Yeah, no dissent because he posted it on Google+ - no-one is listening.
Linux lords Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman have clarified Linux's short term future. Torvalds took to the Kernel Mailing List to announced release candidate six of Linux 4.12, along with his fervent hope that “this would be a normal release cycle where rc7 is the last rc.” If so, that will mean Linux 4.12 will get its …
>I'm personally glad that Google+ is no Facebook. There's a lot of very bright people posting on it,
What's it like working for the Chocolate Factory? I used to enjoy how there would be like 27k FB likes of a news item and like 17 +1 or whatever back in the day. That said we can agree Farceb0rk sucks ass but well Google+ is not even relevant enough to have an opinion about these days.
AMD missed the 4.13 windows for getting the GPU display stack (DC) into the kernel, if they don't pull it off for 4.14 then a lot of Suse Leap/SLES 15 users and Ubuntu 18.04 users are going to be miffed, because I doubt a drop that size will be backported.
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