Adobe is actually the only one I would subscribe to
I'm not a "creative" but I use DTP & Photo software as part of my work (and play, to some extent).
When Adobe first came out with the cloud thing, I resented it. I had bought Adobe software for many years (not every release, but most of them).
Whilst I still resent the general industry push towards rental (e.g. Microsoft with Office). Adobe is actually the only one I do and would continue to subscribe to without issue. For example, I would never subscribe to Microsoft Office, although I've probably jinxed it now and they'll take away "home & student" !
Why ? Quality and integration.
For £10 a month, you get Lightroom and Photoshop, plus various phone/tablet apps.
Lightroom is the best photo management software I've used bar none. I've got tens of thousands of photos, and the functionality it permits, both in terms of management and manipulation beats all its competitors hands down. I've used/tried most of the commercial photo libraries before settling on Lightroom.
As for Photoshop ... well...its the gold standard, I don't think anyone seriously disputes that. Its been the gold standard for years. All of its competitors are severely lagging, they had their chance to get up to scratch and failed.
The integration between Lightroom and Photoshop is beautiful and seamless. And the software copes wonderfully with files of all sizes.
£50 a month gets you the whole caboodle. And when you sit back and consider just how much you get for £50 a month, its extraordinary value for money (both in itself and compared to, say, what you get from Microsoft for £50 a month !).
You get Lightroom, the best
You get Photoshop and Illustrator, the big guns of photo and vector manipulaton
You get Indesign, the *best* DTP, full stop. (Adobe pretty much killed off the previous leader Quark)
You get Premiere,AfterEffects, Prelude and SpeedGrade four of the best tools in the world for video
You get Acrobat Pro
You get Audition for Audio manipulation
You get Typekit for fonts
You get Adobe Stock for stock images
and a few other things too, including phone/tablet apps.
You get regular updates for everything. And again, nice integration between the various apps.
I don't mind paying for it one bit. I can see the value. Infact I see far LESS value in paying £9.99 a month for a subscription to Spotify or Netflix ! So I put the money I save there into paying my Adobe sub. ;-)