I think I'm in trouble
I used to commute to various countries for work on a weekly or twice weekly basis for years. Its as easy to get to Brussels from London as Leeds. I suspect I may have done hundreds of these journeys over the years.
I also run my own mail server and have hundreds of email addresses out there. Whenever I register with anybody I give them a unique email address. If it leaks out (and they often do) I simply edit /etc/postfix/virtual and block it. I've just looked in to the virtual file and I have over 200 email addresses I've blocked due to spam. I suspect there may be 5-600 other email addresses.
The form has space for 6 email addresses? What do I do? I can give six email addresses for the last week, never mind the last 15 years.
Also I'm no longer on speaking terms with a number of X partners, I'm single, well paid and I admit I sleep around (which is why I'm single), thats my choice. My number of partners is more than 10 for the last 15 years, many of whom are in different countries (see point 1) and I have zero knowledge of their whereabouts.
I also develop mobile apps for a living, I have on my desk now, 6 different iPhone and Android phones with dozens of SIMs, I use one for a month to test something out, forget the number and then get a new one for the next time I need to test in a few months time. PAYG is easy and quick.
I think my best option is simply to ignore the good old USA and travel to far nice countries and spend my money there. Each time I think the Republicans can't elect a more stupid leader I get proven wrong.
Reagan -> Bush Senior -> Bush Junior -> Trump.
Christ, Trump makes Reagan, Bush x 2 look like great statesmen and making Dubya look good is a major undertaking.
I think Trump should build a big wall, all around Murica and lock himself in for four years so the rest of the world can get on with what we need to do.