Re: He's missing the point.
"The alternative suggested here requires you to go off, research and then install the appropriate browser. How exactly is that any better?"
Better than researching individual plugins and their settings, as well as making sure thare they are not Trojan horses by themselves? I'd say much, MUCH better for Joe User. I'll indulge in a (necessarily flawed) analogy: sure you can go buy a shelf at Ikea, but how is it better than go buy a few raw planks, cut them to size, buy a set of proper tools, decide on the design, implement it then paint the thing?
The difference is: unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to educate users, the effort is just too hard for most. See for example El Reg's reporting on a fine piece of research on the matter:
In IT sec a one-stop shop is a GOOD thing, provided of course that it can be trusted. The guy from that company seemed straightforward enough about the strengths and possible shortcomings of his product, I'd tend to trust him more than the usual snake oil sellers that pollute the "ITsec for consumers" scene. Of course it *could* be an elaborate scheme, but that's going to be easy to verify. In one step.