Re: Shelley Berman knew how to do it
"Because, of course, profiling has been shown to be inerrant and effective in every case."
Could it be any worse than what we have now? The TSA has a spectacularly bad record of actually stopping anything... they're always looking to stop the previous attempt (the previous successful attempt, like the shoe bomber being able to get the explosive on board, or the underwear bomber doing the same). It was dumb luck and observant passengers who stopped those... the TSA was, and is, useless.
Profiling is no magic bullet, but the Israelis have offered to show us how to do it right. Israel is a major, major target, of course, but their security has proven quite effective. Trying to keep the means to do harm off a plane, rather than the people who would do harm, will always put the flying public at an extreme disadvantage. The terrorists put a bomb in a shoe, so now we all have to remove our shoes and have them x-rayed. The terrorists explored liquid explosives disguised as contact lens saline, so now we can't bring more than trivial amounts of liquid on board. It is the airport security equivalent of Microsoft Security Essentials-- it only looks for attacks that have already been documented, and is completely useless against anything new (and even for what it's supposed to stop, it's not that good at it).
As I mentioned before, people have body cavities that can hold stuff. Someone mentioned that it would dull the effect of the explosive, I think, but no one said the bomb would have to stay in there while it was detonated. They do have lavatories on planes, and unless we are ready to allow real-time monitoring of every lavatory in every plane by actual people, we can't stop the lavs from being used as staging points for terror attacks.
I'm not saying that we should eliminate screening aimed at finding bombs... just that if that's all we have, we waste a lot of time and money screening people that are not threats, and the effectiveness is questionable at best.