'Rainbow', then?

      You'd have to ask Geoffrey and Bungle about that, I wouldn't know...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Wow!

        I'm still in shock from the three-in-a-bed episode... 8-O

    2. Baldrickk

      Re: Wow!

      I don't know - a pink hippo named George? One could get ideas...

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes you wonder what the poor bastard does if he sees a rainbow in the sky?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      He doesn't cower, bend over and touch his toes, that's for certain.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Start a petition, of course!

      Those weatherman should never get away with it!

    3. Simon Harris

      I have many EPROMs that diffract a nice rainbow pattern in reflected light.

      It must be a subliminal plot by the semiconductor industry to promote homosexuality.

      1. TRT
  11. deadlockvictim

    The Bible

    Esteemed Author» The issue appears to be a small rainbow featured on the website.

    Does anyone want to point out to this True Christian™ that, according to the Book of Genesis [1], God created a rainbow for Noah to signify that the Flood had ended. Is he suggesting that improper acts occurred on the Arc?

    [1] And Science doesn't get anymore real than the Book of Genesis. It's a good read too.

    1. Anonymous Coward Silver badge

      Re: The Bible

      Well, based on that story, all life except that which was on the ark got destroyed. Therefore the entirety of humanity is derived from Noah and his wife... that's a whole lot of incest!

      Thankfully it has mostly been relegated to Norfolk these days.

      1. Steve K

        Re: The Bible

        ..actually before that Noah's goes back to Adam & Eve, who had 2 sons....

        What happened next...?

        1. AJ MacLeod

          Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

          They had quite a few more children of both genders, that's what...

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

            "They [Adam and Eve] had quite a few more children of both genders, that's what..."

            IIRC the bible says that Cain married someone from another tribe - now where did they come from?

            1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

              Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

              Cain's wife appears to have come from the land of Nod, believe it or not - depending on how you interpret Genesis 4:17:

            2. bombastic bob Silver badge

              Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

              "IIRC the bible says that Cain married someone from another tribe - now where did they come from"

              SHE came from outer space!

            3. AJ MacLeod

              Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

              Nope, Cain's wife was either one of his sisters or a niece. No great mystery... it doesn't say that he found his wife in Nod, only that he went there (already married.)

          2. Steve K

            Re: The Bible (@Steve K)

            But Noah's Ark would have quickly run aground in that gene pool.

            Some of my best friends are Christians....;-)

        2. Kiwi

          Re: The Bible

          ..actually before that Noah's goes back to Adam & Eve, who had 2 sons....

          What happened next...?

          Genesis 5:4 covers that.

          And yes, Cain's wife was one of his sisters. No law on that was given till much later.

      2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: The Bible

        To be fair, Noah also had his 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japhet. And their wives.

        And a lot of sheep. Just sayin'.

        Yes I was in Noah! The Musical when I was 8. Our poor, poor parents. Except for the night when Japhet buggered up his lines, started the wrong song, and managed to miss out a third of the script. Bonus early ending.

      3. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re: The Bible

        "Well, based on that story, all life except that which was on the ark got destroyed."

        Except all the creatures that live in (or mostly on) water anyway... And the flood was meant to wipe out all the baddies. Which leads to the conclusion that ducks are evil. Watch them. Watch them closely.

        "Therefore the entirety of humanity is derived from Noah and his wife... that's a whole lot of incest!"

        Adam & Eve 2.0

    2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: The Bible

      Esteemed Author» The issue appears to be a small rainbow featured on the website.

      You are not very observant.

      Two rainbows, second one on the badge worn by one of the adults which may or may not be both female (the cartoonist needs to learn to draw first before taking on serious political topics).

      So in total 3/4 characters in the cartoon.

      IMHO, the cartoonist needs to learn to draw, my 8 year old daughter draws better. There is nothing worse than using a very proper political cause to get preferential treatment for very shitty workmanship.

      1. James Hughes 1

        Re: The Bible

        The artist is sitting a few tables down, I'll let him know you rang. BTW, I seriously doubt your daughter could do any better than a professional illustrator, but feel free to send some of her artwork in so we can do the comparison.

        1. Kristian Walsh

          Re: The Bible

          Well, from this viewpoint I cannot see that drawing as anything other than two women and a couple of kids. So, pass on my small congratulations for depicting an adult female human in a cartoon illustration without resorting to just drawing a boy with boobs and long hair*

          (* Yes, I know it was good enough for Michelangelo, but that was a long time ago...)

    3. Kernel

      Re: The Bible

      " Is he suggesting that improper acts occurred on the Arc?"

      Let me guess - is this the aristocratic version of shagging while standing up in a hammock?

  12. Pen-y-gors


    Genesis 9:13-14

    13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

    14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

    Can we have a petition to boycott the Bible as clearly Gahd was advocating perverted and un-natural man-on-man sexual practices when he plastered a rainbow all over the sky for Noah to see. Did the 10 commandments get edited to remove no. 11 - though shalt love they neighbour as theyself, provided thy neighbour be of the same sex as thou.

    (And does 'loving thyself' tend to imply heavenly backing for self-abuse?)

    1. Alistair

      Re: Bible?

      @ Pen-y-gors

      The ten commandments weren't "edited". Moses dropped two of the tablets on the way down and, well, we've been at war ever since.

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: Bible?

        "Moses dropped two of the tablets on the way down and, well, we've been at war ever since."

        Actually, he only dropped one, as seen in the documentary "History of the World Part One":

      2. Arthur the cat Silver badge

        Re: Bible?

        Moses dropped two of the tablets on the way down and, well, we've been at war ever since.

        An old joke: Moses comes down the mountain and announces to the Israelites "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is I got him down to ten. The bad news is adultery is still one of them."

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Bible?

          Is it wrong to hear that in Jackie Mason's voice?

  13. Baldrickk

    I was looking for an actual rainbow 'bow'. The (virtual) sticker on the laptop is indeed a logo used for/by the non-hetro community, and while I could ask why it needed to be there - it isn't needed to make the already colourful image work, it's hardly pushing any agenda - really, the response to all this is another question: "who cares?"

    The existance of a logo in an illustration on a web-page is hardly going to be an influencing factor on peoples minds.

    If anything, recognition and acceptance that not all people are the same can only ever be a good thing, right?

    1. Shoot Them Later
      Thumb Up

      As Baldrickk notes, it's pretty clearly a rainbow flag as used to signify support for the LGBT+ community, and so was put in the picture by someone who wanted to convey that support rather than it happening to just be a rainbow on the page by chance.

      I think it's a nice touch. Others may (validly) not see the point but not have a problem with it, while some others (such as the petitioner) go full-on hate outrage about it (boo hoo). But I don't get those who are saying "it's just a rainbow" - someone has clearly put the flag in the picture to convery a supportive message, in the same way that many businesses or organisations will fly or display the rainbow flag to convey support. Let's not pretend that it's not what it is (and what it is is a good thing).

      Anyway, let's hope the petitioner hasn't visited the Pimoroni website:

      1. James Hughes 1

        It's there for Gay pride! Saturday 24 June to Sunday 9 July 2017. So, yes, it's a supportive message, and one that is appreciated by educators I have been reliably informed.

        1. Simon Harris

          I think it would be a nice touch if, for the duration of Gay Pride, all Apple products sold had the old rainbow logo.

    2. defiler

      Holy crap - I saw it!!

      Am I going to catch Teh Gay now?? Seriously, I don't have good enough taste in clothing.

      Didn't this bums-to-the-wall mentality disappear after leaving school?

      1. 's water music

        Re: Holy crap - I saw it!!

        Didn't this bums-to-the-wall mentality disappear after leaving school?

        Depressingly no. I just witnessed a light hearted joke progress through exactly this stage.

      2. Updraft102

        Re: Holy crap - I saw it!!

        Bums to the wall?

        I know "balls to the wall," but that's an aviation term. Don't know about any airplane part called a 'bum.'

        1. Ben Tasker

          Re: Holy crap - I saw it!!

          > Bums to the wall?

          It's supposed to prevent unwanted buggery. But, aside from the fact a gay guy is highly unlikely to just jump you, it does somewhat ignore the issue posed by an umexpected gloryhole...

  14. Tigra 07

    Good luck with that

    "even if you as a parent work diligently and carefully to put your child on a hetrosexual path"

    Good luck with that. Didn't work for me or anyone I know.

    If it wasn't for my dislike of kids i'd certainly choose to be straight. Am I happy? Yeah. But it would be simpler.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Good luck with that

      >hetrosexual path

      Is that like a cycle path ?

      Probably a good idea, those heterosexuals cause chaos if you let them on the roads

  15. Arthur the cat Silver badge

    Next ...

    this loon will propose a petition against the Nyan Cat.

    1. Tigra 07

      Re: Next ...

      fucking furries...

      1. John G Imrie

        fucking furries...

        Where, and do you have pictures?

        1. Huw D

          Re: fucking furries...


  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I have 6 Raspberry Pi's, does that mean I'm gay?

    Who knew? I'm off to get some tight leather pants, grow a moustache and listen to some YMCA and Gloria Gaynor.

    Those dastardly peace loving friendly gays, they slipped that one in the back door.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Right now you're safe. If you buy one more Pi and 7 covers, one for each colour of the rainbow, then the DUP will come round and throw bricks through your window.

  17. ArchieTheAlbatross

    W, as the young people say these days, TF?

    If I remember rightly, "a gay old time" was something to be had with the Flintstones, in black and white.

    I have no recollection of Fred and Barney indulging in anything that would frighten the horses. (Nor Wilma and Betty for that matter).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: W, as the young people say these days, TF?

      Wilma and Betty.......phwoar.....I'd watch that.....

      Hold on, does that mean I have a gay agenda?

    2. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

      Re: W, as the young people say these days, TF?

      I'm not so sure about the latter. I'm sure I've seen Betty and Wilma indulging on a peck on the cheek at times. Maybe that was an indicator of other things going on behind closed doors (just as long as the saber-toothed kitty did not jump back in through the window).

      1. Holtsmark Silver badge

        Re: W, as the young people say these days, TF?

        ..not behind closed doors, but between frames.

        These old cartoons run at only 24 fps. That (inter)leaves a lot of time for stuff unseen by mankind.

    3. uncommon_sense

      Re: W, as the young people say these days, TF?

      >I have no recollection of Fred and Barney indulging in anything that would frighten the horses. (Nor Wilma and Betty for that matter).<

      Usenet will enlighten you...

  18. adnim

    "...Gaining this 'acceptance' is step one in the path to homosexuality.."

    And I thought it was the realisation that one was attracted to people of the same gender that was step one. Acceptance is not required to be homosexual or transgender, it just makes life a little more comfortable for those that are.

    Religious indoctrination is step one on the path to bigotry.

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: "...Gaining this 'acceptance' is step one in the path to homosexuality.."

      "Acceptance is not required to be homosexual or transgender, it just makes life a little more comfortable for those that are."

      how about 'tolerance' instead, and some civility to go with it? Religious people don't need to "accept" homosexuality as "normal". But they'd be better representatives of their god if they were to tolerate it, and treat people with a bit of respect.

      (and the extremists and SJW's on *BOTH* sides need to just SHUT THE *FEEL* UP and stop stirring up emotions and creating chaos)

  19. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Taking umbrage is one thing. Positively searching and stealing it is another.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Skittles taste the rainbow. So it was eating skittles that made me gay

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  21. Grommet

    I remember an interview once with some anti gay person who said it was a lifestyle 'choice'. The response was... So, When did you decide to be heterosexual? I nearly snorted my coffee at the look on the guys face as he spluttered and stuttered.

    If a kid is going to be gay or any of the other terms used, the presence or lack of a rainbow isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference.

    Oh and I hate the word tolerate. It indicates to me that something irritates you but you tolerate it. I don't tolerate LGBTXYZA.. whatever. I don't even think about it. Be yourself, have fun and be nice to others. Can't ask more than that.

    I am just gobsmacked that this even made it onto The Reg...

    1. James Hughes 1

      Because its funny and IT related?

    2. ArchieTheAlbatross

      Because many of us have spent years suffering in tech support roles, therefore pointing and laughing at idiots is the only way we stay sane.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        I thought pointing and laughing at idiots was the alternative to staying sane?

    3. Updraft102

      "Oh and I hate the word tolerate. It indicates to me that something irritates you but you tolerate it."

      For those in question, that's exactly what it is. You can't just ask someone to stop being irritated by something; it doesn't work that way. If you find a certain kind of music irritating, and someone suggested "stop being irritated by it" as a solution, it would be kind of senseless, right? You may be able to get used to it, maybe even develop a taste for it, but you can't just "decide" to stop being irritated.

      You can, though, stop behaving as if you are irritated. They're asking for a change in behavior, which is something people can control. If enough people do that, the change in attitude will follow, in the same way that research has shown that smiling when you're down really does help improve the mood. Acting like something doesn't bother you over time results in the thing not bothering you as much... or at all, maybe.

      1. Kiwi
        Thumb Up

        Acting like something doesn't bother you over time results in the thing not bothering you as much... or at all, maybe.

        I can only upvote once, so in leiu of a dozen more I'll thank you for a well written post. One that has basis in neurology, a science that is the opposite to that horrible fantasy world of psychology (invented so those fortune-tellers who advertise on late night TV can have someone to look down on and laugh at)

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Christ only knows what they'll do

    When their Spectrum Vega turns up with its little rainbow stripe.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Christ only knows what they'll do

      Don't worry, that'll never happen.

  23. patrickstar

    Where did they get this gay stuff from? Obviously the Pi foundation are actually pushing a neo-Nazi agenda since the rainbow is actually a hate symbol:

    Look at Trump (Literally Hitler) displaying it. Are we really gonna let the Pi foundation get away with this brazen display of racist Nazi propaganda?

  24. Nick Kew

    Shame on El Reg

    If it wasn't for scurrilous journos reporting them, how many of us would ever hear of this nonsense in the first place? We could go on happily Not Associating the raspberry pi with any kind of sexual or political Agenda.

  25. lawndart

    OK, we've heard lots of opinions on the subject. However I'm still waiting to hear Brewster's angle.

  26. &rew

    Have you visited the petition?

    If not, let me copy the only comment posted so far. It's hilarious!



    Michael Pence, Washington, DC


    I suspect perhaps an El Reg reader as the scurrilous personage who is sullying the good name of Mike Pence, Vice President of the Good 'Ol US of A.

    But my goodness some poeple are angry about the dumbest things.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Have you visited the petition?

      Reminds me of Dave Gorman's 'Modern Life is Goodish'. His found poems, culled from the bottom half of the internet are very funny.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Have you visited the petition?

      " [...] as the scurrilous personage who is sullying the good name of Mike Pence, Vice President of the Good 'Ol US of A."

      I gather Mike Pence VP is actually a religious fundamentalist who possibly would promote anti-gay "cures". It rather tempers the desire to see Trump impeached or ousted with the 25th Amendment.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Have you visited the petition?

        "It rather tempers the desire to see Trump impeached"

        Isn't this the Spiro Agnew ploy?

      2. MJI Silver badge

        Re: Have you visited the petition?

        Actually I think Pence is gay but fighting it.

  27. JRW

    Protest Too Much?

    "even if you as a parent work diligently and carefully to put your child on a hetrosexual path."

    I think this may be very illuminating. NoRottenPi is convinced that if you want hetro kids you have to 'work diligently and carefully'. This suggests to me some deep inner conflict, probably based on the person being gay but having some retarded view of sex imposed on them by narrow minded parents/guardians/teachers/priests.

    I feel sorry for NoRottenPi, they are clearly very messed up.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Protest Too Much?

      "This suggests to me some deep inner conflict, probably based on the person being gay but having some retarded view of sex imposed on them by narrow minded parents/guardians/teachers/priests."

      It appears that many homophobes are trying to hide their desires. Cardinal Keith O'Brien was noted for his vitriolic sermons about gays. He then had his comeuppance when he was "retired" by The Vatican after a scandal alleging sexual abuse of his junior clerics.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge
        Thumb Down

        Re: Protest Too Much?

        "It appears that many homophobes are trying to hide their desires"

        thanks AC for ABusing another 'phobe' term. it reveals your SJW-ness.

        you can't have civil discussion when you're throwing emotion-bombs like "phobe" terms. That's why the SJW's do that. It prevents people from THINKING, because they're too busy *FEELING*.

  28. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Proof, where it doesn't matter

    The Pibow has been around for five years, and is available from Adafruit. Somehow, hundreds of millions of children did not instantly become LGBT. Instead of attempting a boycott, both people with iridophobia could fund space exploration so they can find out what is really happening on Mars.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Tinfoil hats

    I know all about tinfoil hats, in all colours! But this is the first petition to acknowledge the existence of the gayluminati! Scary stuff.

  30. a_yank_lurker

    Sings of Insanity?

    I just went to and can not figure out what the loon is talking about. Given one of the major targets of the project is school children the color scheme strikes me as appropriate for that target. Nothing on the site strikes me as taking a side on gay rights. Maybe the loon should be kept for observation for serious delusions.

  31. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Freddy Raspberry enters a gaybar, sings "It's a kind of Code Gig"

    Rainbows have been used since the times of the Amigay (PROOF!) to pull youngsters into the homoverse. It's an ancient hacker's tradition.

  32. vogon00

    One actually has an opinion on this..

    ....and it is that the guy is a 'stirrer' and not worth a light.

    The Pi foundation has done a wonderful job of bringing an affordable educational tool to market, and all this numpty can do is moan.

    Engineering is actually a gender-neutral arena, although I admit it is rather male dominated.

    Whilst I respect his right to an opinion, I don't see why he would expect me to sign a petition endorsing it! After all, "Opinions are like ars****les, everyone has got one".

    He should just stop meddling and let people form their own opinions!

  33. Korev Silver badge

    Start their own company?

    Maybe they can start off their own small "hetro" computer in some kind of cottaging industry?

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: Start their own company?

      If they can bear it....

  34. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, brilliant.

    "some of my best friends are gay". I can't believe someone can still say that !!!

    1. John G Imrie

      "some of my best friends are gay".

      Well woopie do. Some of my friends are hetro. The boring ones anyway.

      1. stephanh

        Some of my friends are hetro...

        others can actually spell.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: Some of my friends are hetro...

          Statiistically, 1 out of ever 60 people you ever knew is gay, about 1.8%

          Think back to high school. Go to a reunion. Perhaps you'll see someone you knew who's obviously gay [I have]. Does that kind of thing matter to me? Not really. I just say 'hello, I remember you, you were in XXX class with me'. And later I might think "yeah, THAT explains a lot..."

          Lessee, I worked for a gay guy once [didn't ask, he didn't tell, but it was obvious, and women loved him]. Had a gay guy living next door (in a duplex) for a while, and he was easy to get along with. He had a calendar with a nearly naked body builder on it in his kitchen. I've also known a few people online in IRC and on USENET, one of whom had a full sex change and used to post links to various trans-sex resources, particularly the medical ones [I find this sort of thing interesting as in "how DO they do a sex change operation anyway?"]. But if they say nothing online we'd just never know. Which is fine, really. Sometimes you don't WANT to know, but sometimes you might. It's especially funny if there's a gay woman in an IRC channel and you see a bunch of guys hitting on her. Heh.

          So yeah, 1.8%, about 1 in 60 people that you know, are probably gay

  35. This post has been deleted by its author

  36. wolfetone Silver badge

    As a Catholic, I'm absolutely outraged that that utter bollocks of a human being was given a keyboard and internet access. I'm also the proud owner of 6 Raspberry Pi's, a bag of Skittles, a Zippy teddy from my yoof, and a Mrs.Doyle costume that I wore for my stag do in Prague as I'm getting married to a woman next month. So to that gorm, how gay am I?

    You know what, I read the whole article and there were two things that really got me thinking. The first being what gay agenda the Raspberry Pi had on my desk, and how the f**k is used. I've signed petitions for various things in the past on that website, but then all I get day in day out is "Why don't you sign this petition to save dogs in Africa" or "Do dying llamas in Tibet mean nothing to you?". Bloody hell, I signed one petition to require cyclists to have insurance and a license and I get all of this blackmail? I digress.

    If he was a proper Christian, he'd know the ultimate rule that the world's greatest socialist (that's Jesus, btw) taught was: don't be a dick. Jesus didn't say "God made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve", and he definately did not say "Thou shalt not use a Raspberry Pi because it'll make you gay". The ultimate take home message from the Bible is "Don't be a dick". But it pisses me off that the arseholes who attend church on Sunday's, dripping in jewellery and driving their brand new Mercedes Benz cars, turn up because they think by turning up they buy shares in the afterlife. They nod, kneel, chant Amen at various bits and sit their patiently while scripture is read out that basically says "Don't be a dick to your neighbour or the poor bloke on the street. You don't know what they've been through".

    The very moment they go out of the church they'll walk past a homeless guy and ignore him. Brilliant. You've spent an hour in church being told to help your fellow man and you walk straight past him. And I bet pounds to doughnuts this utter fucktard of a human being is one of these arseholes.

    1. John G Imrie

      As an Athiest

      I totally endorse what you said

      1. James Hughes 1

        Re: As an Athiest


    2. Blitheringeejit

      @Wolftone - the whole bible?

      Not so sure that the ultimate take-home message from the *bible* is "don't be a dick". The New Testament, maybe - but isn't the ultimate take-home message from the Old Testament something to do with not eating shellfish?

      Or perhaps I'm getting confused - I've been having some very odd thoughts since I dropped those two tablets on my way down the mountain...

      1. Jonathan 27

        Re: @Wolftone - the whole bible?

        No, the new testament is all about repenting your sins and believing in Jesus. Or else you go to hell regardless of anything else. Jesus or hell.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: @Wolftone - the whole bible?

          "No, the new testament is all about repenting your sins and believing in Jesus. Or else you go to hell regardless of anything else. Jesus or hell."

          I'm in total agreement with what you say. The christian bible is SUPPOSED to be saying "everybody sins" and "redemption through Jesus". What a lot of christians do INSTEAD is nothing less than bashing one group of people over their particular 'sin'. By doing that, of course, they're being ARROGANT and HATEFUL (more sin, just different). But this is not new. Some post-civil-war churches in the American southeast, and some others as well, said 'blacks were marked as the sons of Cain' which is obviously nonsense, but they used this to act prejudicially, an obvious excuse for bigotry. 'gay bashing' for religious reasons is probably the same _kind_ of thing, motivated by bigotry and a kind of arrogance, one of the "7 deadly sins" I might add...

          I've always believed that THE LIE is the worst of the sins, pales by comparison to engaging in homosexuality (or adultery, or any of the others that get regular bashing). So if there's a bottom level in hell, it's filled with LIARS. next to the bottom, ARROGANCE.

          (and we all know that 'the lie' is so universally practiced, good luck finding ANYONE who hasn't done it, including me heh heh heh)

          Christians being tolerant, but not compromising in their beliefs, would treat gay people as fellow 'sinful' human beings, no worse than anyone else, and would NOT point fingers nor say god hates them. They could still believe in the bible without being asshats. Well, in an ideal world, anyway.

          So, is THAT what you meant? (I hope so)

          1. Terry 6 Silver badge

            Re: @Wolftone - the whole bible?

            So if there's a bottom level in hell, it's filled with LIARS. next to the bottom, ARROGANCE.

            Errr, PPI phone callers?

          2. wolfetone Silver badge


            Sort of what I meant yes.

            "Christians being tolerant, but not compromising in their beliefs, would treat gay people as fellow 'sinful' human beings, no worse than anyone else, and would NOT point fingers nor say god hates them. They could still believe in the bible without being asshats. Well, in an ideal world, anyway."

            Well yes. Ultimately the thing is to get along with each other, not to be a dick etc. If someone kills someone, it's usually with intent. You chose to do that. So you can rightfully expect that act to be condoned. But to be gay? Like another poster said in regards to some clown who said homosexuality was a lifestyle choice, I can't remember when I chose to be heterosexual. To be gay is to be something you're born as, you have no choice on the matter. You can no more help falling in love with your male best friend than you can the colour of your skin. That bit isn't considered, and if it was then actually Christians shouldn't even consider those who are gay to be sinful.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: @bombasticbob

              "That bit isn't considered, and if it was then actually Christians shouldn't even consider those who are gay to be sinful."

              There are no quotes attributed to Jesus Christ about same-sex relationships - although he did strongly condemn heterosexual adultery.

              To support anti-gay rhetoric Christians have to go to other sources.

              1) The Old Testament Leviticus lays down a lot of proscriptions - including the one that is anti-gay. It is equally dogmatic that you should not: eat pork and shellfish; cut your hair or beard; wear mixed fibres. It also says you must: be circumcised; kill your children if they are disrespectful.

              2) The New Testament letters by Saint Paul contain an anti-gay reference. He also says that women must be silent in church. The latter edict was responsible for the often fatal castration of thousands of young boys in the 18th century - originally to provide Catholic churches' choirs with a final small percentage of trained adult high voices.

      2. Suricou Raven

        Re: @Wolftone - the whole bible?

        The bible, like most holy books, reflects the reader. Every believer will focus upon those verses they personally approve of, and either quietly forget or make excuses for all the bits that would inconvenience them.

      3. stephanh

        Regarding the Old Testament...

        I still think marketing missed a trick by not calling it "War God of Israel". Yahweh racks up a body count which makes Cthulhu look like an amateur.

        It is a book of utter depravity, filled to the brim with sex and violence. However, most of it is *interesting* utter depravity. You may want to give the chapter titled "Leviticus" a skip, which is rather repetitive and redundant in a repetitive sort of way. OTOH, this is the one you should read for the anti-gay rants.

        The sequel is the "Highlander II" of religious works; suddenly we are to believe that Yahweh is all loving-kindness. Fortunately it got retconned away in part three; Yahweh is suddenly called Allah, but the important thing is that he is Back At War.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Regarding the Old Testament...

          "I still think marketing missed a trick by not calling it "War God of Israel".

          Actually, that's exactly what Yahweh is. One of the original pantheon of Gods they believed in back in the day, including Yawahs brothers and their father. He's not called the jealous god for nothing.

    3. Old Used Programmer

      Got that right

      My Catholic wife says, "Right on!"

  37. Terry 6 Silver badge

    It's just Twitter for the annoyed. Armchair activism. AKA Slacktivism

    I like this one.

    1. Simon Harris

      Re:* - how to feel good about doing something about something, but not actually doing anything about anything.

      * other useless spammy petition sites are also available.

    2. Simon Harris


      "It's just Twitter for the annoyed."

      I thought Twitter was Twitter for the annoyed!

      Whenever I see something in my Facebook timeline saying "so-and-so has just signed a petition on about something", I am reminded of Matthew 6:5

      "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward."

      It seems to be the electronic equivalent of public prayer - throwing some wish into the ether in the vague hope it might be fulfilled and saying "Look at me, I'm making a stand about something". No you're not - you just put your email address (I bet it was a throw-away one too) on a website.

  38. Peter X

    Wind up

    Someone should tell him that internally all the 1's are 0's and the 0's are 1's. Bet that'd really annoy him! :D

    1. TRT

      Re: Wind up

      Is he... er... is he a Big Endian then? Say no more. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

      Like a nybble every now and again? He asks him knowingly...

  39. Jeffrey Nonken

  40. pleb

    Do as I say, not as I do.

    Clearly it is not right to discriminate against or mock minority groups. But we get to pick and choose the groups, based on our own world view or the current trending zeitgeist? I mean, Christians, everybody mocks them and their fairy story book, so that's ok. Pile in.

    1. Old Used Programmer

      Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

      For one thing, Christians aren't a minority where most of us live (though, due to a recent survey, you might have a point when it comes to Scotland). The bigger problem is that too many Christians make a lot of noise about how persecuted they are, which leads one to conclude that they are an embattled majority.

      1. Suricou Raven

        Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

        They do have quite the persecution complex. The American ones especially. It's a recurring theme in the Christian media I follow for entertainment. Anything can be persecution.

        The biggest one right now is non-discrimination laws - some states have laws that prohibit businesses from discriminating based on sexual orientation of their customers or employees. Or, as the Christian press describes it, anti-Christian laws that 'criminalize those who take a biblical stance on human sexuality.'

        1. Old Used Programmer

          Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

          Yup. One of the major ways the religious right are "persecuted" is by not being able to persecute the "other of the week".

          1. Terry 6 Silver badge

            Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

            It's always good to remember that the American "Pilgrim Fathers" didn't actually go there to avoid being persecuted, but to avoid being prevented from persecuting other Christian groups here.

            1. Swarthy

              Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

              @Terry 6:

              Yeah... thanks for that.

    2. Suricou Raven

      Re: Do as I say, not as I do.

      A taboo on mockery only protects bad ideas. An idea with strong evidence behind it can endure mocking.

  41. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Rainbows everywhere

    Once this fruit-loop is done with crushing the Raspberry Pi foundation, maybe he can move on to bringing the Unicode Consortium to book for U+1F308.

  42. Arthur the cat Silver badge

    I mean, Christians, everybody mocks them and their fairy stories, so that's ok.

    Personally I'm an equal opportunity mocker.

    Mithraism - what a load of bull.

  43. Matt Hawkins

    I've just bought two extra Raspberry Pis. They are called Bob and John and they are sharing the same network.

    1. Blitheringeejit

      @Bob and John

      That's OK as long as they are connected via a switch, which should be called Janet for obvious academic reasons. She's super.

      But if you connect Bob and John directly using a crossover cable, you will toast in firey torment for eternity.

      1. kain preacher

        Re: @Bob and John

        "That's OK as long as they are connected via a switch, which should be called Janet for obvious academic reasons. She's super.

        But if you connect Bob and John directly using a crossover cable, you will toast in firey torment for eternity."

        Wait when did this turn into BDSM ? Switches, Flogging using cat 5e nine of tails, fire play. Man this sites is kinky real fast.

  44. Old Used Programmer

    If only....

    Since--from the text of the petition--he read my comment in his RPF thread, I have very mild regrets that I didn't ask him when he DECIDED to be heterosexual.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. pleb

      Re: If only....

      How does the logic you imply by your putative question relate to categories of sexual orientation which society currently deplores? And do we not then return to the position that an acceptable sexual orientation is that which society mandates, rather than the position implied by your question.

      1. Old Used Programmer

        Re: If only....

        The loony in question appears to be one of those people who beleive that sexual orientation is a "choice". That is, one can "choose" to be straight or gay. If that is the case, when did he "choose"? He must have made the choice, right?

        (I am not defending that "logic", just commenting on it. Since he claims to have gay friends, perhaps he should ask them why--and when--they chose to be gay. The answers should give him a few clues...if he actually pays attention and that *thinks* about it.)

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: If only....

          the 'choice' probably happens as a result of circumstances that may seem unavoidable. and so whether 'choice' is involved or not becomes debatable. I suggest that 'chocie' is always present in everything we do, though the choices are limited by circumstance. However I'm not going to judge someone for choosing to be homosexual (if choice is involved). In my case, I suggest that choice is ALWAYS involved, though choosing differently MAY be close to impossible, given the circumstances.

          Sort of like if only a single choice is available, do you still make the choice? The sound of one hand clapping is in the background, along with a tree that falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it...

          1. James Hughes 1

            Re: If only....

            I think the choice here is:

            1) Do I want to live my entire life emotionally and sexually unfulfilled

            2) Or not.

            I'd suggest that sometimes, that even if you have a choice, there may only be one sane option.

  45. Tom 7

    Its true

    my sense hat is showing a rainbow at the moment!

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My Pi makes me gay

    I used to go to church with my wife. Now all I do is smoke the cock and watch man porn

  47. Amorous Cowherder

    It's all disgusting!!!

    Most computer boards have female sockets ( read: orifices ) taking it hard from male connectors! Mother and daughter boards being raped by phallic male connectors!! Urgh, it's horrendous and sickening male centric computing! I've half a mind to write to my MP!

    1. danya02

      Re: It's all disgusting!!!

      That's why, whenever I design my own boards, I make most connectors affixed to said boards male. Definitely not because my boards usually connect to others via ribbon cables. No sir.

      Although it does get a bit weird when you need boards that stack vertically... The solution I'm currently using is alternating male and female headers on interconnecting boards. (That is, of course, because I'm trying to be nice to hermaphrodites, and totally not because it adds more static friction to the connection.)

  48. Haku

    Brass Eye - Paedogeddon!

    I had to closely look at the site to see what that whacko was complaining about - that little rainbow sticker on the back of the monitor in the drawing??

    What the hell?

    Reminds me of that Brass Eye episode where Gary Lineker showed a photo of a hillside and said the small, almost unrecognisable blue speck was a child and a paedophile would try and attack the picture. Watch the first 35 seconds of the episode:

  49. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This article shows just how degenerate the western world has become!

    I just signed, every Man go and do likewise!!!

    1. Kiwi

      I just signed, every Man go and do likewise!!!

      Sorry, but as a fundamentalist Christian I cannot be a part of such non-Christian things as said partition.

  50. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I've heard of dumber petitions.

    Can't remember one offhand, but I'm sure I have.

  51. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So that's why my Pi keeps on playing queen and culture club. I use to have time on my hand as ring one cause I liked the song. I was at clien'ts house when it went off and he gave me a funny look and said culture club.

  52. kain preacher

    "I do have gay friends and I am not afraid of gays nor lesbians nor trangenders , so I am NOT homophobic,"

    Cough *bullshit* cough

  53. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


    A range finding device utilising a Raspberry Pi

  54. RonWheeler

    Back on planet Earth, it's reassuring to note, no one cares.

    Sadly ,it seems, The Reg does.

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Back on planet Earth, it's reassuring to note, no one cares.


      Sadly ,it seems, The Reg does

      It's ok, there are, gay vultures...

  55. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    Teletubbies, Raspberry Pi. What next?

    You know that bit in the Bible, "God set his bow in the sky"? Do you think maybe he was hinting to Noah that he should try a bit of man on man action?

  56. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    And haven't they noticed that raspberry is a fruit?


  57. Winkypop Silver badge

    Ban god's rainbow! Too right!!

    The biblical rainbow celebrates the end to a world-wide, genocidal, near mass extinction event.

    Now that is sick.

    On the other hand, any other uses are perfectly fine.

  58. Kaltern

    To be fair, there are 2 rainbows on that picture. And, again in fairness, the picture DOES show what appears to be a lesbian couple with 2 kids (the person wearing the badge certainly seems to be female, there is the slight hint of breasts as shown by shadowing).

    I'm not sure what the problem is of course, but I thought it only fair to point out the raging homosexuality being paraded on their front page.


    What next, a free copy of the Grindr app with every Pi? Oh think of the poor children.

  59. William 3 Bronze badge

    Everyone whose opinion differs than mine

    Is a bigot, they scream, with no shred of Irony or actual understanding of the words they use.

  60. msknight

    Petition will be laughed at - here's why....

    Given that one of the key developers was Sophie Wilson, I think this petition will be received at ARM with incredible amounts of hearty laugher -

  61. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I saw two women hugging in the street yesterday, and in the spirit of inclusion and tolerance, asked whether, for £50, both would be willing to come and get frisky on my sofa whilst I filmed them and offered encouragement. Instead of gratitude, I received intense verbal abuse. I can't help thinking that this reflects the sorry state of May's Britain, and that things will only get worse. I despair, but maybe I should've offered them more cash.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ungrateful

      £50 is hardly more than minimum wage, you tightarse.

  62. Tom Paine
    Thumb Up

    No-one cares...

    Back on planet Earth, it's reassuring to note, no one cares. ®

    226 (at time of writing) comments later,..

  63. Semaj

    Don't Speak for Me

    While the petition does go way overboard into silly levels of conspiracy theory, I do agree with the sentiment to a degree.

    As a bi man I am very critical of the whole "pride" thing for several reasons:

    - Firstly, it's not required these days and in western countries because we HAVE equality. Go promote this stuff in the Arab world, Russia, China, India or Pakistan if you want to actually make a difference to people who are genuinely oppressed, thrown off buildings or worse for their sexuality.

    - Secondly, the virtue signalling aspect annoys me both in terms of companies taking part in "pride week" and by (usually straight) SJWs attending pride marches, showing the flag etc. They are hoping to show how "nice" they are to make some cash or to show off to their friends and that makes me feel used.

    Had the image been a photograph and the sticker just happened to be on the screen I wouldn't be so bothered. The fact that someone specifically decided that the "young white guy" depicted needed to have a gay pride logo on his screen shows they gave it thought and that's the problem right there - discrimination.

    We are no different to you. Stop treating us as such. And stop speaking for us.

    1. kain preacher

      Re: Don't Speak for Me

      There are still places Were you can be fired or killed for be part of the LGBT. I personal know of of trans person that came to a box on their drive. It had fagot tranny on it. They called the police. The police did not like how it looked. Call out bomb squad. Yes the box exploded Never made the news. Never found out who did it . This was in Sacramento. IF you have ever been to Sacramento and the Lavender district. you see a large LGBT night live out there and I've also felt safer there then in SF and its more friendly, And know this was only about 5 years. SO yes there is still a reason for pride in the US.

  64. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It is worse... they are all over the website

    If you go hard -- I mean hardware - there are Images of rainbow cables - everywhere.

    That GPIO connector has got to go !

  65. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wish people would see the serious nature of this genuine issue. This foundation needs closing down, they are not only promoting gay agenda, but they are also promoting raspberries and pie.

    Won't someone please think of children?

    1. stephanh

      it gets worse

      The Pi foundation is also oppressing me by tolerating the use of *systemd*.

      I mean, not that I am an initist. Some of my best friends use systemd. But I am trying to raise my children in a sysv-init lifestyle.

      Ok I'll get my coat now...

  66. mrfill

    I suppose the sky must be gay then, what with it prominently displaying a rainbow at odd times.

  67. Chronos

    As a member of the probable target demographic...

    ...white, middle-aged, heterosexual male, I have never read such a load of alt-right tosh as this petition in my life. However, given the dearth of supporters, it does give me some hope that humanity is becoming more accepting of diversity as a positive step towards truly being civilised.

  68. John Gamble

    Self-Interest and Cranks

    As of this writing, the petition has 10 supporters (the petition started "2 days ago", which is a little vague, I don't know if the software rounds up or down).

    The petitioner, "NoRottenPi", as 23 supporters. So 13 people think NRP is okay, but like RaspberryPi better.

    Not sure what to conclude from this. Even bigots are willing to quell their bigotry for the sake of cool tech?

  69. marcfielding

    My constructive feedback

    So turns out I had to sign the petition to leave a comment, which was as follows:

    'I'm NOT signing this, but I've had to just to leave a question - are you totally insane?

    FYI Rainbows are not owned by LBGT People, Care Bears, Skittles or those people at the end of the yellow brick road.

    If your aim is to promote LBGT rights then you're actually doing more harm than good with your insanity so please, do us all a favour, take your laptop out into the garden and smash it, never, ever, ever(no really E-V-E-R) use the internet again.

    P.S - You're a douche.'

  70. This post has been deleted by its author

  71. grantoz

    I guess this particular nutter is boycotting the bible also, given that after the flood God said to Noah that "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth"?

    Bloody gay propaganda, it's everywhere innit? Even in the sky!

  72. Corp-Rat

    Just say no

    I just reported the petition to change org for hate speech :D

  73. grumpy_whale

    Someone must be bored

    To say that the use of a rainbow is anything other than a nice image is a bit mad. someone must have nothing better to do that get themselves noticed and unfortunately this is a nice easy way just mention LGBT and your guaranteed a piece in the news it appears.

    The rapsberry pi is not gender or orientation specific it is for everyone, of all abilities and types. Next it will be that your car is racist or your house bricks have an opinion.... get a grip

  74. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The colors represent pixels.. I feelz so moron-phobic after reading this..

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