back to article First-day-on-the-job dev: I accidentally nuked production database, was instantly fired

"How screwed am I?" a new starter asked Reddit after claiming they'd been marched out of their job by their employer's CTO after "destroying" the production DB – and had been told "legal" would soon get stuck in. The luckless junior software developer told the computer science career questions forum: I was basically given a …


    So....restore from backup

    The issue is with the docs.

    CTO is a knob and why is this an issue because they obviously have backups don't they....

    1. SolidSquid

      Re: So....restore from backup

      From what I read in the Reddit thread, they tried to restore from backups and it failed. Seems they hadn't been testing the backups to make sure they could be restored and at some point the backups stopped working

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: So....restore from backup

        If they hadn't been testing then they hadn't been backing up.

      2. Blank Reg

        Re: So....restore from backup

        This seems to be an all too common problem. Too many small companies say they can't afford backups and backup validation, I guess their data isn't all that important then.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: So....restore from backup

          Only this shouldn't have been a backup issue...

          A common sense strategy would have been to use live backups (given that was what they are doing, I'm assuming that there's nothing in prod that would lead to regulatory/privacy/other issues that would dictate NOT using prod data) and read-only accounts to restore the production DB into test. Script the whole thing, run it daily with a few simple checks for restore size/timestamps/simple query results/e-mail the DB team and you save the company the hassle of discovering their restore process stopped working correctly months ago.

          Imagine - testing your backups AND creating sensible procedures AND showing new starters sensible ways to do things from day one. And if the backups failed to restore as expected, fix the issue...

          Compare this to "break it, discover backups aren't working and fire people" and I would wager make the same mistakes again in the future...

          1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

            Re: So....restore from backup

            "i'm assuming that there's nothing in prod that would lead to regulatory/privacy/other issues"

            Given everything else about this it's possible your assumption might not be valid.

        2. Kiwi

          Re: So....restore from backup

          This seems to be an all too common problem. Too many small companies say they can't afford backups and backup validation, I guess their data isn't all that important then.

          No, nothing to do with how valuable data is. It's to do with how valuable time is.

          Take a small IT firm with 2 staff, both working 16 (and sometimes more) hours per day to get the business built up. Large amount of work starting to come in as well, but not enough work/income-over-costs to hire someone else.

          If you get jobs out, you eat. If you don't get jobs out, you don't eat. Or don't pay the rent, or power, or..

          Verifying backups can be restored is a pretty long process that ties up resources. Small firms have a hard time buying extra kit let alone having a spare machine they can put on such un-important stuff to actually verify they can re-image from a recent copy. And if your backup is data only (plus licenses etc), then re-installing a machine from scratch can take a couple of hours (*nix) or several days (you-know-which-OS) especially where updates are involved. And in either case, there can be a lot of time involved in making sure that the task is completed properly and everything is back (just numbers of files and bytes can be a good start, only takes a few minutes, but they don't always match even in a perfect restore (say work machine has an extra temp file the backup image doesn't).

          Backups take a lot of time to check properly. When I did them I did a system that worked on first test (and pulled some all-nighters getting stuff set up and testing it), worked on week-later test, and then we went to monthly checks. Not proper testing procedure I know, but I didn't have the time to be sure that everything worked perfectly. I could do that, or I could earn money. Small and new businesses have to put every moment possible into earning, as the moment you're forced to close the doors for the last time any backups or other data instantly becomes worthless. Unless you did some sellable dev stuff.

          PS El Reg - love that voting no longer requires a page reload! Thanks for changing this!

      3. Anonymous Coward

        "at some point the backups stopped working"

        They didn't have the correct passwords to back up the DB...

        1. chivo243 Silver badge

          Re: "at some point the backups stopped working"

          Did they check the documentation the Dev had? It's probably there too!

      4. ecofeco Silver badge

        Re: So....restore from backup

        The backups failed?!

        I'm not surprised they failed when they have documentation like that.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....restore from backup

      "The issue is with the docs."

      Absolutely, and was the responsibility of the CTO to ensure, if not personally, that they should not have included or used real DB details in an example. This was a cockup waiting to happen.

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: LeeE Re: So....restore from backup

        ".....This was a cockup waiting to happen." First rule of process design - always assume at least one user will do something wrong if you give him/her the means to do so, do not assume they will be able to over-ride the impulse to follow an incorrect direction. The management were responsible for the process documentation, therefore, IMHO, they were responsible for the failure.

      2. Daniel 18

        Re: So....restore from backup

        For that matter, why is the production environment trivially reachable from the dev/test environment?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....restore from backup

      > The issue is with the docs.

      .... sounds like the CTO needs to visit

      1. Wensleydale Cheese

        Re: So....restore from backup

        ".... sounds like the CTO needs to visit"

        That might not help as much as you think if documentation elsewhere for adding new users also uses "". I.e. it might already exist...

        Rule #1 about documentation is that someone somewhere will blindly follow any code or command snippets that are included.

    4. Just Enough

      Re: So....restore from backup

      "The issue is with the docs."

      Absolutely. Firstly, who wrote the documentation and thought it was ok to include the production password?

      If it was a technical author, they could be excused for assuming it was not a real production password. In which case, who gave them it? This password should be handed out on a needs only basis.

      If it was one of the developers, what kind of moron are they? Even if they they have received no training at all on basic security, you'd have to be an idiot to think it was ok to record a real password in clear text on documentation.

      Secondly, what are the production details doing on a document used to set up a dev environment anyway? A dev, particularly a novice one, shouldn't be anywhere near production, simply because they have no need to be.

      In fact, fire everyone. The whole affair suggests rampant sloppy practice everywhere. The fact their backup restores failed just confirms that.

      1. Rich 11

        Re: So....restore from backup

        you'd have to be an idiot to think it was ok to record a real password in clear text on documentation.

        You must be thinking of some of the companies I've had to work with.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: So....restore from backup

          you'd have to be an idiot to think it was ok to record a real password in clear text on documentation.

          Grauniard on Wikileaks?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          I cannot tell you which company it was

          But I'm pretty sure which ones weren't.

          > you'd have to be an idiot to think it was ok to record a real password in clear text on documentation.

          It wasn't the large multinational where I cut my teeth in, where no passwords were *ever* written or even spoken. And it wasn't the one where I am part of manglement now, where our code of conduct says clear and loud that none will be disciplined for making honest mistakes¹, and we do abide by that.

          ¹ Our mistakes have a very real potential to kill people. Going around pointing fingers is not going to help anyone. Making sure that mistakes are open and candidly reported, and fixed promptly, is a far better use of everyone's time, and a humbling experience.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "and thought it was ok to include the production password?"

        Nobody but the DBAs in charge of the production database should have had them. And each of them should have had separate accounts (because of auditing, etc.). Database owner credentials should be used only for database/schema maintenance - after the scripts have been fully tested (and at least a backup available). They should never be used for other tasks. Any application accessing the database must have at least one separate account with the only the required privileges on the required objects (which usually don't include DDL statements).

        All powerful accounts (i.e. Oracle's SYS) should be used only when their privileges are absolutely necessary, and only by DBAs knowing what they're doing. Very few developers, if any, should have privileged access to the production system, and they must coordinate with DBAs if they need to operate on a production system for maintenance or diagnostic needs. DBAs should review and supervise those tasks.

        But I guess they have followed the moronic script I've seen over and over (and stopping the bad habits usually encountered a lot of resistance):

        1) Developers are given a privileged account when the application is first created, so they can create stuff without bothering the DBA.

        2) Developers write an application that runs only with a privileged account, and doesn't allow separate database users (granting permissions to other users is a boring stuff, as writing stored procedures to control accesses to things). DBAs are happy because they have to work little.

        3) The privileged account credentials are stored everywhere, including the application configuration files, unencrypted, so everybody knows them

        4) The development systems becomes the production system. DBAs don't change anything because of fear something doesn't work.

        5) Developers still retain access to the production system "to fix things quickly", and may even run tests in production "because replicating it is unfeasible".

        6) DBAs are happy developers can work on their own so they aren't bothered.

        7) Now that you have offloaded most tasks to developers, why care of backups? Developers will have a copy, for sure!

        8) Then comes a fat-fingered, careless new developer....

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: "and thought it was ok to include the production password?"

          Let me bring my IT expertise into play here. You're all wrong of course!

          Obviously database passwords shouldn't be written in public documents. They should be kept on a post-it note on the screen of one of the shared PCs.

          What's wrong with you people for not knowing this basic piece of security best-practice!

        2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: "and thought it was ok to include the production password?"


          I think you've just described DevOPs.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "and thought it was ok to include the production password?"

          Apart from using 'careless' instead of 'only human' new developer ...

          I can report similar (some years back now) - new member of the ops staff was instructed to setup a test database, mistyped the DB URL by one character, and because of the risible beyond belief setup of i) dev can see prod network, ii) dev hostnames differ by one character from prod hostnames, and iii) dev, test and prod DBs all shared the same passwords and user names, they wiped the entire production database by running the schema creation scripts.

          The impact - this was a bank (no names but North American and generally an IT train wreck at the time), the DB data loss took out the SWIFT gateway, the bank ceased to be a bank for about six hours, and they had to notify the regulator of a serious IT incident. The length of time was due to the backups being inaccessible and no-one having a clue how to restore.

          And FWIW, we'd already advised the bank that the one character difference in hostnames on an open, flat network was a suicide pact six months before.

          On the plus side, the irascible, voluble Operations Manager took one look at the root cause, said it wasn't the operator's fault and went off to shout at someone on the program management team. Much respect for that move.

        4. andyL71

          Re: "and thought it was ok to include the production password?"

          Nobody bothers with DBAs or people who not what they are doing anymore. It's called DevOPs

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So....restore from backup

        "In fact, fire everyone. "

        Ah, from the kill em all now, let God sort 'em out later school. Not many of us left.

        1. sandman

          Re: So....restore from backup

          That's because we ran out of Cathars some time ago ;-)

          1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

            Re: So....restore from backup

            That's because we ran out of Cathars some time ago

            That's OK - still plenty of Gnostics out there!

          2. Eltonga
            Thumb Up

            Re: So....restore from backup

            That's because we ran out of Cathars some time ago ;-)

            Aaaah! But that should be no problem for the Spanish Inquisition!

      4. Eddy Ito

        Re: So....restore from backup

        Having worked in a place where the admin password was "Dilbert" it's possible the document writer was just trying to be funny and accidentally wound up using real credentials.

      5. Mark 65

        Re: So....restore from backup

        Where's the segregated VLAN? Anywhere with such important data and of such a size should be capable of setting up an environment where dev network logon credentials only work on the dev VLAN and so do not permit the crossing over into the production VLAN whether you know the prod db connection string or not. One account for troubleshooting prod environments (which they wouldn't have had in this case), and one for performing dev tasks. Not that difficult.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....restore from backup

      This happened on my watch in Prod Support for a certain oil company.

      The dev/prod Oracle databases had the same internal password. Luckless dev connected to what they believed was their dev instance in Toad and then dropped the schema.

      They then called us to advise what had happened once they realised their mistake. We restored from backup (not before they bitched about how long it took to recover) but they never should have been able to do so in the first place.

      Rule Number 1: Restrict access properly to your prod environment. That means no recording random username/password combos in docs, scripts etc.

      Rule Number 2: Don't share credentials across environments.

      Anon for obvious reasons.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So....restore from backup

        Rule Number 1: Restrict access properly to your prod environment. That means no recording random username/password combos in docs, scripts etc.

        Rule Number 2: Don't share credentials across environments.

        Rule 3 - never lets Devs have access to stuff. Like small children, they *will* break stuff..

        1. Number6

          Re: So....restore from backup

          Rule 3 - never lets Devs have access to stuff. Like small children, they *will* break stuff..

          In a controlled environment this is good. If the Dev breaks something before the users do, it can be patched to prevent anyone else from doing the same. My unofficial CV has 'breaking things' as a skill, which dates back to using BASIC at school and being unable to resist entering '6' when asked to enter a number from 1 to 5, just to see what happened.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: So....restore from backup

            My CV also includes breaking things, but I was one to always stick to the rules.

            > being unable to resist entering '6' when asked to enter a number from 1 to 5, just to see what happened.

            So when asked to enter a number from 1 to 5 I broke into the school in the dead of the night.

            1. akeane

              enter a number from 1 to 5

              I would have entered the number "to"...

          2. Paul 129

            Devs and Access

            "Rule 3 - never lets Devs have access to stuff. Like small children, they *will* break stuff.."

            I cannot upvote this enough. Stupid t**ts that I had the misfortune of dealing with would have had a breakdown dealing with keeping the systems running. I want you to deploy xxxx. Ok who to, oh everyone in the organization. Ok how? Oh this installation program that I have written, you just need to install a uninstall a, then install b and c and remove b, that will leave a stable version runnig on their machines.

            So... I'm not going to implement it, until I get a firm written procedure for how to deploy this. We also need to test it in a small department. I could have fixed it in a couple of hours, but this wasn't the first time I had to put up with them having no idea about dependencies, and I had wasted four or five days fixing similar messes of theirs, they were on better money too. I never got any recognition, cause little ever went wrong.

            I was so happy when they chose the planning department to trial on. (This department had 'skilled' staff who like to setup their own 'uncontrolled' infrastructure) I had a good 3.5 months of peace, until guilt at all the wasted man hours finally got to me, and I sorted it that afternoon.

            Then there is the always fun "Yes we do backup database transactions, here is your database backup, and here are your transaction logs, now you buggered up the database, rolled back and forth until you have a confused mess, so which transaction sets do you want to roll forward with?" - (Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling of joy remembering those looks of dawning horror)

            Devs really are like small kids, they have NO idea of consequences, and will run away given a challenge.

            1. Terry 6 Silver badge

              Re: Devs and Access

              Surely it's the development staff's job to break things. Because if they don't do it on purpose someone else will do it by accident ( or malice).

              But if you're testing a vehicle you make bloody sure that you aren't carrying live passengers, if you see what I mean.

        2. Ian Michael Gumby

          @AC ... Re: So....restore from backup

          You are spot on...

          You need to separate prod from dev and not allow dev access to prod.

          So while the Reg asks who should be fired ... there are several people involved.

          1) CTO / CIO for not managing the infrastructure properly because there was no wall between dev and prod.

          2) The author and owner of the doc. You should never have actual passwords, system names, etc in a written doc that gets distributed around the company. The manager too should also get a talking...

          3) The developer himself.

          Sure he's new to the job, however he should have been experienced enough to not to cookbook the instructions and should have made sure that they were correct. He was the one who actually did the damage.

          As to getting legal involved.... if this happened in the US... it wouldn't go anywhere. As an employee, he's covered and the worst they could do was fire him. If he were a contractor... he could get sued.

          We know this wasn't Scotland or the UK. (Across country? Edinburgh to Glasgow ... 40 min drive. )

          I do have some sympathy for the guy... however, he should have known to ask questions if things weren't clear in the instructions.

          He should chalk this up to a life lesson and be glad that his mistake didn't cost someone their life.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @AC ... So....restore from backup

            "... Scotland or the UK..."

            Jesus they slipped that referendum through under the radar.

        3. Marshalltown

          Re: So....restore from backup

          "Rule 3 - never lets Devs have access to stuff. Like small children, they *will* break stuff.."

          That's kind of the job description isn't it?

        4. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: So....restore from backup

          Rule3.1 Give them things you don't _mind_ them breaking. (DBs, systems, management sanity)

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So....restore from backup

        That's insane... why would the password on the test server be "production" too? It clearly should be "test".

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....restore from backup

      OMG. It's the CTO responsibility to set policy that prevents this shit from happening. They set the technical policy and the idiot is covering their incompetent ass.

      If argued right, job claim could be set here?

    7. Jakester

      Re: So....restore from backup

      I maintain a small file server for a small company (about 45 computers). I use Ubuntu with Samba as the server. I have another desktop running Ubuntu with Samba on the ready and use rsync to provide a nightly copy of files from the server to this system which is a live copy of all the files served by the primary server. If the main server were to go down or hit with a virus (or ransomware), all I have to do is take the primary file server off-line, run a script on the system with the live data from the previous day, and change the IP address to make the backup system a temporary server.

      Another Ubuntu system is running which provides nightly backups using back-in-time to make nightly backups for off-site storage using portable USB hard drives.

      My philosophy is you can never have too many backups, so the primary server also makes hourly backups during business hours that are retained for 2 days. The backkups are then pared down to keeping one copy per day for 14 days, then one a week for a couple months, then one copy a month till drive space runs low. The drive is then removed from service to retain historical data and a new drive put in service. This set is for on-site.

      The system makes it easy to restore anywhere from one to all files in a short period of time. There is currently about 90GB of user data on the server. To restore one file takes only a couple minutes to find the file from the desired backup and restore it. A full restore of user data takes about an hour.

      :The system is regularly tested and a full restore had to be performed once when the Cryptolocker ransomware encrypted files the victim had access to on her computer and the server. More time was spent ensuring the ransomware had be isolated and eliminated on all computers on the network than to get the server ready.

      While some may consider triple redundancy overkill, I like to be prepared in case one of the backup systems may have happened to fail the night before a restore might be needed on the server. There is always at least one backup drive stored off-site. In the case of catastrophic loss of the server (flood, fire, explosion, etc), server configuration files in the nightly backups make it easy to setup and configure a new server in about 2 hours, ready to have files then restored.

      Test and test often...

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....restore from backup

      So where is their live RO replica?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Now we know what happened with British Airways, the mystery country is India.

  3. wolfetone Silver badge

    I was hoping there'd be an option for "The dickhead who wrote the guide".

    1. Locky



      So day 1, you are given a docuemnt and told to follow that. Yet it's your fault that guide is wrong?

      No wonder they were told not to come back, showing what a shower the current setup is....

      1. IsJustabloke

        Re: @wolfetone

        "Yet it's your fault that guide is wrong?"

        Actually, the story quite clearly says he *didn't* follow the document. he should have used the credentials generated by the script, instead he copied the credentials from the document.

        The fact that the document contained the production credentials is an error but the implication is that he would have been ok with those.

        Of course, he should have been supervised so that's also an error. should he have been sacked? Probably not. and certainly not in the way he was.

        1. katrinab Silver badge

          Re: @wolfetone

          The document should have given "username" and "password" as the username and password. And those should not work on the live system.

          1. Stoneshop

            Re: @wolfetone

            "Connect to database CastleAnthrax

            Username: Tim?

            Password: g0aW4y||1sh4lLtauntua2ndtiem"

            Or even simply "Generated by setup tool"; even better if that would cause a syntax error on at least one of the input fields if someone brainfarted and put in that string.

      2. Marshalltown

        Re: @wolfetone

        In the original story, the teller did not precisely follow the "document's" instructions. The script he was supposed to run would generate codes that he was supposed to use. In stead he used codes typed into the "document." I would bet the teller actually read the script and, rather than waste a chance to know more about the system, simply "tried to follow the logic" of the script. He would learn about the system doing by hand the tasks in the script. But, presumably, he did not think through the privileges that the script would need to set up his account. Or worse, he did (as an amateur, would-be BOFH), but had not properly counted on the laziness of upper levels, or anticipated the linkage to the production system, which should not have existed.

        1. Stoneshop

          Re: @wolfetone

          In stead he used codes typed into the "document."

          Whatever. Those credentials allowing full access to the live system should not have been in that document.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      the CTO is accountable for both the Dev and the "Dickhead"

      Least privilege security is to protect yourself as well as from more malign threats.

      Even in the good ol'days when my role was almost entirely performed with admin rights I had a healthy does of, don't give myself the option to mess with production if I can help it.

      As for giving a newbie dev production access, with production examples, and clearly no supervision is unthinkable even then. shoulder surfing their activity, answering questions, and perhaps even setting up their environment for them avoids many unnecessary upset and complexity...

      INHO story is highly plausible even if not true and dev was fall guy to divert from sackable CTO stupidity.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: the CTO is accountable for both the Dev and the "Dickhead"

        I had a healthy does

        Was this after a long hart to hart? Or did you have a long Roe about it?

    3. werdsmith Silver badge

      The dickhead who wrote the guide, and whoever was responsible for permissions on the production database.

      The guide had a user login.password specified, and this user login had R/W on production?

      What was it? scott/tiger ?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward



      2. petef

        Nah, we’re in the 21st century now: correct horse battery staple

        1. d3vy

          "Nah, we’re in the 21st century now: correct horse battery staple"

          FFS Now I have to change my password.

        2. Anonymous Coward
    4. Tweetiepooh

      Since this should be a controlled document it's not the (just) author but who ever signed the document off. Authors can make mistakes (likely a cut and paste from their production screen) but it should get spotted when the document is approved for publication which should have multiple signers to ensure technical correctness, non containing of "classified" material and so forth.

      1. Fuzz

        If you're writing a document like this why would you be copying the screenshots from your production DB? You should be going through the dev process step by step so the screenshots should be from your dev environment.

      2. Number6

        Since this should be a controlled document...

        That's assuming a lot. Given the general level of competence demonstrated, either it was controlled inasmuch as it was written and never revised, so there was never a need to do change management, or their control process was along the lines of "use the document in this directory, it should be the latest version", which happened to have global write privilege.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "The dickhead who wrote the guide"

      That was a team management consultant brought in to ensure resilience by ensuring the processes of the department were robust when employing new staff.

      Puzzle time: Take the first letters of the first four words of my comment.

    6. Goldmember

      Yep. To give production credentials to a junior, on their first day of employment, is asking for trouble. They should never have been written into this document. Not even a rough draft.

      And as far as "legal" getting involved? Well, surely any type of investigation would highlight serious security flaws internally. So the CTO and subordinate managers would be far more screwed than the (ex) new guy.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        And as far as "legal" getting involved? Well, surely any type of investigation would highlight serious security flaws internally.

        I think legal will send him away with his arse in a sling.

    7. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Regardless who wrote the guide the CTO is ultimately responsible.

      His reaction and language makes this an open and shut tribunal case for wrongful dismissal regardless of what the contract says.

      1. joeldillon

        Shame that (in the UK) you can't go to a tribunal any more except on /very/ narrow grounds until you've been employed for two years, then. Thanks Tony Blair/Tories!

        1. TRT

          And how long since they were changed?!

        2. katrinab Silver badge

          You can still claim wrongful dismissal, not the same thing as unfair dismissal. You will likely get about 1 week's salary out of it.

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I was hoping there'd be an option for "The dickhead who wrote the guide".

      There are three issues which tag the CTO:

      - defective documentation. WTF is production data doing in a junior document, and why would a junior have credentials to production? Who cleared this document for release?

      - who does operation and security reviews, and who signs them off?

      - whose responsibility is it to keep a production environment operational, a responsibility which includes recovery processes?

      If it had been one item I'd say a firm talking to and docking of bonus would be in order, but all 3 combined is unacceptable and ends up being a choice between incompetent or negligent. For C level staff, either is unacceptable.

      1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

        Whilst I'm all for seeing CTO's heads roll , for data breaches , fraud ,gross negligence , bribery ad infinitum.... I'ts all too easy to say (correctly) that the CTO is ultimately reponsible.

        surely in this instance the aforementioned dickhead is far more responsible?

        As well as whoever didnt check the backups.

        surely theres an overpaid under braincelled fatcat calling thensleves I.T director who should be in the firing line before the CTO?

        Remember that old IBM advert with a boardroom and some suit demanding to know "whose job is it to make sure this stuff works?" followed by "Yours!" . It was better than dilbert! Do IBM really think its a good idea to tell their customers they are morons who dont know what they are doing?

  4. Velv

    This people, is why you isolate your production environment from any test or development environments.

    Accidents happen, people make mistakes. One mitigation is to make sure you cannot cross-contaminate.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Full access credentials for a production database shouldn't be readily available in a guide. Most new devs would never need to be explicitly told the credentials as they should just be part of the application's secured connections. All db access can then be locked to the production application server and all dev can be done against dev/test/staging rather than production.

      For a company who is so free an easy with the db credentials to their master production database along with untested backups then they are just asking for trouble.

      CTO can't have had any idea about what he was doing in managing a tech company.

  5. DJ Smiley

    I've done this... almost!

    I've done almost this. I didn't get sacked on the spot, the company learnt from it, we found some bugs in production too!

    Basically I wiped out the entire testing enviroment's DB (Which was a copy of the live DB) on my 2nd day in a job. I had my boss sat with me, and we were seeing how 'good' the documentation was (not great!), for doing an upgrade of the environment. He wanted someone with no experience of the process to undertake it, to see how well it'd go. (It didn't go well, clearly!)

    One of the lines was slightly unclear, stating to delete some files, I personally misread this - after asking the boss for verbal confirmation and not understanding him either, and deleted the entire db, nuking the environment.

    They considered restoring from a backup but for various reasons this was decided against, and instead decided to then test out the 'build out a new env' documentation instead - from this it was discovered that a lot of the binary processes in the live db (which the testing one was built from) were in fact broken anyway and the entire stack required a whole lot of fixing. I ended up leaving about 9 months later when something similar went wrong and I decided I couldn't take the stress of 'screwing up a million customer records' by a simple finger slip up. Prior to leaving I'd be working on scripting away a lot of this processing because I felt it was a danger for the company to be doing all this manually - not sure that ever got finished... Maybe said redditor took over my old job? ;)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I've done this... almost!

      Actually once I wiped a DB using a backup/restore - just it was the wrong one <G>. Luckily it was a copy of the production database on a separate server, but it was to be used for a press presentation demo the following day (it was a software for a museum collection, so data were copyrighted but not "sensitive").

      It has been an exhausting day to set up everything, and it was well past 11:00PM. We tested over and over the backup/restore procedure when my boss asked to perform a last one "just to be sure"). Unluckily I made that time the mistake to full backup the wrong database (a test one on the same server) to the production backup file, and then restore it to the production database (it was a single server demo setup, not big disks and tapes with multiple backups) - OOOOPS!!!

      It was SQL Server 6.5, and the backup/restore dialogs were the "Are you sure (Y/N)" type - no source/destination information to check (that taught me how to design proper dialogs...)

      The original database was at a location 40km away from where the demo was scheduled. The following morning I had to implore to let me access the server very early (disappointing some people there...), make a back up in a hurry (and there were no handy and fast external USB disks...) and then "fly" to the other city center during the peak hour to restore it in time.... the worst thing was my boss tried to cover the cock up despite our advice to be sincere, and the customer wasn't happy. They were fine people (but the curator), and they would have helped us more if they knew.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I've done this... almost!

        You all make be feel relieved the day I did a "are you sure" "Y" on the new external drive reformat... when I realised I'd slipped and chosen the os drive.

        Thankfully I'd done a quick format, and after 3 days of research could copy over the backup MBR(?) and nothing was lost.

        I'd hate to think what going near a DB is like... and so don't even question my brother as to what he does in his IT job other than "have you found somewhere better/easier yet" when it comes to problems, old antiquated systems and people asking for stupid IT setups...

  6. DailyLlama

    The fault is with whoever created the documentation, and then whoever failed to spot the problem whilst proofreading.

    I would think that the new starter had plenty of legal recourse if said company's legal team did try to do anything, especially on their first day... where was the supervision? why were the documents so badly written?

    1. JimC

      > I would think that the new starter had plenty of legal recourse

      I wouldn't have thought so. Unless I'm very out of date, isn't it usual for new starters to be on a month's trial? All that would be needed would be to put the victim on gardening leave for the rest of the month.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: > I would think that the new starter had plenty of legal recourse

        "I wouldn't have thought so. Unless I'm very out of date, isn't it usual for new starters to be on a month's trial?"

        Even these usually have "F-up" clauses that allow for immediate termination on gross negligence/incompetence grounds. No matter who behind the scenes allowed it to happen, actually causing the firm to be forced down for long enough to likely trigger a legal event IS going to trigger the "F-up" clause. It'd be a lot safer for them than gardening for the rest of the month since someone like this might trigger Murphy or even contemplate sabotage if they feel they're screwed in any event. In it up to one's neck, so to speak.

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      re: The fault is with whoever created the documentation

      Really? I'd say it was with whoever configured the database Why has a new starter got permissions to blat the production database anyway? The documentation shouldn't be capable of leaking enough information for this to happen.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: re: The fault is with whoever created the documentation

        Anyone can make a single button/selection error. I did it while doing office work for an accountant. Went way too deep for my pay grade and qualifications, thought I was in to type up letters, and got asked to input accounting data in the main accounting software database.

        I was asked to type data into A. Smith's account. I puzzlingly asked why there were two instances of their details (perhaps one personal, one business but we had separate software for each)... I think I was told something along the lines of deleting the wrong one. But after being asked to leave one day... I realised it was because they were trying to get around the software customer limit (50 or so) by duplicating details between packages, putting extra business records on the personal system.

        Yeah, my fault for deleting it, but really, asking me to navigate a GUI with instructions from across the room to go to "accounts:customer" when I accidentally clicked "customer:accounts" (Yes, the GUI had that kind of duplicated and ambiguous layout) was just the start of the misunderstandings.

        I should have put my hands up and said "nope, I don't know how to use computers, can you do it for me". ;)

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Basic rules of documentation

    Does it explain clearly what is required?

    Are any steps where reader specific inputs are defaulted to safe varible e,.g. Enter your details as /<servername>/<yourname>

    Can a person not familiar with the system, carry out the commands. If not, is a warning clearly visible?

    1. Charles 9

      Re: Basic rules of documentation

      No matter how clearly one reads directions, Murphy WILL find a way for someone to MISread them and cause havoc, as seen here. See it all the time when I call for someone to "look behind you" and they spin 360 instead, or I say, "Look down!" and they say, "I AM looking down!" while looking UP.

  8. Your alien overlord - fear me

    I did this back in the 80's at a large international bank. Not my 1st day, but my 1st night shift. Told to run a command on a terminal, did so and wiped out all that days input. Thankfully my boss told the directors it was a procedural fault and procedures hadn't been updated because of a shortfall in manpower (basically he put the blame on them!!!!). Stayed there for another 4 years before moving on.

    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      There are two types of people in this business

      Those who have lost vital data, and those who are going to - this is what I tell everyone working for me.

      I think, if we're honest, we've all been there at one time or another - I know I have.

      1. Paul Cooper

        Re: There are two types of people in this business

        Amen! There have been a few occasions I have had that awful feeling a moment after hitting return that I really shouldn't have done that... Fortunately, all recoverable either from backups or at the cost of a couple of days redoing stuff!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: There are two types of people in this business

          Does anybody else say it out loud as a check?

          "extend partition X on drive Y", "remove user Joe Blogs", as if, formatting an action through verbal channels is closer to the physical universe than just a thought.

          Yes I do work alone most of the time, thank you for asking.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Did the same on Arbor/BP at the old Worldcom. Deleted all on the main CDR_DATA table on production.

      It rolled back after a loooong wait.

      I like to think I had something to do with that bunch of crooks disappearing up their own bum holes later that year.

  9. FuzzyWuzzys

    Card on the table, I'm biased as I'm a DBA ( most hated of the hated admins! ), click those downvotes now!

    The real problem as I see it is why was a developer allowed free reign on a production system? They should be restricted to dev systems on a day to day. Devs ask for temporary access to UAT and prod systems when required to fix things. Their actions are audited and recorded so all parties are in the clear if anything goes wrong, everyone's arse is covered.

    Sorry first day on the job then you are ultra careful and check everything first, at least that's what's in my mind in those first few hours. I don't mean to be callous but there is a reason they don't pay IT people minimum wage. We get paid damn good money for our knowledge, attention to detail and professionalism, we get paid danger money 'cos we carry the can for the company systems. I've had to fix things when stuff has gone wrong, shit happens as a fact of life but you try to mitigate that with a bit of care and attention. Too many people treat systems, especially databases, like dirty black boxes that can do anything. Sadly the shit often flows downhill to the hated DBAs like me, who then have to pick up someone else's crap. It's what we do but we'd appreciate it if you just stepped back for a second and thought before you click GO to submit that untested transaction, to make sure it's pointing at the right system.

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      I'm a DBA ( most hated of the hated admins! )

      No, I'm always glad when someone else volunteers to manually unblock the sewers. :-)

      Try being the net admin responsible for security and having to explain to a CxO why he can't access his favourite porn site at work.

    2. Bronek Kozicki

      I am a developer and I agree with you that developers should not have day-to-day access to production. They might need this access for troubleshooting/deployment etc. reasons but in this case it should be through appropriate channels, not "just select what you need and press GO". It is clearly failure of the organization (and CTO, by proxy) to fail to enforce this separation, and the developer who exposed this huge hole should be thanked and rewarded, not sacked.

      As for the documentation - as long as no actual password was stored there, it should not matter. The system should have been designed in such a way as to tell the user "you have no access rights there", unless their authentication (specifically for production system - not day-to-day one) allowed them. It is not the new developer's fault that the system was designed badly and it was not the documentation author's fault either (unless actual production access password was stored in the documentation, which does not seem to be the case)

      1. Bronek Kozicki

        I re-read the article and obviously my assumption was wrong, since the document actually published "url/password/username" of the production database. That is sooo messed up ... but I insist that you still cannot blame the new guy.

    3. richardcox13

      > least that's what's in my mind in those first few hours. I don't mean to be callous but there is a reason they don't pay IT people minimum wage.

      From the redit page:

      > Today was my first day on the job as a Junior Software Developer

      This is someone who has almost zero experience, not someone who would be expected to hit the ground running. (And, harking back to my first professional position as a junior developer: I started on less than today's minimum wage.)

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. Peter2

    So, the chap was given essentially given:-

    1) no induction from a live person;

    2) no training from a live person;

    3) no supervision from a live person;

    4) Documentation which said "do this".

    Doing "this" caused a severe disaster, which was then blamed on the person following the documentation. Let's say they want to go after the person for criminally wiping their database.

    In the UK to prosecute you'd have to prove "Actus reus", essentially latin for "the guilty act" as in "he did it" and "mens rea" meaning "a guilty mind" as in "knowing and intending to cause [the guilty act]".

    So in short, as he just followed documentation he was given there was no intention to cause "the guilty act" and therefore he's not committed an offense.

    However, the person who wrote the documentation was a pillock. The person who authorised it was an idiot, and the person managing the lot of them ought to be fired for incompetence.

    1. Richard 81

      I'm pretty certain that any tribunal would find in favour of the junior dev. However since they'd just started, they'd only be able to claim wrongful dismissal, and only if the dismissal was in breach of contract.

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      I've worked many places were training was practically non-existent but blaming the newbie was an approved substitute.

      I never stay long at those place.

  12. Tezfair

    1. Documentation is the root cause

    2. The dev should have had enough knowledge to have identified possible issues and raised it higher

    3. Probably was on probation and sounds like he is better off out of there if they do this without investigation.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      "2. The dev should have had enough knowledge to have identified possible issues and raised it higher"

      The documentation gave an example with, AFAICS, no indication that this was the production database. Absent a clear indication that it actually was the live database the only possible knowledge for him to identify a possible issue would be independent knowledge of the credentials for that database.

  13. Lee D Silver badge


    Why did first-day-worker have write access to the production database anyway?

    It's not even a question of backups (that goes without saying) - but how did someone walk in and get given production database write access by default without even a hint of training?

    And why are THEY setting up their dev environment? Why is that not done for them, especially if it involves copying the production database?

    The problem is the culture of a place like that, not what the guy did - even if you assume he's being quite modest about how careless he was.

    1. gnasher729 Silver badge

      "Why did first-day-worker have write access to the production database anyway?"

      Because he was given documentation that he was supposed to follow, and the documentation included the password. Password = write access. No password = no access. Everyone with access to the documentation, including you and me, had write access to the database.

      1. Lee D Silver badge

        AND WHY?!

        Why would you do that? Is he going to be committing to the live database on his first day? No. Read-access, yes. Write? No.

        Least privilege principle. If you don't have write access to it, you can't damage it.

        And what prat just puts passwords for write-access on the production database in a document that's going to end up just-about-anywhere in six month's time?

        This is my question, not "how", which you answer. WHY!?

  14. zanshin

    Count me among those wishing...

    ...that "whoever wrote the docs" was an option in the survey.

    Really, though, I don't think anyone *needs* to be fired over the actual failure. It's a small company, and they just experienced the results of a comedy of collective errors across various people that are probably the result of technical debt accrued as they got up and running. This never has to happen, but it's pretty common. It's bad, but you learn, adjust and move on. Well, you move on unless the lack of backups in this case means they are so thoroughly screwed that they have to shutter the business.

    All that said, I do think the CTO needs to go, not necessarily because this happened, but for how he's handled this. Politically, he might have needed to go anyway by virtue of falling on his sword for owning the collective failures of the team(s) under his control, but the obvious scapegoating of the new hire for what's a really broad failure of IT processes says to me that he's not going to learn from this and get his ship right. One way or another he needs to own this, and firing the new guy who copy/pasted commands right from an internal document doesn't convey that kind of ownership to me.

  15. DubyaG

    Last place I worked...

    One of the analysts working with a Prod DB ran an update query without the WHERE clause. Much hand wringing and gnashing of teeth followed, possibly by some braid pulling.

    1. Dave Schofield

      Re: Last place I worked...

      s>One of the analysts working with a Prod DB ran an update query without the WHERE clause. Much hand wringing and gnashing of teeth followed, possibly by some braid pulling.

      Way back in the depths of time (mid 90s), I was by default the DBA of an Informix database and was learning SQL. I managed to set the primary key field for a large subset of records in the database to the same value through a badly configured UPDATE query. That took some sorting out, but I managed it eventually.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Last place I worked...

        "I managed to set the primary key field for a large subset of records in the database to the same value through a badly configured UPDATE query."

        The primary key didn't have a UNIQUE index on it?

    2. tokyo-octopus

      Re: Last place I worked...

      "One of the analysts working with a Prod DB ran an update query without the WHERE clause."

      That analyst clearly has never heard of something called "transactions". Or he/she was working on MySQL with MyISAM tables.

  16. Rosie Davies

    Nearly No-one

    Who has:

    - Ultimate responsibility for ensuring all documentation is correct?

    - Ultimate responsibility for ensuring back-up work (including testing regime)?

    In both cases it's the CTO's job.

    If the tale had stopped before it got to the bit about the new chap being fired I'd have gone with "No-one, it was a wake-up call for everyone." Even C level folks are only human. Things can get over-looked; over-reliance on assurances from the management chain can combine with a monstrous workload to help this along.

    But it didn't stop there. The actions of the CTO tend to suggest someone lacking the emotional maturity, willingness to take personal responsibility and with the primary desire of covering their own behinds at all cost to ever be trusted with that responsibility.


  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ehm, one thing

    I agree that first one to be fired should be documentation author and second person who approved it, then backup admin and finally CTO should follow them too but one thing: this guy was supposed to use credentials he got from script output, not the one from the doc. There were creds in the doc and shouldn't be, true, but it doesn't mean this guy is completely innocent. He didn't follow his instructions. The fact that keys to the safe are laying on the safe doesn't mean that you are allowed to open it and destroy whatever is inside.

    I guess that credentials given in the doc were given as an example - it's unbelievable idiocy to give real credentials as an example but example is example, it doesn't mean that these are the values you should use.

    1. DavCrav

      Re: ehm, one thing

      "He didn't follow his instructions. The fact that keys to the safe are laying on the safe doesn't mean that you are allowed to open it and destroy whatever is inside."

      This is more like the Big Red Button for a data centre being next to the exit button for the door, as was in another Reg story recently. You cannot blame the hapless person who hit the BRB.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: ehm, one thing

      This is assuming the credentials were for the production server at the time they were written? Perhaps those really were for a dev server and the production server used other credentials then the credentials were changed for some reason aided by foggy memory and so on? Does anyone know how long it had been since the document was checked? Is there a legal requirement for keeping the document current? If so, how long is that limit under the law?

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: ehm, one thing

        "Is there a legal requirement for keeping the document current?"

        Very unlikely in most legislations. Would there even be a legal requirement for the document to exist? There may be a requirement if the business were ISO9000 accredited or something similar. If the latter I'd say this was a clear fail of that.

  18. Tony S

    I worked at a place where we had a major cock up like this. As IT Manager, I took full responsibility.

    I insisted that the production environment should be kept separate, and access limited; but I was overruled by the directors.

    I said that the consultants should not be given admin access; but I was overruled by the directors.

    I demanded extra backup and continuity resources; but I was overruled by the directors. They also cancelled 3 separate planned DR tests in a 2.5 year period.

    When inevitably the consultants screwed up, the entire system went titsup. We were able to get it back up and running, but it took 8 days just to determine the problem. As it was not in the data, restore from backup did not fix the issue.

    Shit happens; how you deal with it shows the character of the individual.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Yep, you can't fix the stupid when it comes from the boss/client. All you can do is cover your ass.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        "All you can do is cover your ass."

        Which is just what the CTO seems to have been doing.

    2. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

      It's not an airline by any chance?

  19. Flakk

    The CTO told me to leave and never come back. He also informed me that apparently legal would need to get involved due to severity of the data loss.

    "Do what you feel is right, Sir. However, I promise you that if you get legal involved, I'll make you famous."

    Somehow I don't think I'd be hearing from the company ever again.

    1. dlc.usa

      > "Do what you feel is right, Sir. However, I promise you that if you get legal involved, I'll make you famous."

      I would never say that. You need to complete the live test of the madhouse by including legal. If they decide to go after you, the lawyers also have earned their share of the notoriety.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    separation of responsibilities

    Devs should not get credentials for production databases.

    All stuff they do should be on various dev databases.

    With test deploys of development changes, done on a db that should be essentially a clone of any production database (with necessary anonymization done if actually populated from a production db). The testing / deploy should be done by non dev staff to make sure all is clear and simple & no hidden undocumented stuff needed.

    I work in dev and have no access / knowledge of any customer database credentials, nor should I (not even access to production servers, never mind the databases therein)

    All new dev updates are deployed and tested, by test engineers (again, do not have production access, so cannot accidentally run on wrong system), running against a test db that mimics typical customer production databases (and can be easily restored if things break horribly)

    If testing is OK, updates are deployed on customer production sites - before deploy database and old application backups are taken (even in cases where customers have "realtime" backup db replication )

    People can make mistakes, especially someone nervous, overwhelmed on first day of new job, mistakes happen, no back covering system is ever perfect, but at least you try and have half decent procedures in place to reduce likelihood of nasties (so where I am, non dev people do have access to production DBs, and they are the ones who have to be careful, as they could wreak havoc, hence others do testing first).

    The scenario described, where production db creds are flying around for all and sundry to see is just deranged

    If I do need to look at a problem on a production system (e.g. if it looks like an odd data / some corruption issue causing problems) then I work on a clone of that system that reproduces the problem, not the system itself

    AC for obv detailed real world reasons.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, the stories I could tell...

    Oh, the stories I could tell, if only I were allowed to tell them.

    Such as the time, while working as a code librarian, that I wiped out 600 man-years (Yes, man-years, as in 30 programmers having worked for 20 years) of work, while doing library maintenance, coupled with a failing disk. Whoopsie! Fortunately, we had multiple backups, including some which were stored off-site. Whew! It shut us down for a day, while we recovered the library, but that (and a round of beers for the system administrator), was a small price to pay. Whew!


  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Production versus Test

    I once worked on a medical prescription handling project. We had the production system, along with a test system that the developers used, as well as a handful of clueless developers who couldn't seem to differentiate between the production and test systems. So, we'd occasionally get a call from a local pharmacy, wanting to know why Dr. Feel Goode had sent a prescription for 10,000 Xanax for patient John Doe to them. Ack!

    Anon Y. Mus

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Production versus Test

      I have a similar story from one of my first dev jobs, where everything was ASP classic, nothing had any tests. We did have local environments but you couldn't realllly test anything properly without doing it on production.

      The website sold sex toys, and another developer put a test order through to his home address (lived with his mum) and a 12" black rubber dildo turned up at her door.

      1. DryBones

        Re: Production versus Test

        I think this is the first actual, physical manifestation of a cock-up that I have heard of.

  23. clocKwize

    So.... there is no data security, if the production credentials are in a dev guide...

    So.... there are no backups of production data...

    So.... they let a junior developer who is totally new to their system set up it up on their own...

    We all mess up once in a while. That is why we do things in such a way that its really damn hard to do things like this, without knowing what you are doing.

    Sure at my company I can connect to our production system, and in theory could wipe it, if I wanted to. It would have to be very very deliberate. If it did happen, we have several layers of backup we can fall back on to. Fortunately it has never happened.

    If something like this can happen so easily by accident, it is not the junior developers fault, it is the CTO for not ensuring that the systems are built with consideration for such things.

    Hopefully the CTO gets fired. He deserves it. I'd like to say the junior dev could file for wrongful dismissal, but try explaining the above to a judge who has no idea how to computer. It'd be a waste of everyones time.

    1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      "but try explaining the above to a judge who has no idea how to computer"

      It really does depend on the judge and I'm sure there's a car analogy you could use in an emergency.

      The points you make don't actually depend on understanding how to protect or run a computer system. It should be clear even to the most out of touch judge that if the company depends on "things working" then efforts should be made to ensure that "things work" and "things can be repaired" if they stop working. Then, of course, there's the possiblity of dragging in an expert witness and just letting them laugh their arse off in open court when asked whether the company's setup was either "fit for purpose" or "best practice".

  24. cyclical

    When I first started at my current company, access to all the live environments was firewalled from my IP with the message 'f**k off tom, don't you f**king dare'. I guess my predecessor Tom did some damage at some point.

  25. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    When DevOps goes too far

    .... The tears are one junior programmer away.

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    British Airways Wot Dunnit Innit?

    Late to the party....

  27. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Sounds like plenty of blame to go around.

    At all levels.

    The best test environment I've used had a level above "company" in the DB hierarchy. Although there was only 1 real company (no separate divisions) there was a second test company and it duplicated all the structure of the main company, so anything could be tested on it. If it didn't work, no problem. Scrub the stuff you created (or copied off the live branch) and start again. Your (faulty) code just nuked the (test) database? Well your co-workers are going to be a bit p***ed and Ops will have to recover a version so everyone else can get on with their work but otherwise not a disaster.

    It's an obvious tactic (once you've used it or think about it) but it takes someone on day 1 to realize you want to have this feature in your system and make sure it's put in.

  28. Jonathan 27


    This story implies the people involved were so stupid it makes me think it might be a troll. If it is real, the idiots who think it's a good idea to print product credentials in training materials should be canned, along with the people who supervise backups (or rather don't) and probably the CTO for being a totally clueless fool. This is just an after-affect for massively incompetent management, you can't blame the first-day junior dev for it.

  29. jgarry


    1. Always follow instructions exactly.

    2. Never follow instructions exactly.

    3. See rules 1 and 2.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge



      What they really mean is "Don't use your initiative, unless the instructions are wrong, in which case do."

      When I put it that way it sounds like bu***hit, because it is.

  30. Fritzo2162

    This is all the CTO's fault. Probably fired the Dev to cover his ass. What a terrible, fragile infrastructure!

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My money

    Is on the document having been written by a BOFH type of person. This wasn't a mistake, this was someone who likes keeping people on their toes.

    That's why I do all my development on the production server. As root. >:)

    PS: Backups are a sign of weakness.

    1. Wensleydale Cheese

      Re: My money

      "My money ... is on the document having been written by a BOFH type of person."

      My money is on a scenario such as the current sysadmin being asked to write the instructions for his successor.

      Then at some point down the line someone else sees that document and asks for a copy to edit and redistribute for more general use, not realising that it contains production-specific information.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: My money

        > My money is on a scenario such as the current sysadmin being asked to write the instructions for his successor.

        No credentials should have been mentioned anyway.

    2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "PS: Backups are a sign of weakness."


      Klingon DevOps.

  32. This post has been deleted by its author

  33. Stevie


    Too many "Oops" moments in this Buster Keaton movie script.


  34. Schnauzer

    Fire the hiring manager

    If the developer had enterprise database experience, this wouldn't have happened. My fingers wouldn't let me blithely type commands that alter the origin database when the point is to create a local copy.

    Where I work, erroneous, unmoderated and outdated home-brew docs are commonplace. In time, you learn not to follow them to the letter, but new hires generally get bitten once before they gain this wisdom.

    It's not the dev's fault for not knowing, it's the fault of the hiring manager for not properly qualifying the applicant. Punt said manager, move the applicant into a more suitable role, then make this incident an interview question to ensure that future candidates are screened for database skills.

  35. esoteric

    Protecting Production....

    In the 180 posts above I assume the following is repeated many times, and I have not read it all.

    I just feel compelled to add my mere two cents worth.

    The level of skill at the small end of practice is often abysmal as in this case. The CTO is an inexperienced unqualified idiot and almost certainly a bully. If for example he genuinely had an ITIL Manager certificate, none of this could have happened if he was following event the basic aspects of best practice.

    In over 40 years of working for large multinationals, and one government department, for the multinationasl, production systems were not accessible to development staff, at all. One of them even had separate networks, as in several air gaps and military style access control to production worlds. A contrast is provided by the Government department , controlling driving license data. It of course was dominated by unqualified bullies, who where even happy to have offshore contractors access the internal network to build and maintain systems despite being warned. Oh and of course the trouble making people objecting, no longer work there.

  36. michael cadoux

    As a newbie I was given some JCL to test a program change and specifically assured that it only read a more-than-usually important database, used in thousands (literally, it was a large company) of jobs. After 2 or 3 runs I noticed that the output showed a run number that increased by 1 each time and reported it, only to be told that was impossible as my Dev sign-on didn't have update authority. Oh dearie me. Turned out there'd been a special dispensation for another project to update using Dev sign-ons, and the authorisation hadn't been cancelled.

    My supervisor was visibly worrying about whether he'd keep his job! Luckily what I was running didn't update client data, only the run number for audit.

  37. tedleaf


    1976,us a group of A level mixed tech students in Kent being taught the very basics of computing,invited to go see a big all floor mainframe just up the road(litetaly) from college,shown around for an hour or two with brief descriptions of what each chunk of hardware was doing,then left alone for a few minutes,nobody at all except us 12 students in computer room,someone decides to tap a bit of nonsense on a keyboard,nothing obvious happens,fella comes back,finishes tour with a thank you and maybe he will see us in a few years as employees,we all say cheers and bye,walk back to college,an hour later,paniced tutors pull all us visitors out of various lectures and gather us in common room,to tell us that the mainframe we just visited appears to have died and did any of us touch anything,everyone shakes heads vigorously,deny everything,find out next morning that entire data system is gone,and we have probably just bankrupted a major American oil/mineral exploration analysis company used by lots of smaller companies !! oops..

    1. Stevie

      Re: Oops

      Wow. 1976 and no backups.


      1. tedleaf

        Re: Oops

        From what we got told/heard over the months was that it was all the tapes with fresh data on that got killed,the ones from small companies that had fresh data about new exploration holes etc was lost !

        You would have hoped that it would have been standard practice for someone somewhere to take copies,but apparently not.

        The firm involved went into lock down for months,all sorts of rumours about big oil firms sabotaging the systems etc etc,nobody ever outright accused us of killing the system/data,so it could have been their own cock up.this was an American firm,staffed solely by Americans,who had very little interaction with local population,so all we ever heard was gossip..

        They did survive,but it took 3 years apparently to get over the problem..

        I think they used it as an excuse/reason to upgrade/rebuild the entire system,and it was big,floor was 70 yards by 30 yards,one entire wall was reel to reel decks,rest of the space was well crammed with the rest of the hardware,the ac system was massive,took up another entire floor..

      2. tedleaf

        Re: Oops

        Am racking my brains trying to remember the name of the company,I have occidental stuck in my head at the moment,but am almost certain it was something different.

        Ashford,Kent,UK,1976,there cannot have been many big main frames in the area,this one was right in the town centre,the building has gone now,but someone must have some memories from then.

        But as I said,it was a totally American firm,with emoyees all Americans..

        It's all a long time ago,I can only remember one other name of the 12 of us involved and she was polish !!

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oops

      Student Days;

      Ooh such a joy to type format c:\

      or something like that on every available terminal

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



  39. Terry 6 Silver badge

    Step away from IT for a minute - Induction 101

    1.) No new member of staff in any area of work should be given an instruction document and told to get on with it. Because there will always be ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity that some new staff will trip over. That's why organisations have a proper induction ( supposedly).

    2.) No new member of staff in any area of work should be given any kind of task that brings them close to a destructive error until they know the systems and where the risk factors are. Because you can't avoid the trip hazard until you know where the trip hazards are. (see induction comment)

    3) No new member of staff in any area of work should be given any kind of instruction (written or verbal) that hasn't been looked at and potential dangers removed - because they don't have the background to recognise those dangers. ( See ditto)

    4) No new member of staff should be expected to discover what the "unknown unknowns " are. because you can only do that by making a mistake, possibly a catastrophic one. The Staff responsible for induction should always ensure that they know what those risks for the new employee are likely to be, ( which effectively means knowing what the job is and what the organisation's culture is ) and preempting these. Perhaps by giving them a mentor who can still remember being new. (another ditto).

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      " Step away from IT for a minute - Induction 101 "

      Dumbest f**king orientation I ever had was along the lines of (on day one)

      "Ask me anything"

      At this point I know s**t about s**t.

      How would I know what I need to know since I have been told nothing?

      1. Stevie

        Re: " Step away from IT for a minute - Induction 101 "

        "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

  40. SeanC4S

    The database must have been written in Basic using file records. Or 100 times worse yet, dataflex.

  41. wojo

    Holy crap...

    The yutz that wrote the documentation should be the one escorted out the door. Geez... You should _never_ put production passwords in new hire documentation....

  42. JBowler

    The problem is staring you in the face

    El Reg posted a bullet list form to say who was responsible.

    Clicking on one entry on the form cleared the previous entry.


    Think about it.

    1. Bitbeisser

      Re: The problem is staring you in the face

      >El Reg posted a bullet list form to say who was responsible.

      >Clicking on one entry on the form cleared the previous entry.


      >Think about it.

      Long story short, it should have been a multiple choice poll... ;-)

  43. Bitbeisser

    This is 300% on the CTO!

    1. The documentation for the new dev was FUBAR. That's on the CTO, he has to sign off on that.

    2. The new dev should not have had access to the production database at this point to begin with. Again, that's falls within the CTO's responsibility

    3. Not having working backups means that they do not have a valid DR procedure in place. And that is absolutely on the CTO, he has to sign off on that as well...

  44. Sp0ck

    Documentation issue.

    Definitely a docs issue, clearly written by a really 'clever' person who knew what they meant and assumed everybody else reading (using) the doc was as clever as them.

    Docs like this need to be properly idiot proof, you need to ensure that whoever is using them cannot get anything wrong.

    Oh and working, verified backups is a good thing too!

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "Definitely a docs issue, clearly written by a really 'clever' person "

      I can think of at least 3 cases where I've been dropped in the s**t by some "genius."

      One case was down to a MENSA member, so he really was a genius. That I could fix quite easily, although that will fail in about 60 years. When I did it I assumed the code would be junked long before it was an issue. Now I'm not so sure.

      The others were completely out of my hands to fix. Why would you not use a case statement for multi way decisions based on a state field?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Definitely a docs issue, clearly written by a really 'clever' person "

        "One case was down to a MENSA member, so he really was a genius. "

        Not necessarily.

        Mensa is supposed to be open to the top 2% of the population by IQ, which is only about an IQ of 130, depending on the test (two standard deviations above the mean, near enough).

        IIRC, 'genius' starts somewhere around 145 to 160 (about 1 standard deviation above the Mensa lower limit), depending on who is doing the definition... one source quoted 140, and another stated that 125 was 'necessary but not sufficient'. I expect that last can be discounted as an idiosyncratic outlier, using a rather different conception of the term.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          "Not necessarily."

          I stand corrected.

          So just three ordinary f**kwits then.

    2. Terry 6 Silver badge

      Re: Documentation issue.

      by a really 'clever' person who knew what they meant and assumed everybody else reading (using) the doc was as clever as them.

      Hope that was sarcasm. But from a communication POV the first rule is that you can't assume the reader knows what is in your head. If it isn't in the explanation you haven't explained it. To some extent this may go with the territory of IT people. The tendency, expressed in El Reg a few years back, to people with Aspergers type thinking to go into IT and be really good at it, probably means that some quite important people have a very poor understanding what is in other people's heads.

    3. Grunchy Silver badge

      Re: Documentation issue.

      Well to be fair, most of the time the documentation people don't know what they are talking about.

      They rely on "SME" or "subject-matter-expert".

      That's probably the guy who should be fired. Or one of them...

      Or the guy who never proofread the docs, or the guy who never asked them to be corrected/updated, etc.

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gordon Ramsay

    I just binge watched a whole lot of Hotel Hell, Kitchen Nightmares (UK and USA)

    Seems to me the whole IT industry needs something like it and the muppets in the mentioned IT firm are cooking up some tarts the wrong way.


    The purpose of making backups is not to hide them away in a cabinet, but to have those be the ones users are making changes to. Then at the end of each day the modifications are rolled up into the real database.

    No one uses the main database, live.

    The one responsible for a bulletproof system is the CTO.

    Not doing this right is his fault.

    That is why he is paid the most.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > The purpose of making backups is not to hide them away in a cabinet, but to have those be the ones users are making changes to. Then at the end of each day the modifications are rolled up into the real database.

      All you have done is redefined "backup" to "real database" and "real database" to backup.

      The live production database is, by definition the one that's being used live and in production. The backup is by definition the one you update every night.

  47. crediblywitless

    It's entirely possible that the database concerned was one of countless that are left installed "open to the skies" as discovered in the MongoDB trouble in January. Database systems often tend to be unsecured by default, on installation, and if no-one gets around to adding it, that's what's going to happen. Presumably that introductory document dates back to when there were only five people working there in the same room?

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Deleted a manager, first action.

    I was given admin access to corporate Navision for local user administration, I wanted to create a new user with the same permissions and roles as an existing production manager.

    In the version of Navision that was in use at the time, the roles looked like a spreadsheet so I selected them Ctrl-C, then opening the roles in the newly created user, Ctrl-V, nothing obvious happened except the roles closed and the orginal user was deleted, I had to ask corporate to recover him from the backup and I was not asked to administer Navision any more.

    Was actauly quite pleased as if that sort of cock up is possible, and not controlled in the software only luck will save the user from another one.

    Just because software is f^cking expensive doesn't make it well designed.

  49. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why was he even allowed access to the production server on his first day without supervision?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      To be fair, it depends on who you are.

      At one job, I did a days long upgrade to the core application for the company starting on my fourth day, on an OS I had not previously worked on (though probably my 9th OS, so that was less traumatic than it could have been)... paying close attention to the manufacturer docs was critical.

  50. darkromz

    back in the day when Novell was used i was on work experience and given the role to look after the network, while logged in as the admin account i was cleaning up user accounts and thought it would be a good idea to delete the admin account and create a new one, for some reason back then it allowed me to delete the master admin account i was logged in under and from that point had no privileges to create user accounts, resulting in the network no longer having an admin account to maintain the network. I wasn't popular from a while.

    1. Slackness

      If it was bindary it was always good to have a copy of burglar.nlm.

  51. JLV Silver badge

    dev or admin?

    If admin, then yes, still the CTOs fault for the docs and the lack of working backups. Most of you seem to be answering from the viewpoint that he was an admin, just questioning the context and procedures, but assuming he would have business on that db later on.

    If dev... WTF is a dev supposed to be doing with live root passwords to the prod db? Most places don't, and shouldn't, give even system specialists devs (like me) access to the live db, figuring that any interaction should take place through admin-run scripts and/or the product SMEs. I find that sometimes that's a bit overkill and it's nice to have access to support troubleshooting. But I specifically ask for read-only access - no way to screw things up (well, except for mis-written 5M row Cartesian Joins). And none of this justifies root.

    That's a system management fail, task segregation fail, people fail and a security fail by writing down those credentials in a disseminated document, all in 1.

  52. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    Oninit -iy on a live Informix database also.does fun stuff*

    *try it at your own risk.

  53. Peeeeter

    This is soooo stupid... Firing this junior won't solve anything. He'd never do it again and this was clearly due to the stupidity of the people of this company. Not protecting prod data, not having a solid backup in place, requiring prod access to create a dev/test database. All of this is so amateuristic. I can hardly feel sorry for the company. It's their own stupid fault, if...

    If it's true. Maybe this guy screwed up another way and just made it all up to save his reputation.

    1. Grunchy Silver badge

      To Be Fair: at least in Canada, you can fire anybody you hire within their first 3 months with no notice or explanation and no legal problem. Similarly, the new hire has the right to quit on the spot, within the same time period, without giving any notice or reason, either.

      (Because giving notice goes Both Ways).

      Firing the ignorant clumsy new guy who wrecks the whole operation seems wrong, but is it?

      No, it is not.

      1. Daniel 18


        I was once fired from a programming job after three days for using a subroutine call. No one had told me that local practices banned them because of the overhead.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        > Firing the ignorant clumsy new guy who wrecks the whole operation seems wrong, but is it?

        No, it is not.

        You seem to be confused between 'wrong' and 'illegal'.

        This was clearly wrong.

  54. Mark York 3 Silver badge

    Caught Out At Least Once By Dodgy Doc's

    Installing & configuring new servers in branches of a Canadian bank.

    They came pre-configured up to a point & then it was just a case of following the documentation until one crucial point where the required configuration details have just been input by yourself........

    ...... the document tails to a point where the bottom half of the page is blank, the next is also blank, as is the first half of the next one..........

    Which finally puts up a image of a Stop sign & on the next full page says "Do not press enter at this point, if you have you will have to reimage the server from scratch using your provided reimage media"

    This is not what you want to realise you have done at 12.30am.

  55. Phukov Andigh Bronze badge

    "canned" seems a bit excessive

    but if someone expected their "new" pro to be able to figure out what's actually deployed instead of following a script verbatim, then they company didn't get the caliber of employee they expected. Not gonna weigh in on realistic or unrealistic expectations in this regard.

    But legally actionable? I don't see any what that's gonna fly. Especially if there IS a documented script and those values were followed.

    Unless you got the guy on Social Media bragging about how he's gonna "destroy" this company because he's got some agenda, then talking about "Legal" is someone who's clueless and realizes HE's got some responsibility too.

    Restore from backup and move on. No backup? no policies for such? Mr CTO calling for "Legal" is doing so because HE screwed the pooch.

  56. cream wobbly

    I Love You

    This reminds me of the Unix version of the "I Love You" virus:


    If you receive this email, delete a bunch of GIFs, MP3s, and binaries from

    your home directory, then send a copy of this email to everyone you know.


    So who to fire?

    1. the creator of the virus

    2. the supervisor of the creator of the virus

    Proceed with legal action against the pair.

    What else?

    3. put CTO on administrative leave (if he wasn't already caught by #1 or #2)

    4. investigate CTO

    5. audit all documentation, beginning with all new employee orientation

    6. instigate a new orientation regime where the new employee is assigned a mentor

    7. apologize to the poor victim of this prank whose career is now upended, perhaps offering them a try at the CTO position

    This is obvious stuff. If any business wanted to do it any other way, I wouldn't want to work there. So:

    8. Turn down the CTO position at such a lax place of work. They probably have passwords on stickies, if they have them at all.

  57. Grunchy Silver badge

    Everybody should be fired

    The new guy, because he's so ignorant/dumb he doesn't know what he's doing (for the job he's been hired for).

    The CTO for same reason.

    The docs team, same reason.

    The rest of the company? Yes, they are indeed all fired.

    Trump field day!!

  58. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    a) The developer should not have had access to production at all. Separation of Duties. Fundamental tenant of security. Enforced by network and host separation.

    b) WTF was confidential material, DBA account details, doing in the developers document in the first place?

    c) No backups. W.T.F.

    The CTO should have been marched out of the door.

    The fired developer can undoubtedly claim unfair dismissal.

  59. Jake Maverick

    I have trouble believing this really happened....then again people on this planet really are that stupid! Presuming it is true certainly not the new guy's fault....surely, I would have though, he's got legal claim for unfair dismissal.....

    Even if he did it deliberately and shouldn't have even been possible as that production DB should have been password protected, at the very least.

  60. hekla

    Now on Slashdot

    with reference to thereg poll results

  61. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As the US has "fire at will" laws, who gives a shit. The CTO can do what they want. Don't like your accent. Fired. Secretly a racist and you smell of curry. Fired.

  62. alsarg72

    Should be more surprising than it is.

    This person did nothing wrong at all. The story should be unbelievable, but unfortunately this kind of halfarsedness is not surprising. Halfarsedness is rampant in the industry. An investigation into security, configuration, documentation, and other things would undoubtably reveal plenty of people and processes at this company that are to blame, and no shortage of people who have privately or loudly complained about it and expected something like this to happen eventually. This person is a victim of the company's collective stupidity, and the CTO and the company deserve no sympathy. Anyone there who tried to highlight such problems, and this poor person do deserve sympathy.

  63. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Principle of Least Privilege and good RBAC

    CTO 100% at fault, documentation just gave more fuel for the fire.

    None of this is the new guys fault at all.

    They had given him high level access as a junior??

    Principle of least privilege within a good role based access control (RBAC) model could of helped them. However their backups should of been tested...

  64. sawatts

    Documentation and Backup fail - buck stops with the CTO

    But its easier and cheaper to assigned blame rather than find and fix the cause after the event.

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