Re: @Michael - Great story
"Mother Nature insists on perpetuating species using the old fashioned way."
This suggests 2 things:
a) there's probably no "gay gene"
b) it's probably developmental, though a recessive genetic trait (or combination of them) could also be responsible for "gayness"
there was an experiment done with male homosexual sheep some time ago. The scientists discovered that the area of their brains that was responsible for processing testosterone and aromatase [as I recall] was smaller, like that of a female sheep, in the male homosexual sheep. This could have been caused by a number of factors, from a breakdown of the blood barrier in the placenta [exposure to female hormones], to any number of other environmental or even genetic factors.
The point is, these male homosexual sheep literally had "female brains".
something to consider. Of course I don't know if anyone has been cutting up human brains but MRI and PET scans and other means might be interesting studies.
then again when politics and political correctness get involved, nobody can talk about the science and statistics any more. I prefer to "mind my own business" instead, and let people do what they want as long as it's not in my face and/or offensive.