back to article Performance anxiety: A different take on 'hybrid infrastructure'

One commonly thinks, when the word "hybrid" is used, of an infrastructure that combines on-premise (or at least private data centre) and public cloud. But "hybrid" also works in the other direction - across the heterogeneous systems within a particular location. It is rare for an organisation to base itself entirely on one …

  1. Alistair

    I'm wondering:


    Why are you hacking my brain?

  2. bombastic bob Silver badge

    Linux/BSD servers, "whatever" workstations

    It seems to me that the best hybrid setup would be to use Linux/BSD servers with windows (and other) workstations, well firewalled behind the Linux/BSD servers for intarweb access, with windows running ONLY on those workstations where the business softwar MUST run windows.

    properly administered, this kind of configuration has potential for high reliability. A private cloud for 'shared things' can help with that as well.

    The biggest problem has been how Micro-shaft (particularly with Win-10-nic) is changing the authentication methods (again) on the network in ways that are ahead of Samba's supported features. When Samba is _BARELY_ able to act as an Active Directory domain controller, Micro-shaft moves the target again with their "Micro-shaft Login", one login to rule them all etc.

    Some would say "one word: Kerberos" and they're probably right, but Kerberos has its own issues with timeouts etc. and from what I read about it, can be very irritating.

    I'd think that RHEL or CentOS would've come up with a one-size solution for this kind of thing by now...

    (go with that, get support)

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is possible to patch everything using a single tool

    just saying :-0

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