"pay equally across genders" - ah, I see Alphabet's problem. They don't realise the girls are also a gender which is why there is so much bro-mance in Silicon Valley.
Nuns chastise Google and Eric names Larry greatest human alive
Nuns calling for greater transparency over "dark money" lobbying practices, Larry Page being hailed by Eric Schmidt as one of the greatest humans alive today, and extreme gender pay disparity. Yep, it's the Alphabet Annual Meeting of Shareholders! Kicking off the yearly get-together of various investors, Schmidt was on …
Thursday 8th June 2017 14:08 GMT WolfFan
Re: Nuns
Some of us went to schools infested by large numbers of nuns. Large numbers of large nuns. Large numbers of very large nuns who could play on the defensive lines of any NFL team, except that the NFL wouldn't allow them to use their 18" steel rulers to enforce their wills. http://www.gocomics.com/9chickweedlane/2017/04/24
Thursday 8th June 2017 16:35 GMT RyokuMas
Re: Doing more and more evil
Somehow "I told you so" really doesn't quite say it...
Thursday 8th June 2017 17:47 GMT Anonymous Coward
"one of the most extraordinary human beings alive today"
Pass the sick bag... We are the Native People's now...
Friday 9th June 2017 07:50 GMT Anonymous Coward
There's no good reason
Google/Alphabet needs to disassociate itself from nuns immediately because of the reputational damage they are likely to cause it. You know, being associated with false imprisonment, forced adoptions, taking property/land by deception.
Nuns: not to be trusted and I don't think it's a few bad apples. They're the untouchable habited Taliban.
Friday 9th June 2017 11:42 GMT Nimby
What the **** is "pay equality"?
Everywhere that I have ever worked (with one exception) has never had any such concept as "pay equality". You negotiate your contract to hire and bleed your employer as much as you can / dare. Over the years, as necessary, you kick them in the *** for a raise. If any two employees ever had the same pay, it was purely by accident. And they would never know it, because for some reason (that I never understood) what you are paid is a closely guarded secret taken to your grave, lest Bob from Accounting find out that he's been played a sucker. Point is, pay has always been, and likely will always be, performance driven. Work hard, demand hard, and still get underpaid ... but at least less underpaid than the losers around you. Who gives a **** if you do or do not have a pair of ****? What have you done for the company lately above and beyond the same thing that everyone else does? And when was the last time that you stood up for yourself? That's all that has ever mattered. Anyone who whinges otherwise is probably expecting something for nothing. Or works for the government.