Whole heartedly disagree with the findings of this article, although I fully accept everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I've used Elementary OS for the last 18 months, and I can say that in my testing (heavy, heavy testing - actually it's been my daily driver) that Elementary starts off lovely. It's pretty, does work sort of well, but over time it becomes buggy. Crashes all the time. Slingshot dies when it starts up leading to unresponsive toolbar on the desktop. It just slows down to a crawl, and I don't believe the Elementary developers do what the writer suggests by releasing something then ironing out the bugs. If anything, in my experience, an update is released and the performance/experience worsens.
Be in no doubt that Elementary is very much an Ubuntu derived OS, with it's only claim to Debian being that Ubuntu is sort of derived from Debian.
I will also point out that the way the Elementary team went about demanding money for their OS, designing the website in such a way where it looks/feels like you must contribute money, grates on me. How much of the money that is donated to Elementary finds it's way back to the coffers of the developers of Debian for example? Why should I part with hard earned cash for an OS that, quite frankly, isn't as reliable as the grandfather that it's loosely based on?
There are other solutions to Ubuntu and the dismissal of Unity, but Elementary isn't one of them.