Great News For Texas
I understand it's difficult to drive and shoot at things at the same time.
Texas will, from later this year, allow the entire Lone Star State to become a test bed for cars that can drive themselves with or without a human behind the wheel. A newly enacted law, SB 2205, was signed off on Thursday by Governor Greg Abbott, and will go into effect on September 1. Under the new rules, researchers can try …
the race to the bottom is happening out here in Cali-fornicate-you where...
a) single use plastic bags were banned in all stores, in an ELECTION no less. grocery stores MUST charge money for "re-usable" bags, and 75% of people NOW "go bagless" instead. It's irritating as hell. And with so many people HATING it, how did it PASS a VOTE? Voter fraud much?
b) huge gasoline tax and car tax increases on the horizon. Even electric cars will be taxed. "for the roads". Because highway funds were diverted to a) illegal immigrant social services, and b) the 'crazy train' that NOBODY will EVAR use.
c) state legislature "passes a law" to make it HARDER to recall politicians [basically using bureaucracy to slow down recall petitions to the point where they don't do any good] . It's a blatant violation of the state constitution, too. But they don't care, apparently.
d) The "crazy train" to nowhere and illegal immigrants get plenty of free state money, at the expense of those fewer and fewer Californians who actually EARN a living. Yeah, it's a "sanctuary state", with minimum wages constantly being raised, along with taxation. It's gotten WAY WORSE within the last year or so.
and so on.
So YEAH, I'm thinking about moving to Texas. I'd form a Texas corporation, sell the California corporation to it, and then MOVE. Houston is on the gulf coast, probably an ok place. I'll have to trade hurricanes for earthquakes.
I don't blame Texas for making it very very attractive for tech companies. It's already very attractive because of what the idiots in Sacramento are up to these days.
But if Google and Facebook (and others) pick up and move to Texas, how long before they change it for the WORSE...?
First correction...the plastic bag ban wasn't ENACTED by a vote. It was enacted by he legislature. The public vote was to overturn the action of the legislature...and it failed. But don't blame me, I voted against the ban...but probably not for the reason you'd think. I don't object--per se--to banning plastic bags. I object to *requiring* stores to charge for paper bags. But, then, I remember life before plastic grocery bags...
ANYTHING is quite mucho better than hipster drivers as seen during SXSW and even "normal" in Austin, not even talking about those who from time to time make national news...
That place was built for 200 K people max, now sports over 1 M, seemingly all of them feeling like they have the right to do whatever. Would feel like complaining of some Texas hubris, if it weren't that, hmmm, numbers, math..., 80% obviously are not from there
Terrific. Now, as a cyclist on Texas roads, I not only have to avoid texters, weaving old folks driving ancient pickups, DWI folks, and the odd cowboy spitting tobacco juice on me, but now I will also have to avoid driverless cars. Heck, my new car can only handle lane change avoidance on highways with lane markings. How's a driverless vee-hickle going to avoid a cyclist on an old country road (both paved and unpaved) that lacks lane markings?
Yep, it's known that cyclists are a difficult problem for autonomous vehicles. They sometimes behave like vehicles and sometimes like like pedestrians. It's difficult to work out which is the front and which the back. It's reckoned the only solution might be, as with pedestrians, to keep them segregated, chopping up communities even more with fenced-off roads.